Archetype 2:

Chronic Pelvic Pain due to Child Birth

Pelvic pain following a natural child birth or even a Caesarian section where trauma of the birth creates instability, usually in the SI joint.


Archetype 2:

Mechanism of Dysfunction

  • Women of this archetype had either natural childbirth or cesarian section after a long labor.

  • This is strictly Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

  • Birthing trauma causes sacrum issues due to weak Gluteus Minimus and Gluteus Medius and/or Piriformis issues.

  • Has Perinium pain or Vaginal Pain during or after sexual Activity.

  • Usually has a disconnection to their musculature.

What's in

DCT for Pelvic Pain

DCT for Pelvic Pain is a scientifically designed Resistance Stretching program created by Physical Therapist, Nic Bartolotta.

Imagine that within the near future you will be fully recovered from your chronic pelvic pain symptoms. This is not some pipe dream... this is real life. You can now fully recover from pelvic pain by studying and performing resistance stretching DCT exercises and recovery protocols scientifically developed to get you pain free faster. No kidding!

  • More than 140 DCT Resistance Stretching Videos

    There is no Pelvic Pain  Program on earth that has a more extensive library of videos directly related to your pelvic pain recovery. No place!

  • Monthly Live Webinar Q & A

    When you become a member of DCT for Pelvic Pain there will be many questions. We have set aside an hour on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 10am to answer any and all questions regarding the DCT for Pelvic Pain program.

  • Exclusive Facbook Group

    Depending where you are in your Pelvic Area Dysfunction we have the right Facebook Group for you to ask questions, combine knowledge and share your success with others who have fully recovered.

  • Exclusive DCT created Muscle & Fascia Antomy Graphics

    DCT is all about giving you the tools to get your life back from Pelvic Area Dysfunction. As you journey through your Full Recovery we have detailed educational material to help you understand you you got your injury and how DCT will help you resolve your issues

  • Understand your  Tension Pattern and how it's creating your Pelvic Pain

    Follow a specific schedule depending on your tension pattern. You will follow a downloadable workout schedule that gives you exactly the exercises that will mitigate your pain. 

  • Brand New 2 Camera Instructional Videos

    Nic Bartolotta shows you from 2 different camera angles with in depth detals instruction he guides you through a "follow the leader" sequence to make sure that you can fully comprehend how to properly perform each exercise. 

  • Awesome Support

    There are many ways to get the support you need in order to Fully recover for your Pelvic Area Dysfunction, We have a fully staffed Help Desk where you can ask sensitive questions, Commenting or Questions directly below each video area, Tuesday Q & A Webinars and 10 Minute calls if you so desire. Plus we have an extensive Wiki that probably has your question already answered.

  • 1500 Plus Members

    We now have well over 1500 members who are on various levels of their pelvic pain recovery. With many who have experienced FULL Recovery.

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