The Importance of Healthy Fats

What you eat, when you eat and how much you eat directly affects your overall wellbeing. In order to stay healthy and active, it is critically essential to maintain a healthy diet. Among other parts of a healthy and balanced diet, fats possess prime importance.  Consumption of good fats is required for enhanced health, and you must make sure that you are taking them in optimum quantity. Both the deficient and overconsumption can be damaging to your health. In addition to the amount, the type of fats you also take matters.


Here are some valuable facts that you must know regarding dietary fats.


Some Fats are Harmful to Your Body

Trans fats and oxidized fats can be very damaging to the body. According to some research studies, trans fats are responsible for increasing the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Besides, these fates also lead to decreasing the concentration of good cholesterol in the blood. Also, the damaged fats are compromised by light, heat or air. Thus, if you want to stay healthy, make sure you avoid these two types of fats.


Not All Saturated Fats are Bad

Most of the people fail to differentiate between good fat and bad fats. There is a misconception that all saturated fats are bad. Well, this is not true.  For instance, the fats found in cheeseburgers are surely unhealthy while the ones present in coconut oil are very beneficial for your health. It is all about quality. If you want to consume good quality fats that are healthy, go for grass-fed sources of meat and butter instead of animals raised by factories.


Omega-3 Fatty acids are a Fruitful Option

Both the DHA and EPA are omega 3 fatty acids which are often known to be essential because your body cannot produce them naturally. As these are not produced in the body, it is vital to get them from different sources via food. These can be extremely beneficial for improved cardiovascular functioning, enhanced immunity, healthy aging, and easy weight management. Therefore, you must include wild-caught salmon in your diet to get Omega 3s. If you don’t like fish, you can go for dietary supplements as well.


Coconut Oil is a Healthy Choice

The vegetable oils that most of the people use in homes are unhealthy. These can cause inflammation which can lead to several undesirable health conditions. Therefore, it is better to avoid using vegetable oil. Instead, you can use coconut oil. The coconut oil is an abundant supplier of medium chain triglycerides which help in burning fats instead of storing them in your body. Besides, coconut oil also aids in lowering belly fat. Thus, if you are health conscious, you should prefer to use coconut oil in place of vegetable oils.


Low-Fat Diet Can Cause Depression

You might already know that about 60 percent of your brain comprises of fat. For maintaining the proper functioning of your mind, it is vital to include a sufficient amount of good fats in your diet. Many studies reveal that if a person’s total intake of fats is less than the required, it can lead to depression. Therefore, you must include wild salmon, avocado, olive oil and grass-fed meat in your diet.


Fats Can Control Cravings

Another significant impact of healthy fats is that these can be incredibly helpful in stabilizing blood sugar and regulating insulin level. It indicates that the optimum consumption of fats makes you feel good and helps in controlling your cravings.


Bottom Line

You must be very picky about the selection of fats. Addition of healthy fats in the daily diet can improve your overall health, boost your mood and help in reducing cravings.

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