9 Strategies to Help Your Baby Sleep in Hot Weather

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been eagerly awaiting a lovely, long hot Summer  – that is until it arrives and starts playing havoc with your little one’s sleep!


I’ve had so many messages from mums this week that are having sleepless nights purely because of the warmer weather and it’s true that the temperature can have a huge effect on our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. You may not know that as you prepare to fall asleep your body temperature lowers slightly - but this is really hard for it to do naturally when we have warmer weather.


Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to help your little one cool down so that they are more comfortable, they can fall asleep easily and those night wakes are reduced or eliminated!


Here are my top tips for keeping your baby cool for both night and day sleep:


1. Take Off the Layers

The ideal temperature for a baby’s room is between 16-20°C (60-68°F) but we all know it’s not always possible to keep it this cool during the hot Summer months. If your child’s room is hotter than this then it’s essential that you reduce the layers they are wearing to sleep in. Some babies are fine being put to bed in just a nappy or vest whereas others, like my 14 month old son, like to have a layer over them. If your baby does need something then a 0.5 tog or muslin sleeping bag is great idea. Mine is from SlumberSac and I highly recommended it!


2. Avoid Swaddling

It’s a fact that many younger babies like to be swaddled, however, I advise that you do not swaddle your little one in warmer weather as it can cause them to easily overheat. If you do use a swaddle in warm weather then ensure you use the thinnest material possible – muslin or even bamboo is the best option.


3. Ventilate!

It might sound obvious but keeping windows open during the day to allow air to circulate will help cool the whole house down. Keeping blinds down and curtains closed though will help to keep out the warmth of the sunlight whilst letting any cool breeze in. 


4. Create Your Own Air Con

It’s fine to put a fan in your little one’s room but please make sure it isn’t pointing directly at your child – children can’t regulate their body temperature like us so they could actually become too cold! Believe it or not, putting a bottle of frozen water or a bowl of icy water in front of the fan will actually help to make the air cooler and will create your own air con! I’ve also heard that hanging wet towels around the room will also help to cool it down, but I’m yet to try that one myself!


5. Check the Core

If you think your child is getting too hot it’s important that you cheek their core body temperature. That means, checking them by feeling how hot the top of their back or chest are, rather than their hands and feet. This is because hands and feet are usually cooler to the touch anyway so could lead you to falsely believe that your child is fine. If your child feels clammy or you are in any doubt at all about your child being too hot, remove a layer  of their clothing – it’s always better from a safety point of view, that your little one risks being too cold than risks overheating.


6. Cotton Clothing

If your little one is wearing clothing then the best material is 100% cotton. This is more breathable and will allow your child to feel more comfortable.


7. Keep Naps Cool

It goes without saying that if your little one is napping out and about then they need to be out of direct sunlight so always ensure they are positioned in the shade. Before I had a children I didn’t realise that it is not advised that you put suncream on babies younger than 6 months as their skin is so delicate – they need to be out of direct sun at all times. When napping out and about you could consider purchasing a SnoozeShade for your pram (honestly, it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made!). Not only does it add darkness, which helps little one’s fall asleep more easily, but it’s also breathable and offers UV protection too! Click here to buy (use PEACEFUL10 at the chekout for 10% off). Don’t be tempted to hang a muslin or blanket over the pram as these actually keep heat in and will make your child hotter.


8. The Water Trick

A little trick you might not know that you can use to bring down your child’s temperature is to splash their wrists with cool water (or hold a cool flannel on their wrists). Doing this actually helps lower the temperature of the whole body so it’s a great idea to do this before naps so your child feels more comfortable. A slightly cooler bath before bed is always a winner too!


9. Watch for Drowsiness

Many parents find that their children are slightly drowsier when the weather is hotter so your little one actually may nap longer than normal. This is fine and I suggest you use the extra nap time to put your feet up and relax with a cool glass of something! If you do have any concerns at all in regards to your child’s drowsiness though, do contact your GP or healthcare professional and get them checked over.


As always. I hope these tips help both you and your little one survive the Summer months without feeling sleep deprived! 


If, however, you feel that your child’s waking or inability to settle isn’t just because of the change in weather and you’d like to have a chat about what’s going on, then check my calendar and book a FREE Discovery Call with me today. We could have you on the road to better sleep in no time!


Download my FREE guide now, apply the simple strategies and watch your child’s sleep improve instantly!

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