What is energy healing?


Energy healing is a modality under the umbrella of alternative or holistic therapy. Its purpose is to restore balance to the body.  Energy work is usually done in a one-on-one session with a practitioner, but group healings are possible as well.  A trained practitioner’s role is to read and interpret signals and/or holding patterns from your body, nervous system, and energy field.  These signals can sometimes be felt, seen, or heard.  


Nothing is being done “to you”.  Instead, the “work” helps bring  your energy back to a balanced state so the body can heal as it already knows how to do so.  Any distortions or imbalances sensed will help the practitioner in assisting your body back to allowing its original state of well-being.


Who should consider energy healing?


Anyone experiencing the following...

  • stress
  • fatigue
  • chronic illness
  • physical pain
  • emotional distress
  • low self-esteem
  • in need of spiritual insight


Regardless of the condition, rebalancing energy can assist in ways beyond the scope of modern medicine.  This therapy is integrative and known to enhance other therapeutic practices. Energy work can often release harbored trauma in the body.


What is I. E. M.?


IEM stands for Integrative Energetic Medicine.  IEM is a dynamic technique where the energy of the human energy field, chakras, and organ systems can all come into play.  Integrative medicine is an approach to care where the patient or client is the focus rather than the condition.  Integrating a holistic approach with energy, a practitioner can look at the whole picture to include the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual influences in a person’s life.  Although it’s subtle, our body is constantly transmitting and receiving information.  This information can be found in the space around the body, the chakras, and the etheric space of organs and body systems.  The information can be a guide to help us back to restoration, well-being, and wholeness.


What is reiki?


Reiki is known as the Japanese art of healing touch. Although reiki is said to have started earlier, Usui Reiki was developed in 1922.  Its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, shared his healing throughout Japan after a spiritual experience on Mt. Kurama.  His teachings have been passed down ever since.  Reiki can be accessed through an initiation process with a master.  Like IEM, reiki is universal life energy used to assist the body’s own healing process.  A Reiki therapist is said to channel universal energy into a patient through light touch to restore well-being.


How can I prepare for a healing session?


It is recommended not to drink alcohol or partake in other substances prior to a session.  If you are on prescribed medication, then continue to take them as recommended by your physician.  Do your best to get a full night's sleep the evening before.  It is not necessary to avoid certain foods or to fast prior, but this may be up to practitioner preference or depend on the type of energy healing.  Eat what and when is most comfortable for you.  If you wish to meditate, pray, or do whatever best connects you to your body, then do so.  Lastly, consider 3 primary issues you wish to focus on prior to a session.  


What can I expect at a healing session?


A client should anticipate that a full session will take approximately 1 hour. The assessment of your energy and the healing process is 40 to 50 minutes plus discussion before and after as needed.  Time is given to answer any questions and address any concerns surrounding what is currently showing up in your life.  During the session, clients are asked to either sit in a chair or lie on a massage table fully clothed.  The healing work is done mostly 3 to 5 inches from the body, but can range from several feet away to direct contact with light touch.  Each client experiences a session differently and may feel sensations of heat, cold, tingling, vibration, or relaxation.  Emotions can be released as well.  Every client is free to stop a session at any point if discomfort may arise.  


For virtual sessions, guided imagery and visualizations help to engage the client in the process while a practitioner performs distance healing.  Energy knows no time, distance, or space. Meditation and mindset concepts are incorporated as well. Some sessions via zoom or phone do not go further than verbal discussion. Many clients will find that simply bringing awareness to an issue can move stagnant energy and release emotions. 


What can I expect after my session?


The unwinding process of a healing session can continue over the next 24 to 72 hours after the session.  One client may experience feeling replenished and energized, while another may feel fatigued or even experience flu-like symptoms.  Everyone’s experience of an energetic detox is different, but energy healing is done with loving awareness which always creates results that are quite beautiful!  It is recommended to refrain from excessive or strenuous activity, take an Epsom salts bath (1/2 to 1 cup) after a session for no more than 20 minutes, and drink lots of water.  Above all, be kind and loving to yourself and whatever may show up!



Welcome! Your healing journey begins here!



  • 678-760-5692


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