by Yvonne | Jul 24, 2019 | Business, Women in Business



I have had huge success in my business selling my content and ideas, converting them into programs, keynotes, videos, audios, all of that and turning them into significant programs that clients have purchased.

There are four roadblocks.

First of all is too often I see women go, “What am I going to write?  What is my zone of genius?  What am I great at that people would want to buy from?”

Now, if you’re a speaker or a coach or a consultant or you’re an educator, i.e. you’re a thought leader in your industry, there’s a ton of stuff that you teach on a day to day basis that is just about extracting it and repurposing it and packaging it in a way that allows you to create scale and leverage in your business so you do have enough to write.  But I do understand, I’ve been there myself and said, “What am I going to write?”

Which leads to number two, impostor syndrome.

I think this just robs you of having an incredible business and incredible life, worrying about it’s not perfect, “Am I good enough”, “Is it good enough”, “I haven’t done enough of this” or “I’ve done too much of that”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not deserving”, shamed about something. That impostor syndrome, most of the time no one even knows what’s going on like how you or why you even feel that way, like, or do they care.  But instead, we play small and instead don’t get our content out and turn it into gold. Impostor syndrome, it’s not letting that overrule what could be an extraordinary opportunity for you to get beautiful programs and content and IP written.


Third one is a biggie.  It’s kind of a combination of a big BS excuse and also reality and that is “Not enough time”.  Look, I’ve written huge training programs which I’ve sold multiple times in multiple industries and you know, “do it once, you’ll get paid multiple times” is an exceptional way to build and get that leverage in your business. But it doesn’t happen when you just grab 30 minutes from scrolling Facebook or putting the kids down or whatever it is.


The thinking can take the longest compared to the writing.  So by not batching your time and not being efficient with your time, yeah, it’s going to be really difficult. One of my programs took over 100 hours, took nearly a month.  It was a huge, huge program.  I had to come up with key model and framework and that took a while.


Once that landed for me, once I had that key framework, it was just clockwork.  The rest of it just started to flow.  But that just didn’t happen first when I sat down with pen and paper and go, “Cool, there it is.”  It takes time.  You’re kind of working it, massaging it.  In your brain, you’re saying it out loud and kind of bouncing it off on other people who ensure that you know, “Hey, can I run this pass you?”  When it lands, boom! You can go for it.  That was 100 page manual I created, trying to create a program.  It was huge and it has been very successful.  It took a couple of hundred thousand people that has been sold into.


Number three, you got to be efficient.  You got to batch it and you’ve got to create time in your calendar.  Time doesn’t just show up. It’s where you create it.


Fourth one, this is a biggie and it’s a mistake I see or challenge I see far too often.  Women spend far more time building something that’s never been purchased and potentially, they may never be purchased.  Like, “Oh, god, I just got to get everything perfect before I even try and sell it.”  Wrong.  Sell it first.  Understand what your key concepts are.  Know what your zone of genius is, know what’s going in scope and what’s going to be out of scope.  Know what it is that you’re going to go, “Yup, I love this. I want to teach it. I want to sell it.”


But don’t spend 100 hours running content if nobody has purchased it.  Test it out into a marketplace if you’re doing public workshops.  See if there’s a need for it.  Figure out the pain point is for the marketplace that you want to sell to.  Get an indicator that if you create this program, people are going to buy it. Same if you’re doing it in the corporate market, make sure you’ve already got some clients who are looking for that top program or something within that.


All the programs that I’ve sold and scaled have always been on the back of clients and I are talking about what their biggest gap and need is and how I can support it and we’ve come up with, “Okay, cool. I can help you create this, this and this because I know my zone of genius, I know what I can be great at.”  So then, I can go away and either make it bespoke and customised for them or it’s repackaging and repurposing content that I know would just serve them beautifully.


But I don’t build that stuff first in terms of its entirety before selling it.  I know what my key models are.  I know what are some interesting pain points that needs to be resolved in the industry that I’m working, so then I can approach them and go, “Hey, I’ve got this, this and this.  I think this will really work well for you here, here and here.”


Four key things: Don’t know what to write.  Yes, you do.  Impostor syndrome, kick it to curb.  Surround yourself with awesome people and don’t listen to your stories too much.


Three, don’t have enough time, yeah, I’ve got it.  We only get 24 hours.  Be smart, efficient and batch it.  Get some accountability in doing it.  Fourth, sell it. Learn how to sell your content.  Learn how to negotiate those big contracts.  Learn how to do strategy close at closing your clients and then, start to build those divine programs once you got a marketplace.


I reckon now those four and you’re up for stunning, stunning leverage program in your business, you can create some credible lifestyle, align it to your zone of genius, ignite some incredible profit and sales in your business and then ultimately, amplify you and your message to create transformation and amazing impact in the world.


So, I hope that was useful – four key challenges.  Love to help if you need some support, kind of shifting some of that stuff.  PM me.  There are some groovy solutions to that and please, what you know and who you are, the world needs more of.  There are people waiting for you to get out there and create beautiful content and amazing keynotes, packages that just helps them transform and get that incredible shift that they’re looking for in their business.  Don’t hide out in the corner. Step into the light and shine.




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    Yvonne Hilsz- Speaker, Coach, Trainer

    Yvonne Hilsz is a speaker, trainer and coach for female entrepreneurs. She helps her clients to make breakthroughs and paradigm shifts in their strategies and teams. Yvonne firmly believes that success can be achieved through discovering one’s natural talents and passions and organising teams to suit those talents and passions.

    © Copyrights by Yvonne HIlsz