Inbound Marketing Strategies

At Solution Activation we know the importance of building strong relationships with prospects, due to the level of consideration required for financial product/services buyers. Inbound marketing is focused on organic growth, lead nurturing and customer retention.

Some proven Inbound Marketing Strategies companies are using to grow:

  1. Using data-driven marketing to tailor content to persona needs.

Data-driven marketing plays a key role in improving customer experience (CX). Companies have had to evolve their approach and modify their services, based on modern customer needs and expectations, influenced by online and mobile services.

Using surveys, these were the most common inbound data requests:

  • Optimising the customer experience
  • Data-driven marketing that focusses on the individual
  • Using marketing automation to increase efficiency and yield
  • Creating compelling content for digital experiences
  • Multichannel Marketing

Knowing your client persona helps businesses target prospects and customers. Leveraging platforms like HubSpot and LinkedIn, for account-based marketing, enables companies to zone in on key decision-makers at specific companies.

2. Use Lead Magnets to capture leads and move them down the funnel


Lead magnets attract prospects and capture their details through a value exchange. To get visitors to submit contact details and answer form field questions, you need to give them something of value in return.
Table of Most used Lead Magnets and for what purpose:


Awareness Stage: Ebooks, Videos, Checklists

Consideration Stage: White Papers, Webinars, Cost Calculators

Decision Stage: Demos. Free Trials, Consultations


Your landing pages should outline the key benefits of the content or offering to convince prospects to submit their contact details. They should also be gated with a data capture form which demonstrates a fair value exchange, is GDPR compliant and provides details that enable you to segment, qualify and nurture leads.


3. Nurture Prospects with Marketing Automation

Automation workflows are the key for interacting effectively with your prospects, nurturing leads down the funnel and helping marketers to be more efficient.

Automation and email marketing combine to make power channel for nurturing customer relationships and email remains the highest performing channel for ROI.

Here are just a few ways to use marketing automation to power your inbound strategy:

  • Set up email automation workflows for your lead magnet submissions
  • Create triggers rules to set tasks for team members when leads take certain actions
  • Segment your database according to behavioural triggers and other contact and company profile criteria
  • Test various elements of your emails, such as subject lines, images, copy length and format, to optimise campaigns
  • Create workflows based on your personas and for specific stages of the buyer’s journey, to qualify, nurture and understand more about your leads
  • Use workflows to drive website traffic and steer leads towards informative content, loyalty and referral schemes or key money pages
  • Use personalisation, based on form fields, to further tailor emails and prompt engagement.

Marketing automation is data-driven, efficient and can help harmonise your Marketing and Sales teams and processes.

4. Create content pillars and topic clusters

Content pillars are the future of inbound SEO strategy. They attract your target audience to key subject areas, services and keywords, for which you want your website to be a hub.
Topic clusters are the sub-topics and keyword phrases related to the content pillar. The aim for marketers is to create content pillar pages, which are non-gated pages consisting of sections based on the subtopics (topic clusters), including questions and phrases on the subject that your SEO research reveals people are searching for, and linking out to blog posts and landing pages on your website related to these topic clusters.

5. Create a balanced social media publishing structure

It’s vital to promote your content via the social networks that your key personas are most active on. And it’s also crucial that your business applies a balanced approach to its social media activity, making sure that your social posts are a healthy mix of your own content and content from relevant sources.

The Rule of Thirds is a theory, which has been applied to marketing. This rule proposes that ⅓ of your social content promotes your business, another ⅓ shares ideas from the industry, and the final ⅓ is based on personal engagement.

Every business is different, but your social posting should be a balanced flow of content feels relevant for your audience and helps increase reach and engagement.

If you want to learn more about these 5 strategies we employ  contact us on  or check out our website for the signature solution.

Paul Crosby

CEO of Solution Activation

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