Imago Clinical Training

Training in couples therapy for clinicians by the Imago International Training Institute

Watch this video by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD (founders of IRT) on why Imago Relationship Therapy can become your therapy of choice working with couples.

Imago Training for Clinicians

The "sacred space between"

Confident competent couples therapist

The wonder of "OTHERNESS"

Training options


Imago Clinical Training

We offer a Clinical Track for clinicians with a Masters Degree


Imago Professional Facilitator Training

We offer a professional track for non clinicians wanting to apply Imago principles in their own discipline.

Online Option

Learn from the comfort of your office

We offer the first module online. Contact us for the next online training class.


More than 38 countries

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Deliver Results


Attracting Couples

What if we could show you a way to help people even more effectively, enabling you to consistently experience the delight of seeing people leave your office happier, and stronger?

  • And we can offer to enrich the isolation of your own office, by connecting you with an active, supportive and stimulating worldwide community.

  • Imago offers the opportunity for you to excel at couples therapy. Really good couples therapists are rare, so they naturally attract more couples. That means not only more clients for your practice, but many of these are able and willing to pay private fees without the hassle of reimbursements and managed care.

“For one human being to love another human being:

that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation.


Loving does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person – it is a high inducement for the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world in himself for the sake of another person; it is a great, demanding claim on him, something that chooses him and calls him to vast distances.” Rainer Maria Rilke From Letters to a Young Poet – 1904

Frequently asked question

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

What is the tuition fee?

Where can I take the training?

How long is the training?

Is the training available online?

I don't have a Masters degree in Psychology. Can I do the training?

We are glad you ask. For the Clinical Track, a minimum requirement is a Masters degree  in Psychology or Social Work or Practical Theology or the qualifications that allow you to practice psychotherapy in your country. If you do not meet these requirements, we have an amazing training, the Professional Facilitator Training for clergy, teachers, human resource managers, doctors etc. Find out about a PFT training close to you.  

Does finances keeps you from doing this training? Watch this video.

Can I do the training if I struggle in my own relationship? Watch this video.

How does Imago Couples Therapy make working with couples into such a rewarding and successful experience?

  • Imago delivers breakthroughs

    It can be so exciting when a couple who seems caught up in their pain, suddenly breaks through to a new realization which brings happiness and love. This is the true heart of Imago marriage counseling, where it’s the couple who take ownership for their own work, and are therefore much more open to those “Ah ha” moments that create results.

  • Imago provides a framework for clinical practice.

    You can use Imago to more effectively apply all your existing skills and experience. Imago interventions usually have the couples facing each other, and speaking directly to their partner, using structured dialogue processes which you guide them through. This supports the skillful and attuned use of prompts which guide the couple to safely explore issues like attachment wounding together.

  • Through Imago, couples take ownership for their work.

    Do you ever find yourself with couples who get stuck in the process? Maybe you wish they could grasp what is so clear to you, and overcome their resistance? Imago invites couples to understand the couples counseling process so they can feel more motivated to explore their own barriers to growth. When your couples attend Imago weekend workshops, they often return with so much insight and enthusiasm that the next few sessions are full of excitement and discovery.

Do I qualify for this training?

What is Imago Relationship Therapy?

Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT), developed by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. of the Institute for Relationship Therapy in New York, is a paradigm shift in the understanding of marriage and marital therapy.


Imago relationship therapy is a short term therapy that combines insight and practical skills. Couples learn to become safe and intentional, to recognize and repair the wounds of the past, and to restructure frustration and 'incompatibility' as opportunities to reclaim their whole self.


Some of Imago relationship therapy's basic assumptions are the following:

  • Our original state is one of wholeness, joy, connection, curiosity, spontaneity, and passion.
  • Over/under-parenting and the process of socialization, creates wounding at various stages of childhood development as essential developmental impulses are blocked. The child unconsciously determines the impulse, rather than the parent, to be 'unacceptable' and creates patterned behavior to adapt to the wounding. This is our 'character structure.
  • Partner selection is the result of the unconscious desire to complete or correct what was unfinished in childhood. We select a partner who carries both the positive and negative characteristics of our caretakers (the 'Imago'), and who was wounded in the same area, but adapted in a complementary way.
  • The adaptation patterns of one partner triggers the wound and survival pattern of the other, creating a cycle of reactivity. Pattern relates to pattern, rather than person relating to person
  • Developmentally specific nurturing of each partner helps heal the childhood wound. And paradoxically, our partner will need the very thing that will stretch us out of our own pattern and help us reclaim aspects of our self.
  • The more primitive part of the brain stores emotion and memory related to perceived threats to survival. It is atemporal and ignores our rational explanations about its fear. While insight is important, consistent corrective experience is need to change survival patterns.


This therapy helps couples access and integrate those unconscious developmental needs triggered in relational conflict, and become increasingly conscious and intentional in their own behavior in order to create safety for their partner. Frustration and hurt become pathways to create a 'conscious relationship' that is characterized by real love, intimacy, passion, connection, joy and other inherent qualities of our original self.


Healing in Therapy Related to Quality of Relationship

Research has consistently shown that the effectiveness of therapy is more closely related to the relational qualities between therapist and client, particularly affective and cognitive empathy, than to any particular technique. We take in and contain the experience and feelings of the other, and at the same time, act as a differentiated, yet connected self. Cognitive and affective empathy validates a part of the person's self that has long ago been invalidated, rejected, or abandoned by childhood caretakers, and in the resulting pain, by the self. It is kept unconscious because it is locked in self hatred. However, through continued empathic holding and communication, a person can stay for a period in a previously inaccessible area with the help of the other. As the person is 'held' empathetically, s/he gains access to and can begin to incorporate the 'intolerable' part of the self, discovering within it the 'potential' self that has not yet been realized. Traditionally, the therapeutic relationship has been the primary experience of this kind of empathy and safety. IRT empowers couples to learn and use these skills to create safety and healing in their own relationship, and to foster the process of differentiation while remaining deeply connected.


Basic Tool is Imago Couple's Dialogue

The basic tool of Imago Relationship Therapy is a specific form of couple's dialogue that teaches couples to contain their partner, to mirror precisely, to validate (cognitive empathy) the other's experience, and to empathize affectively. Through various processes based on that structure, couples can access childhood wounding and hold the seemingly 'intolerable' aspects of the partner so that s/he can begin to reclaim the imprisoned 'potential' self.


Re-Imaging the Partner

Just as importantly, couples use their knowledge of the childhood wounds to both empower them to become increasingly intentional in the relationship and to discover very specific ways to nurture and reverse the developmental arrest. The image of the partner is transformed from "someone who won't give me what I want or need, etc." to "a person who was wounded, and who can recover their inherent self as I, the partner, create the necessary safety. " The partner can then provide the corrective experience that is needed for healing, and in doing that, stretch out of his/her own character structure. The attitude toward the partner shifts from criticism and blame to compassion, hope, and a commitment to assist the partner in healing, and to reclaim one's fullest self. In this way, emotional safety is created and deepened. Far from being just another communication tool, the skills provide a structure for safe, effective, healing and lasting change. In a revolutionary way, Imago relationship therapy shifts the power of the healing relationship traditionally reserved for the therapist/client relationship into the hands of the couple. 


Copyright 1996, Hedy Schleifer, MA, LMHC. Winter Park, Florida Copies of this article or parts thereof may be reproduced for personal use but must contain copyright information. Reproduction for financial gain is prohibited

Imago International Training Institute

Imago International Faculty

We teach in more than 38 countries all over the world

“If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.”

–Franklin D. Roosevelt







Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt


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