Freelancer #Tip 3 – Rapport – The key to building relationships


🤝You are a Jedi.


Rapport noun; a relationship of mutual trust and respect.


Rapport is everything




It's the difference between clients choosing YOU over your competitors.


Because we want to work with those we trust and respect.


The best relationships are built on the respect of the service you will provide and the trust that you will deliver on your word. 


This is the reason why your clients will come back to you, time and time again.


My experience


The clients and relationships I've built up over the years have been the No.1 reason NK Films grew to what it is today. 


It can take time to build connections with those you want to work with, although it starts with the smallest of conversations that lead to big referrals.


It wasn't long until I heard the "have you met Nick K? He's like this post-production wizard and who went above and beyond on my project". 


Having rapport was something I never articulate but I understood from observing friends, public speakers. successful businessmen and women, interacting with people and just ‘clicking’.


It wasn’t until I invested in an NLP course and certified as a NLP master practitioner and professional coach, that I realised this was the KEY to clients choosing to work with me over my competitors. 


The relationships you build will be the reason you will have a successful career.


Your experience


Think about the clients you choose in your life. 


You go to certain shops, buy certain products and become a life-time devotee to certain brands. Because of the trust and respect (rapport), you have with that person or business.


Have you ever bought from someone you hadn't trusted or liked and returned to them for more business? Not likely. 

Having mutual trust and respect is what drives repeat business.


For most freelancers and small businesses, your clients are responsible for the majority of your income.


So wouldn’t it be great to meet the right ones?

When it comes to growing your business, you want clients queuing up to work with you, this stems hugely from networking.

So, where do we network and how do we become effective at it?

  • Networking is easier now more than ever, you can attend a talk, an expo, co-working space, and, believe it or not, a networking event!

If you find you have new work you want to show off, promote and sing from the rooftops, why not create your own event?

  • Invite prospecting clients and friends along to showcase your work and offer free food or drinks as incentives. Set a theme, your brand will be plastered around the space along with e-marketing, it will be impossible for people to forget you when they’re having a great time. 

Don’t forget, have a business card, social media links and ‘elevator pitch’ at the ready to express to people simply and memorable as possible, what you do. Chandler from Friends was memorable, but what on earth did he do for work!?

Bottom line, rapport is an essential skill that everyone should have a basic understanding of, and some people are just complete naturals at building rapport. If you need support keep reading:



  • Rapport is a term you may have come across, but how many of us are aware of how we build rapport and connection to others? 
  • Building relationships and understanding your clients and fellow artists needs are the difference of being a successful or an unsuccessful business. 
  • Rapport is the driving factor for someone wanting to work with you or not. Whether you have a 🔥 portfolio or a kick-ass client list and are a genius at work, building relationships and being like-able are the keys to success with others. 

So how do we do this? 


Listen with care, show positive intent, be curious, be understanding, show enthusiasm for others achievements', be kind and share your passion. If you show genuine interest in others, they will do the same for you. 

Some quick tips and reminders:


Smile - you'll be remembered as warm and approachable.

Give visual and audible feedback that you’re listening.  

Build genuine connections.

Be curious.

Be authentic.

Ask yourself: how can I contribute to this interaction?

Now go out there and show them what you got you social animal you!




Put into practice this weeks' 'ask someone what their passion is?'. Listen with intent and then share yours. Then notice how this has impacted the connection. 

To building those connections,


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