Welcome to the Binge Free Bestie blog – your go-to space for real talk around body image and the journey to healing your relationship with food.
Whether you're looking to break free from the binge-restrict cycle, learn how to trust your body again, or embrace a healthier mindset, you'll find empowering insights, practical tools, and compassionate support. This is your place to reclaim your peace with food, nourish your body and mind, and step into a life full of confidence and freedom.
Let’s take this journey together – no perfection, just progress!
Binge Eating - Body Confidence - Self Love
Am I Binge Eating, Overeating or Emotional Eating?
Food. It's the fuel that keeps us going, the source of comfort and celebration. But sometimes, our relationship with food takes a turn for the complicated. We might experience occasional overeating, struggle with emotional triggers that lead us to use food to soothe, or we may even battle with binge eating episodes. While these experiences share some similarities, there are key differences between overeating, emotional eating, and binge eating. Let's break down what sets them apart.
Struggling with Binge Eating? You're Not Alone. Here's How to Get Started with Change.
Binge eating can feel like a secret battle, a cycle of overwhelming urges and isolating shame. But the truth is, you're far from alone. Binge eating can be a symptom of different eating disorders like Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Bulimia Nervosa, or Anorexia Nervosa (Binge-Purge subtype).
Here's the key takeaway: you don't need a clinical diagnosis to struggle with binge eating. It's a real challenge that deserves attention and support.
My Recovery Story
I want to take a quick moment to share with you where I have come from.
Remember those low-carb fads and airbrushed magazine models of the 90s and early 2000s? Yeah, they messed with us all, myself included. I spent years battling Binge Eating Disorder and body image struggles thanks to diet culture's BS rules and the pursuit of "ideal" body types.
For a while, since I was about 11 years old, I believed in the whole "happiness is a size" idea. I truly believed that my appearance dictated my worth and whether anybody would ever love me. So, I tried everything to maintain the smallest body possible – fad diets, gym memberships, fat burners, skinny teas, cleanses, and meal replacement shakes. You name it, I’ve probably given it a shot.
Are you tired of the constant battle with food, eating and your body? You're not alone! The Binge Free Bestie Podcast is your guide to ditching the diet mentality, breaking up with binge eating and cultivating body acceptance.
I'm Nic Gaviria, a registered Counsellor in New Zealand who's walked the path of binge eating recovery myself. I specialize in empowering women to break free from binge eating and heal their relationship with food and their bodies.
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