Camillo Loken (born 1965 in Norway) is an author and speaker in the self-development field with a speciality in bridging science and spirituality. He has published several books, online personal development programs and held hundreds of talks and seminars.
Camillo has appeared on national TV, radio stations, magazines and newspapers several times with his insight and knowledge about how to utilize the power of thought and the heart to raise human consciousness. He ́s been invited to speak at different conferences in his own country (Norway) and also in USA. He was also invited to a private face-to-face meeting with the world famous spiritual guru and peace maker Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 2012. 


He grew up in a family of physicians and atheists and was told that life is a cosmic coincidence and when we die we are gone forever. As a result he was influenced to pursue an education which would "secure his future". So he did.


He ended up working for a huge international company with almost 60.000 employees. The years went by and many years later something happend that completely turned his life around. Camillo lost a colleague and a friend. He just died. All of a sudden he was gone. He was only 35 years old.

The Awakening

In the days, weeks and months after his death Camillo started thinking about life and death and how sudden it all can be over. We don´t know when we´ll leave this Earth and move on. It could happen tomorrow, next week or 50 years from now. Most people plan their future and their retirement, but there are no guarantees that we´ll live long lives.


Camillo had taken life for granted. But now he started being more true to himself. He started listening to that inner voice we call intuition. It led him to a 10 minute video explaining that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It talked about how everything is energy and how everything is vibrating on its own specific frequency.


This video ignited something within him. A flame was lit. Camillo became obsessed to find out more about creation, about who we are and what´re doing on this planet. He started on a quest to find answers to four big questions in life...

1. who are we? 

2. where do we come from? 

3. what are we doing here?
4. where are we going?

Who Are We ?

This quest was initiated by his passion to find answers to the Secret of Life and this passion is still very much alive today. When the flame inside ignites you can't ignore it. It´s too strong - too powerful to ignore.


As a result Camillo followed his heart and passion to find answers to these four big questions. He quit his high-paying, secure job to become a spiritual seeker full-time.


He embarked on a spiritual journey to seek the truth about creation.


This journey guided him to spiritual books, movies, documentaries, seminars, webinars and meditation sessions. He also had the pleasure to meet, interview and work with some very insightful people from many different continents - powerful psychics, channelers, mediums, shamans, people with near-death experiences, professors in quantum mechanics and other scientists. 


All this contributed to expand Camillo´s consciousness about who we really are and what we´re doing here.

Meeting Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Camillo and wife Synnove with spiritual teacher Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ​

During Camillo´s exciting spiritual journey he was also invited to a special one-on-one meeting with the world famous humanitarian, spiritual leader and ambassadors of peace Sri Sri Ravi Shankar when he came to Norway in 2012.


One of Shankar´s international team members attended a talk Camillo held in Oslo where he introduced the movie One Day Earth. An incredible movie made by people all over the world showcasing the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one day all over our beautiful planet.


In his speech Camillo talked about uniting the world. He talked about the need to go from sepearation and competition to unity and harmony. After his speech the member in Shankars international team asked Camillo if he wanted to meet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in person since he was conveying the same universal peace message he was.


Meeting him was truly a great moment for Camillo.


In 1982 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar​ founded The Art of Living which is now an international organization represented in 152 countries. In 2010 Shankar was named by Forbes Magazine as the fifth most influential person in India. 

Meeting Rain Queen Mother

Camillo and wife Synnove with Rain Queen Mother.

One of the shamans Camillo had the pleasure to meet and work with on his quest was the gifted and powerful African shaman Karmaya Ayamama Rain Queen Mother.


She is known by her people as a "Sent One" and a "Child of the Deity".


She travels the world helping to heal Mother Earth by conducting special ceremonies. In 2008, after teaching monks at the Dalai Lama Samteling Monastry in Kathmandu she was invited to meet with the Dalai Lama and was given the title Lhamo which means A woman who can talk to the Gods.


During this journey she was also recognized by the Jhankri Shamans of the Tamang People of Nepal, as being a symbol of Rain that would fall down from the Stars. 


The picture was taken in Oslo, Norway in 2012 when Camillo was arranging a tour for The Rain Queen Mother to do spiritual ceremonies around Norway to help heal Mother Earth.​


The Shift in Consciousness 
- Bridging Science & Spirituality

This book is looking into the four big questions in life: Who are we? Where do we come from? What are we doing here? Where are we going? 

Make A Ripple - Make A Difference

- ebook

If you want to learn how to Make A Ripple, Succeed in the Process while Leaving Your Mark this is the book for you.


The Paradox of Creation
- Wake Up You Are God in Disguise

Amazon Bestseller - April/May, 2013


 Free Videos

As an author & speaker in the self-development field Camillo has created many life-changing online programs. If you´re not a member you can access a Free Video for each of the programs available. Just click the image or button below.

© Copyrights by Camillo Loken. All Rights Reseved.