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To conquer your mind & conquer your week!
No spam, just mind conquering ideas and strategies.
And what to do about it.
8 APRIL2024
There's a common problem that's become a fascination of mine.
It's a problem I suffer from, a lot of other people I talk to suffer from, and I feel quite sure you suffer from this problem too.
Last week I shared a video presentation with you - "5 Ways I Work On My Mind To Thrive".
- you can watch it here if you missed it.
Thanks for the great thoughts you emailed me back about the video.
Someone in our Peptalk Community, whose work used to involve teaching children wellbeing strategies, replied to say -
"... as I am out of that realm now, I have started to forget to use these skills myself. It is so easy to get out of the habit when adversity comes our way!
So thank you! Thank you for reminding me and setting me back on track!"
It made me smile from ear to ear when I heard I'd helped her in this way.
But she also hit the nail on the head of why most of us (me included) don't feel, be, and do as good as we could every day.
It's not that we don't know what to do.
Yes, there's so much valuable stuff we can learn about our mind and body and what makes us thrive, stuff I'm super passionate about sharing.
But, a lot of this stuff isn't rocket science.
Most of us already know what's good for us, and what isn't.
I was listening to a podcast the other day with Dr Daniel Amen. He's an American brain specialist. He talked about how he showed a class of 5-year-olds a list of foods and asked them to put them into two groups - good for your brain & bad for your brain.
They got it 95% correct.
Even 5-year-olds know this stuff.
This problem of knowing what to do, but not doing it, is so common it's been given a name in the world of wellbeing science.
It's called "The knowing-doing gap".
The knowing-doing gap is partly caused by the amount of distractions and temptations we face in the modern day world we live in.
Our phones, social media, an abundance of super convenient processed foods, are just a few examples.
But when we blame these external things, we give away all our power.
I'm passionate about sharing ways we can work on our minds to be and feel our best, but what I've become more interested in is helping people (starting with myself) put these things into action.
In other words, to close the know-doing gap.
That's the purpose of the online membership hub I'm creating called 'Peptalk Beyond'.
Just as the name suggests, it's about helping you go beyond the peptalk, by giving you resources that enable you to turn inspiration into action.
It feels like it's been a long time in the making, and I'm super excited to say it feels like it's getting close.
I can't wait to invite you in.
But for today, I have one strategy to help you close your knowing-doing gap this week.
I learned this strategy from Ed Mylett. He's a self-made billionaire whose work is now focused on sharing success strategies with his humongous online following. He wrote a book called "The Power Of One More".
It's based on the idea that every moment we're just one more thing away from changing the trajectory of our life.
One more thought.
One more nutritious snack.
One more kind word.
One more deep breath.
One more gym session.
One more early night.
One-more is a mindset.
Change your mindset from, I'm always going to think positively, to, I'm going to think one more positive thought.
Change your mindset from, I'm going to eat healthily forever, to, I'm going to eat one more healthy meal.
The difference between success and failure, or likewise, happiness and misery, seems so massive, but it's actually so small.
It's one more.
You achieve goals, you get happy, you feel more peaceful... one more thought or action at a time.
Today's tip for closing your knowing-gap is to take your mind off the big picture, and narrow your focus down to the one-more thing you're going to do right now... and now... and now ....
I challenge you to use the power of one-more this week.
Let me know how you get on.
Nadine xx
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Hi, I'm Nadine.
A girl on a mission to conquer my mind, and help others conquer theirs.
Since I first worked with mental coaches through elite sport at age 14, I've been fascinated (ok obsessed) with the power of the mind. If top athletes, business people and military personnel train their minds to cope and thrive in high pressure situations and perform at their best, wouldn't we all massively benefit from learning proven mental skills? Couldn't applying these skills help us rise above stress and adversity, feel happier and excel in our lives? I believe the answer to these questions is YES!
PEPTALK is where I share mind-conquering strategies in creative & engaging ways to help both myself and others live their best life!
Be engaged with visually appealing, bite-sized and interactive content. Sitting down to read PEPTALK magazine is an act of wellbeing in and of itself. Print allows you to be undistracted by notifications, beeps and bings of devices... what you're learning is an awesome bonus!
Combining the best of digital, along with print-at-home resources, to get you doing the work to conquer your mind and be your best!
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(+64) 275 376 375
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