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Don't Try to Be Right. Do This Instead

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Your need to be right is…wrong

Conversations that lead to an argument over who is right and who is wrong are a trap. The most important conversations that you will have with your co-founders will lead to growth; individual, relational, and organizational. 


Setting the groundwork for co-founder communication and understanding

We are all uniquely different; we process things differently, we bring a different perspective and understanding to everything that happens, and we feel things differently. Building trust, feeling heard, and understanding each other come from truly listening to each other and demonstrating interest in the other’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. 


Being right is more about ego than truth

If you are focused on who is wrong and who is right, it will keep you from having the conversations that you need to have - ones that lead to growth. If you insist on “the truth” it may blind you from seeing your partner’s perspective and you will all be left feeling frustrated.


Your memory isn’t what you think it is

Events accompanied by high levels of emotion are often remembered well, like a scar on the brain. However, emotional memories often change over time. Studies have shown that there is no correlation between confidence and accuracy, when it comes to remembering something. Leading us to feel confident in our memory even when we remember it wrong. Think about the implications of this finding the next time you argue about being right about a past event.  


What does work for co-founders?

Effective teamwork and collaboration is predicated on conversations that produce commitment, action, coordination, and results. These conversations require trust and listening. Make an effort to remain curious, seek to understand your partner’s perspective, and demonstrate an interest and desire to learn how your partner wants to be treated. You will notice that your relationship will become more amenable, flexible, and productive. Co-founders are then able to take responsibility for their commitments and hold each other accountable as they work toward shared goals.

Free Blueprint Download

Get your free guide to delivering effective feedback.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 ways I can help you strengthen your co-founder relationship.


1. Grab a free copy of The Co-Founder Communication Blueprint


It’s a detailed guide to effective feedback. — Click Here


2. Work with me privately


If you’d like to work with me directly to resolve conflict and get your team working at its best, pick a time on my calendar so we can chat about your business and what you’d like to work on together. — Click Here




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