April 26, 2022
This month we’ve been talking about energy – the kind of energy that sustains busy working moms from morning until night. We started with foundational elements, followed by practices to amp up or wind down. Today I’d like to take a detour from the practical and share a mindset concept for generating energy.
What are your meaningful pursuits? What’s really driving you everyday? What are you working on or doing that truly generates energy for you? That might sound like a simple question, but have you thought about it?
We can all get stuck in a rut. Get up, go to work, come home, dinner, run kids around, fill up on social media/Netflix/TV and go to bed. Then do it all over again. How much energy does that drive? Not enough. Make sure you are clear on what you’re doing and why throughout the day. Another way to say that is be intentional and present. Make time for pursuits that drive you and fill your energy bucket.
Here are a few examples:
Bedtime. Bedtime is still “a thing”, even as my daughters are growing up before my eyes. They still refer to it as “snuggles” and I hope that never goes away. When the lights are out, the distractions are minimized (except for the occasional night crazies from the puppy) and the tasks are done for the day, this is the time when they share. This is when I get to hear that one thing that was awesome they forgot to share earlier or when the struggles they need to talk through come out. I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything. It’s about the meaningful pursuit of motherhood and being fully present in those special moments.
Work. The mission of helping women live, love and lead at their best drives me. There’s not a day that work feels like a grind. It’s all in service to a mission that feels meaningful to me. And that is a choice. There are lots of perspectives about whether you need to feel passionate about work. I used to think that a good job with great colleagues was enough. And it was for a while. But I’ll tell you that taking the leap to do something that feels like a meaningful pursuit is life-changing.
Right now that’s what I have time for as meaningful pursuits – career and motherhood. Depending on your season of life you might have other pursuits – volunteer work, spiritual work, hobbies or passion projects, or caring for loved ones.
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