Freelancer Tip #5 – Balance, The key to a happy life.


We've all heard "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


I'm all too guilty of doing intense visual fx sessions till the early hours of the morning and watching the sun come up without realising it. 


I've learnt this is only acceptable as a once-off and it comes at a cost. To your health, relationships and soul. 

Which is why I am indebted to share with you, why this step is so important.


The problem


When you work for yourself, you can find it's easy to do so 24/7 365.


Burn out is not only bad for your health, it's also counter-productive.


Spending over-time doesn't always account for better results.


Being unproductive with your time actually slows you down. 


By resetting and getting into a state of flow, you'll be more productive and efficient with your time.


The solution 


Looking after yourself, in turn, looks after the business. 


Doing activities outside of your 'work' creates headspace and physical energy.


Resetting encourages new ideas and perspectives that you wouldn't otherwise have seen so clearly when you're too involved in the process.


Now let's get you aligned ...


  • Do something every day that feeds your soul.

Whether it’s unwinding with a weekend away or keeping fit; you owe it to your soul to feed it what it needs. 

  • Don’t ever forget self-kindness, you are only able to give your best when you are at your best


  • Do what fires you up, it can be something completely non-work related. Just think of what makes you excited like a kid and, in the words of Nike, ‘just do it’



  • Art: Lose yourself in expression: try going to a gallery, exhibition, a concert. With the current times, you can visit these incredible museums virtually here.


  • Meditation: Allow the time and space to reset and open the mind. Try a guided meditation. 


  • Nature: Detaching from the city life will help reduce overstimulation: go for a walk, hike, or find a hidden green gem in your town/city.


  • Environment: Changing your external environment changes your inner environment. Go to a coffee shop, a park, a library....anywhere that inspires you and is within the current allowance of the government.


  • Care: Give your body and mind what it needs: have a bath, a massage, take up a sport, an online martial art class, dive into an intriguing book.


  • Volunteer: Giving your time to those in need is one of the most soul-satisfying acts you can do. Especially in the current climate many organisations are looking for volunteers, check your local charities for ideas.


  • Connection: is revitalising: connect with your friends and family, even if it's over a video call, it can feel like bringing all your loves ones together into one room.


  • Laugh: Life is too short to be taken too seriously: go to a live comedy show, put on a comedy special, do what makes you smile.


  • Headspace - no.1 guided meditation app 
  • Design My Night - Plan a day or night out to unwind
  • Timeout - Essential museums, monuments, walks events and activities.




Choose at least one of the suggestions above and apply them this week. Notice how detaching has impacted your mood when you do go back to work.

To a balanced life,


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