SA Weightloss Hypnosis

Mindset Strategies to get you over the Line...

APR 20 / by Suzanne Ingleton/ Weightloss

 How to Boost your Immunity and stay Healthy over Winter

Your state of mind creates your reality – what you think about you bring about – believe it dream it achieve it…

I’m sure you have seen these catchy statements before – and the surprising thing about them is that they are backed by science and they are TRUE!!


Your state of mind effects your weight  and I want to outline 3 simple strategies that you can begin to put in place to help you to overcome a negative mindset.


Awareness – When we are aware of something, we can change it.  When we are not aware of something it becomes part of a habit – something we do mindlessly, and if it’s a negative habit then of course it will be detrimental to our health.  As an example, think about binge or boredom eating.  Oftentimes, this becomes a habit and there will be a trigger associated with it.  Sometimes it is an obvious trigger – such as boredom, other-times it will be an emotional trigger – which can be either subtle or very intense.  Emotional triggers are usually connected with replacing food for something else – comfort, love, loneliness etc.   


Belief – creating a compelling belief will help you to maintain a positive mindset AND keep you on track towards your weight loss goal.  Our brains are so powerful – as soon as we begin to think of a task or an emotion, it instantly sends messages to your mind and body to accomplish that thing. It happens unconsciously – which means there is no effort – it just begins to happen in the background.   There is a very famous quote by Henry Ford  “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right”.


Environment –this is another very powerful strategy to help you to create the body you want – and it seems rather obvious, however bears mentioning.  From the simplest strategy of being in control and making healthy choices around  what goes into your trolley at the supermarket to the more complex strategy of making changes to how you interact with people in your life who may not think in the same way as you….these are both at opposite ends of the spectrum and there are many other things to think about in between.  Once you are aware, you can either put in place some controls or planning to help you stay on the path to weight loss success.


Start with these three strategies. Write out a few things that you can do to put some of these strategies into place and you will be well on the way to a healthier mindset.