So you're finally a teacher, and your dream of impacting the life of the future generations has finally come true! ​

...but you're in it now and always feeling like a hot mess.

Does that sound familiar? Ya'll I've been there! and 9 years later I was wondering "why am I still trying to get my life together? what in the world is wrong with me?"

I'm here to help you! But first...

Can you relate to any of this?

  • Excelling as an educator in the classroom, doing everything but still feeling unaligned, and beating yourself up everyday?

  • Struggling to recognize the greatness you're creating because kids are still struggling, your desk stays a mess and you're so stinking tired of eating lean cuisine while catching up on work during your lunch break?

  • Cue the recess breaks where you can finally just share with your team all the annoying things that have been happening, but oh snap - you're getting called out again via email to stop chit chatting during recess and keep a keen eye on the kids.

  • Coming home and venting to your partner...ah cue the advice... "umm, sorry, I don't need you to fix it, and I just need a space to vent."

I get it. Teacher life is so full and can be so lonely! and when it's not that, it's overwhelming, exhausting, tiring, and our brains are just shot.

No one really gets what we do. They think they do.

but unless they do it - they just don't get it.

I'll share more of my story with y'all - but I want to tell you more about this opportunity I'm creating just for you...

​Enneagram for Educators. ​

If you're an educator or a homeschooling momma, I promise that this is the membership you need to feel seen, heard, and supported.

so what is

enneagram for educators?

It's an affordable membership where I guide and share with you resources, fun challenges, and tools to help you gain control of your life. It's a safe and empowering space for everyone to vent, share, and learn from each other.

Our job is WILD y'all. I wish I had this years ago. This is what I was meant to create.

THIS is the pinnacle of my passion. I'm obsessed with literacy, obsessed with the enneagram, and supporting teachers is literally what I was born to do. Currently, I'm a director of literacy, and in addition to that incredible position, I want to spend my time hearing you, seeing you, and supporting you in discovering, owning, and being so fully YOU.


Enneagram for Educators is for you to laugh, cry, and celebrate the world that is education.

  • It's the most broken system in our country today and we are vessels within it trying to find our way and love each child along the way. ​

enneagram for educators is for you to be the spark of joy for your students in the midst of this broken system.

this membership is perfect if you're currently...

  • ... feeling lost & confused in your role and unsure how to help your students

  • ... not knowing who you are and how you are best positioned to serve your students

  • ... feeling TAPPED at the end of each day, and literally just done on Fridays

our goal in this membership is to support you in...

  • ... feeling supported and empowered as you navigate life's various issues

  • ... having a community to lean on as you navigate ALL the things. We're not meant to do this alone

  • .. finally doing so much more than you thought you can. Through understanding yourself via Enneagram you feel unstoppable and learn the practical skills you need to be the best teacher that you KNOW you were born to be

a level for everyone

inclusive membership options

I wanted this membership to be affordable without compromising the quality you'll get! Having this membership in your back pocket means you're no longer feeling flustered and exhausted.

Bump this messed up educational system, and let's own your journey as you grow into the educator and human you desire to be!


Every educator with 10 or fewer years of experience in the industry wanting support and tools to go through the school year with ease

  • Monthly group coaching

  • Monthly happy hour (60 mins)

  • Monthly wellness challenges (with fun prizes)​

  • 24/7 community access (via Slack)

  • Initial 1:1 coaching session

  • exclusive online courses

or pay $480 & save 15%
when you pay annually

Ongoing Support

limited to 5 members

Someone that's eager to change their life for the better, create a long-term change and want customized solutions.

  • Everything included at the "VIP member" level

  • 1:1 coaching session a month & Voxer Support

  • Life, enneagram, and instructional coaching support are available.

or pay $2,040 & save 15%
when you pay annually.


as needed!

Someone who's eager to level-up as an educator with proven methodologies and actionable steps. Create long-term change with customized solutions for your specific situation.

  • 90 minute 1:1 call

  • 2 weeks of Voxer support

  • Actionable plan of implementation

the process

so what's next?

step 1

Choose the level that feels aligned to you.

step 2

You'll receive a welcome email with instructions to access the Slack community and any additional resources depending on your chosen level.

step 3

Once you're in, introduce yourself and be ready to have fun and connect with one another and ME!​

my mission

why I do what I do

Y'all, can I be real with you? In all honesty, WHY I created this program is because I want our students to have the best opportunity for an excellent education!

So my mission is to equip educators in the US to give students the best education possible. Because even though the system is failing, I want to provide you a space to get the support that you deserve so that you can show up to serve our kids to the best of your ability. There's no more feeling like you don't know how to catch your breath anymore! You'll be equipped with the tools to make it happen.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How did you get to where you are now?

Can I change my membership level once I'm in it?

Can I get personalized answers from you?

special offer

for our first 20 founding members

Become our Official Member now and you'll get an extra 60 minute group ZOOM chat with me. During this hour we'll get to know each other & a goal you want to achieve by joining our community.


or pay $275 & save 15%
when you pay annually

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