3 Time-Saving Tips for Opening Your Kartra Account

When you start using a new tool in your online business, does it often feel like you’re walking around like a headless chicken, not knowing where to start and where to go next? Like you’re wasting time fumbling around?


I’ve jumped into new tools during busy times where I didn’t have (or maybe perceived I didn’t have 😉) the time to pause and learn every single aspect of it as a way to find the most efficient way to do things. 


And that would drive.me.nuts! 


I always want to have the most efficient and streamlined method for creating a new funnel, setting up a new email, setting up a course, etc… And it’s my mission to create the step-by-step instructions that allow you to use Kartra in the simplest way possible. 


In this video tutorial, I’m walking you through three super quick and simple things that you need to do as soon as you open your Kartra account. They may seem trivial at first, but these are the little details that, if you do them right away, you don’t need to think about again. 


To prevent yourself from having to pause what you’re doing because you forgot to edit a basic setting in the system, do these 3 things as soon as you get into your new Kartra account: 


  1. Add your headshot and/or logo to the Profile settings

  2. Review and edit your address in the Profile settings to make sure it’s publicly appropriate

  3. Integrate Kartra with your payment gateway(s)


Click the video above to watch the tutorial and get the instructions for these 3 simple yet important steps!


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