EPISODE 22 > Living my own Human Design | Mental Projector 6/2

Today on Lotus Life The Podcast - I’m sharing a more intimate look at my OWN experiment with living in my Human Design.

I wanted to share with you what this all looks like in my own life - how things have changed for me since understanding my own Human Design, but also how much I had actually UNCONSCIOUSLY started to live what my soul was calling out for in the past few years before knowing about my design.


I get into all things living life as a Mental Projector:


*Understanding my strategy as a Projector…


*Learning to live with a “Sounding Board” environmental Authority…


* Handling life with a completely open Solar Plexus (Emotional Centre)...


*De-conditioning from all the “energetic buzz” living with an Undefined Sacral Chakra…


*How to manage Stress that ain’t your own…


*Living in alignment in the RIGHT way for my design…


I hope you love this episode, it was super fun to get into sharing more about how my design comes into play on the daily for me, and I SO APPRECIATE YOU lovely for being here listening! Tag me @rosetautari in a screenshot of this episode if you're listening!



If I was to introduce myself in Human Design speak... I am a Mental Projector, with a 6/2 profile (the Role Model & the Hermit)

I am a passionate advocate for finding your own personal brand of happiness and living life true to your individual design. My purpose in this lifetime is to help women step into who they are, raise their self confidence, overcome people pleasing and give the middle finger to societies expectations!



Find your Human Design chart using this free tool

Join the Facebook group where we talk all things Human Design!
You're welcome to post, celebrate your wins, ask questions about integration, alignment (whatever your soul needs!) in a safe, uplifting and encouraging environment.
Eager to learn more about your Human Design?
Deep dive into your soul's purpose with a 'Soul Notes' Human Design Chart Reading



Have you ever wondered why you are completely different to other people around you?

Like WHY you are just sooooooo different to other people you come across?

Human Design is the link, or the bridge where science meets ancient wisdom - and it will change your life. 

Think of this as a powerful way of understanding what your soul is here in this lifetime to achieve, or what your soul’s purpose is in this life.




What is Soul Notes? 


This is your Human Design Chart Reading ... delivered in a totally new and upgraded format!


This is where the magic can really happen lovely - understanding YOUR true purpose and design that is uniquely YOU. I am here to be your guide as you take your first steps on this journey...



Please feel free to send through your questions using the button below or email me:


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