EPISODE 30 > Emotional Manifesting Generator | NICOLE MIDDLETON

Are you a light worker? Someone ready to evolve and awaken the power you have within you? Are you a light leader?


My guest this week is Nicole Middleton - a woman on a mission to be a warrior of the light. Nicole is here helping others to show up and shine and align with being the best version of themselves - through sharing her own journey with the world and knowing that she can make a difference 1 smile at a time. Nicole is here to be the catalyst to help others on the self awareness journey, empowering people to challenge their beliefs, views, and reality. Nicole is the creator and incredible Manifesting Generator energy behind the We are wildfire A movement of empowered beings, she is a podcast host and just a force in this world!


Connect with her on the 'Gram @nicolemiddleton.co


Join her FREE Facebook Group - We Are Wildfire



""Where am I playing small?"
This is such a powerful question, it helps me look at my fear in the face and decide to be brave.
It helps me grow and expand where I am meant to because what I fear is where my soul is calling me to grow...
It's always about me stepping more into my authentic power - about showing up more in my pure potency...
Where are you playing small?
Where can you go bigger? 👇
What would it look like to go bigger?
How would it feel?"


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You're welcome to post, celebrate your wins, ask questions about integration, alignment (whatever your soul needs!) in a safe, uplifting and encouraging environment.
Eager to learn more about your Human Design?
Deep dive into your soul's purpose with a 'Soul Notes' Human Design Chart Reading


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