Ego Evolution​

by Eric | January, 23 2020 | Articles & Books

The ego evolved to protect us from our experience of fear and is the mask we wear every day.  This protection is a fear of fear that has conditioned us over thousands of years.  The first ego that we evolved into was our Spiritual Ego.  This was at a point in our conscious evolution where as an individual we recognized ourselves and everything else as Unconditional Love.  In seeing the vastness of who we are as Unconditional Love we were overwhelmed as individuals and experienced Primordial Fear, a fear of something that seems so much greater than who we are.  As we began to question Unconditional Love as who we are we questioned our ability to survive. This evolved our ego into a Survival Ego.  An ego based on the fear of not surviving.  These two egos are part of each of us.  


Through this initial Ego Evolution most of us ended up living more from our Survival Ego.  There were more of us living from a fear of not surviving.  The Survival Ego is the ego that protects us from danger. The Survival Ego justifies owning weapons by acknowledging possible threats. If we keep a weapon for protection it is for our own fear.  This is true for individuals and countries.  The larger Survival Egos are individuals that want to be in control. This comes from the fear of not being in control of our survival and in extreme cases looks like dictatorship.  The Survival Ego has been good at providing.  The Survival Ego justifies it’s fear of fear by showing what it has provided and/or points out some kind of threat as a distraction.  This Ego projects it’s fear of fear into the world through these justifications and distractions.


Over thousands of years some of us started trusting in our ability to survive.  Some of us started living more from our Spiritual Ego.   This ego was created from our fear of something that seems greater than who we are.  This fear is inspired by the greatness of Unconditional Love and encourages a life of practice and service.  The Spiritual Ego studies to understand this Unconditional Love.  The fear of our relationship to Unconditional Love, that is Primordial Fear, encourages the study and practice of being in this relationship with Unconditional Love.  The spiritual ego understands ourselves and everyone else as a part of this Unconditional Love and calls it Oneness that encourages service.   The Spiritual Ego justifies it’s fear of Primordial Fear by pointing out it’s practice and service as a distraction.  This Ego projects it’s fear of fear into the world through these justifications and distractions.


Both of these egos are part of each of us.  We each have a Survival Ego and a Spiritual Ego.  Some of us are a little more spiritual and some of us are a little more survival orientated.  Both are founded on the fear of fear, both are projecting this fear of fear into the world. One way this can be seen is when someone is being overly protective and or overly positive.  The Survival Ego and the Spiritual Ego have been on two separate sides.  Both sharing their conditioned love in different ways which adds more to the over all fear in the world.  This conflict between the Survival Ego and the Spiritual Ego can be seen in society and is something that can happen internally and individually as well.


All this extra fear being put into the world by the Survival Ego and the Spiritual Ego has it’s purpose. This extra fear in the world is growing due to many more human beings projecting this fear of fear into the world.  This extra fear is also growing because the Spiritual Ego is growing as a natural part of this Ego Evolution and the conflict between the two is growing.  As this fear grows it challenges the ego in it’s existence to not accept fear as a part of being human.  This fear will continue to grow until the ego can no longer deny the experience of fear.  This process has taken thousands of years and can take thousands of more.  It is only when we choose to accept fear as a part of being human that we can begin to consciously process our fear of fear.


As we each awaken to this evolutionary point of consciousness we can begin to learn how to more efficiently processes this fear as a way to continue evolving consciously.  As we embrace fear as a part of who we are as a human being we begin to reveal this Unconditional Love as exactly who we are individually and collectively.  As we practice accepting our fear we begin to evolve into the Unconditional Ego.  As this Unconditional Ego processes and accepts it’s own fear, it naturally projects Unconditional Love into the world.  This Unconditional Love projected into the world calls out to the Unconditional Love in others, even if just by example.  This calling can add to the tension in the experience of fear in the world.  This is because this calling comes in the form of Primordial Fear.  With this calling we can choose to resist it creating  more fear of fear or choose to accept it as a calling to live our individual expression of the Unconditional Love that is in each of us. The more of us that choose to accept this calling to live our greatness as Unconditional Love the quicker this step in our evolutionary consciousness will happen and the Heaven on Earth that is right here right now will be revealed.

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Eric Bonnici

Eric Bonnici is the father of two daughters, a public speaker, workshop leader, entrepreneur, Applied Meditation Counselor/Trainer, certified Qi Gong Trainer/Healer, and a Black belt in Judo. He is the originator and consultant for Open Heart Marketing®️ and is the founder of Living Unconditionally®️ a non-profit educational organization.

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© Copyrights by Eric Bonnici. All Rights Reserved.