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Tier-1 consists of: Foundational Building Blocks and the Quick Start Guide Overview

Tier-3 consists of: Building Your Evidence: Creating the World’s Best External Perception

Tier-5 consists of: Sales Tools

Tier-7 consists of: Strategies and Tactics

Tier-9 consists ofThe Master Sales Blueprint: Putting it all Together in a WINNING System.       

To Generate Higher Prices and Surge Orders in as Little as

1-Week, Use These 4 Cutting-Edge Concepts 

(They are in the training and ready to use.)

  • There's one definitive thing I've learned from  taking courses and training: when coaching is included, a person's chances of success goes up by leaps and bounds. Since I guarantee you'll increase sales, prices, or profits, coaching provides that extra punch to make sure you do.

  • The revolutionary sales tools are the result of research findings with 350,000 brides.

    They are proprietary, powerful, and at the heart of your success. The beauty is, you'll have them...your competitors won't. Plus, I'll be available to help you to modify them for your specific needs.

  • There's a straight forward reason we can guarantee your success. Everything has been researched, tested, and proven. When you add in the 4 coaching calls, how can you not be rocking and rolling? All you need to do is simply implement half of the strategies, tactics, and tools to be covered by our 100% money back guarantee.

  • Research reveals 93% of bakers cannot concisely explain how they are any better or different than their competitors. A key benefit of Wedding Cake Sales Guru is to overcome a bakers lack of separating themselves from their competitors. Doesn't it make sense you'll gain the ability to boost prices and orders when you're in the top 7%?

  • You'll Own the Exclusive Rights to 1 of Only 2,000 Licenses

    Your investment in this training is meant to be exclusive. Ed is limiting the number of licenses to keep it super effective. As soon as 2,000 bakers join him, the training will be pulled off the market and you'll be in the driver's seat for years to come.


    (For this Covid-19 special offer there is a limit of 250 licenses.)

  • Guaranteed No-Brainer Investment

    It's not a question if Ed's program is effective, it's been proven. It's only a question of how much profit you desire and how many additional orders you can handle. Remember, your investment is guaranteed, so you have no risk.