How to Create an Optin Funnel

If you're sitting on a new freebie, webinar idea, or an epic challenge, but the tech is holding you up, this one's for you!


We both know that your zone of genius is NOT creating optin forms, automations, scheduling emails, etc, etc...


Now, you might be thinking "I'm not in a place where I can afford to delegate right now!"


And if that TRULY is the case (it's likely not but I'm not going to get into that now 😉), then you can at least cut down on the amount of time it takes you to set up your tech. This tutorial that I've created for you will walk you through setting up an optin funnel using Kartra.


Let me make this even easier for you. Here are the exact things you need to do to get your freebie funnel up and running ASAP:

(1) Write copy for the optin page, thank you page, and confirmation email

(2) Write your welcome email sequence

(3) Create your optin page in your page builder

(4) Create your optin confirmation page in your page builder

(5) Set up the welcome email sequence in your email marketing tool


And in this tutorial, I'm showing you how to set up a Form, an Optin Page, and a Confirmation Page for your funnel.


Watch the video above and jump in (I promise, you can get this done in well under an hour). We don't need to aim for perfection; just move forward. Stop struggling with the tech and start getting your ideal clients signed up for the value-packed freebies you've worked so hard to create for them!



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