Unlock Your Spiritual Abilities For Success
in this High Level Mastermind 


Special Offer:  Only $17 First 3 Months Then $197 $47 Per Month

Hurry!  This Offer WON'T Last Forever

What Is The Glass Horizon Mastermind?

From:  Leslie Dean Drury

To: Spiritual Masters and Future Spiritual Masters

Dear Spiritual Partners:

Are you tired of studying the same old things about spirituality and manifestation and never getting results?  Do you long for a life that's freer, more vibrant, and a reflection of who you are?

Do you find that after setting goals and getting excited about them, that you go back to old patterns of living and nothing changes...your desires don't come true? 

You're not alone.  Many people have dreams that they never reach because in the midst of trying, old ways return and take over their thoughts and actions.  Paradigms, or models of belief, are hard to change. 

What's needed is a new perspective, a glass horizon that you can see through to discover spiritual strength to use here on earth. 


Such is the essence of Rasa with The Glass Horizon, a platform to reach into the unknown and apply spiritual explorations and discoveries positively in our lives.


For there is more to this world than the material here-and-now.  And while I always, instinctively knew this deep-down, it wasn't until June 12th, 2008 that it really hit home, in my heart and soul.

On June 12th, 2008 I had a not-of-this-world experience.

I saw a man in a white robe with purple energy all around him.  To the right of him, was a man's face in an orb.  Although no words were spoken, the man in the robe had direct eye contact with me and I mean very direct eye-contact.  Telepathic, in fact, for I felt the substance of his words to me.  It was a wake-up call on many levels, and one of the reasons why I'm launching this mastermind and other spiritual works.

Since then, Leslie has studied the works of many avid spiritualists and thought leaders around the world.  From Esther and Jerry Hicks, Caroline Myss, and Maya Angelou to Eckhart Tolle, David Wilcock, George Noory, Oprah Winfrey, to Matt Kahn, Bashar, and Lincoln Gergar, to numerous other spiritual light leaders around the globe (both modern and ancient), Leslie has nose-dived wildly into vast spiritual depths and dimensions with a drive for comparison, synthesis, and exploration.  Leslie has also studied with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi on how to live a truly great life.  She has compiled her education and findings into Rasa Publishing so that she can share it with the world. 

Because of my June 12th, 2008 experience (and others), I'm here to tell you that now is the time for you to view the world differently, to turn the kaleidoscope of your current life a different way. 

And when I use the word "current," I mean it literally.  -Current meaning energy.  Energetic, spiritual tools exist - not being used in society - which can vastly increase your energetic frequency and life quality.  Such is the purpose of Rasa with The Glass Horizon, to explore and study divergent spiritual modalities and methods seeking answers and newfound ways to live a high definition, vibrant, happy life.

    To serve that end, membership in The Glass Horizon will include Rasa's daily meditation video log called the "Meditation Minute" which will dramatically increase your energetic frequency and positive outlook on life and teach you meditation techniques that you can implement immediately to improve your quality of life.


    Each day, members will receive in their inbox a morning video log meditation that you can view at your pleasure which will energize, uplift, and motivate you for the day.  Ranging from 5-10 minutes, each "Meditation Minute" will give you a much-needed jolt of morning spiritual coffee that will help you positively navigate and sustain the remainder of the day.  

      The most exciting part of membership includes a LIVE monthly spiritual training mastermind hosted by me.  "The Glass Horizon Mastermind" will cover cutting-edge spiritual topics to increase focus and vision about the limits and non-limits of the universe, the all-that-is, and how to apply them in our lives.  This monthly mastermind is the first of its kind because it's not only a classroom, but also a think-tank and laboratory for studying and testing spiritual theorems and ideas.  

        Additionally Rasa is unveiling its first series of masterclasses called "The Manifestation Code," a series which will explore and extrapolate upon multiple, powerful ways to manifest dreams and desires in your life.  From financial abundance to emotional freedom, to increased understanding of and communication with the universe, buckle up for a wild ride as Rasa opens doors to the unknown.  There being much more to manifestation than what the movie, "The Secret" tells us.  You don't want to miss registering for this first-ever masterclass series. And members of The Glass Horizon Mastermind will receive insane discounts on masterclasses!


        The Glass Horizon monthly mastermind membership cost of $47 will be paid for over and above with the discount savings you receive on masterclasses!  Rasa will be adding a masterclass every month! 


        But not even counting the discounts, the value members will received just from the daily meditations and LIVE mastermind are PRICELESS!

          But First A Word Of Warning:

          This mastermind is NOT for everyone....


          In fact, this mastermind on ONLY for 2 types of people:


          1.)  People who already have a spiritual practice but want to reach a deeper level of spiritual development and fulfillment.

          2.)  People new to spirituality who are highly committed to increasing spiritual knowledge and those willing to do whatever it takes to join the elite lightworkers of the world.


          If that's not you, then stop reading now, because we will unfortunately have to remove you from the mastermind if you try to join...


          However, if you are a spiritualist or committed to becoming one, then...

            Here's What You Get As A Member

            After joining The Glass Horizon Mastermind, here's what you get:

            • Exclusive LIVE Monthly Training with Leslie - Every month, Leslie is LIVE teaching you spiritual success habits, capabilities, and tools to improve your quality of life.  To help you reach new levels of wealth, abundance, income, and high-definition living that you've always dreamed of.

            • Motivational Meditations & Thoughts delivered to you DAILY - Every day, Rasa will release a daily meditation video log called the "Meditation Minute" which you can view at your pleasure and raise your energetic frequency to improve your quality of life. 

            • Instant Access to The Glass Horizon private Facebook Mastermind - This is where you'll be able to network and learn from like minded spiritualists who elevate each other to higher levels of spiritual success.  (YOU WILL WANT TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY)

            • Plus unbelievable bonuses (that you can see at the bottom of this page) 

            And I can promise you this, it will be...

            The Best $47 You Could Ever Spend!

            with ONLY $17 the first 3 months so you can test drive!

            (And I'll Even Take All Of The Risk!)

            We were thinking of making this mastermind $297 a month so that it would be the most affordable spiritual mastermind in the world...


            But before we do, we wanted to launch  this mastermind to a select group of people at an unheard of discount...


            So unheard of, that it would be a no brainer for anyone who wants to join a spiritual mastermind...


            So with that in mind we were going to drop the price all the way down to  just $97 per month...


            But then we decided to do something even more unheard of...we took that discounted price we came up with and cut it literally in half!


            We made it to where you can get full access to - the Meditation Minute and The Glass Horizon Mastermind - today for just $47 per month.


            And if you sign up today, we're going to let you join the group with an introductory rate of ONLY $17 for the first 3 months, and with a no-brainer money back guarantee! 

            Here's What To Do Next

            • Step 1:  Click the "Join The Glass Horizon Mastermind" button anywhere on this page.

            • Step 2:  Enter your information.

            • Step 3:  We'll send you your mastermind credentials (along with the FREE bonuses you get - which you can see below.

            • Step 4:  Start enjoying your membership and begin receiving your daily meditations and LIVE training for shaping your success in life!

            That's it, it's really that simple!


            So click the button below to join the highest level, yet most affordable spiritual mastermind in the world!


            But before you do, I have to give you a heads up...

            Time Is Of The Essence

            You won't be able to join this high level spiritual mastermind at this unheard of discount forever...


            In fact, like I said, we're still thinking of making it $97 per month in the near future...(still one of the most affordable masterminds in the world)


            So don't let this opportunity pass you by...


            One of the characteristics of spiritual and successful people is they take action with no hesitation...


            And that's what I'm asking yo to do now...


            Click the button on this page to join The Glass Horizon Mastermind before you miss out.


            Oh.  And in case you're wondering...




            Of course there's a money back guarantee!


            In fact, hear this...

            The Boldest Guarantee In The World

            Even though I'm already letting you join the mastermind for an insanely low price to see if it's a good fit for you...I wanted to go one step further...


            I'm also going to give you a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee!

            And if you decide to cancel or ask for your money back for any reason (which you can easily do by cancelling on your membership profile page or sending us an email at info@rasapublishing.com) we will send you a refund.


            Literally, all the risk is on us, so we can deliver you the most value.


            How's that for fair?


            This Truly Is An Unheard Of Offer, So Click The Button Below To Join The Glass Horizon Mastermind & Get The FREE Bonuses Before You Miss Out!



            Leslie & Your Rasa Family


            P.S.  In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:


            On this page is a chance to join The Glass Horizon Mastermind for a 3 month introductory rate of $17, then just $47 a month thereafter.  This introductory rate is good for the next 24 hours, so don't delay and join NOW!


            It's one of the highest level, yet most affordable spiritual masterminds in the world.  And as a member, here's what you get:

            • Exclusive LIVE Monthly Training with Leslie - Every month, Leslie is LIVE teaching you spiritual success habits, capabilities, and tools to improve your quality of life.  To help you reach new levels of wealth, abundance, income, and high-definition living that you've always dreamed of.

            • Motivational Meditations & Thoughts delivered to you DAILY - Every day, Rasa will release a daily meditation video log called the "Meditation Minute" which you can view at your pleasure and raise your energetic frequency to improve your quality of life. 

            • Instant Access to The Glass Horizon private Facebook Mastermind - This is where you'll be able to network and learn from like minded spiritualists who elevate each other to higher levels of spiritual success.  (YOU WILL WANT TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY)

            • Plus unbelievable bonuses (that you can see at the bottom of this page) 

            You can cancel any time for any reason...


            So click the button below to join before this opportunity passes you by and you miss out forever!

            What Our Members Have To Say...

            "I didn't realize there was so many ways to manifest, the class was worth it!  And I got half off for being a member."

            - Karen T

            "Leslie really delivers on her promises.  She really makes you dig deep to find your inner self. Really good practical techniques."

            - David D

            Hurry & Get EVERYTHING Below Today Before It's Gone...

            • Exclusive LIVE Monthly Training with Leslie - Every month, Leslie is LIVE teaching you spiritual success habits, capabilities, and tools to improve your quality of life.  To help you reach new levels of wealth, abundance, income, and high-definition living that you've always dreamed of.

            • Motivational Meditations & Thoughts delivered to you DAILY - Every day, Rasa will release a daily meditation video log called the "Meditation Minute" which you can view at your pleasure and raise your energetic frequency to improve your quality of life. 

            • Instant Access to The Glass Horizon private Facebook Mastermind - This is where you'll be able to network and learn from like minded spiritualists who elevate each other to higher levels of spiritual success.  (YOU WILL WANT TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY)

            --- LIMITED TIME BONUSES ---

            Act NOW and for the next 24 hours we will immediately send you a DIGITAL COPY OF LIFE BOOK by Leslie Dean Drury



            (that's $100 savings!)


            You can cancel any time for any reason...


            So click the button below to join before this opportunity passes you by and you miss out forever!

            Copyright  © 2019.  RasaPublishing, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.