7 August 2019 










  • Letter from Deb 

  • Subscription Information 


Dear Friends, 


As a numbers person, I encourage people to put numbers to life matters. So I would like you to join me in taking the Abundance Scale Challenge.  Where are you on the scale of 0 to 10 for Abundance?  At zero, you might feel discontent, emotionally fearful and worried that you don’t have enough money or resources.  If you are at ten, you have more than enough money and resources and are content with your life.


Now – if you are a 10 – please email me as quickly as possible and tell me all your wonderful habits that have created this abundance for you.  I truly want to know so I can help all those who struggle with this aspect of life.


If you are anything lower than a 10, the good news is you can truly take baby steps up the scale.  It is quite rare that someone can jump from a 2 to a 10 overnight, so plan to take baby steps while flexing this new abundance muscle.


The first step is to pay attention to matters that make you feel "lacking" and not have enough. Then pick a small one to fix that will lift your attitude.


For example, you hate getting your mail from the mailbox because of all the bills you receive.  Sign up for a magazine or a monthly subscription box that makes you skip to the mail box! 


As another example, you are annoyed that you can’t find a stamp to mail your car payment.  Maybe it's time to set up an online banking bill payment so it takes seconds to pay your bills. 


Take a small, proactive step now to make you feel better. Once you feel better, you will begin to see the "law of attraction" at work in your life. With more "joy" and a healthier attraction point that stems from your changed outlook on life, start to see your life prospects improve. Maybe you'll be randomly upgraded to first class.  Or win on a scratch ticket.  Blessings start to happen when you focus on your aspirations over fear of the future. 


You got this…take a baby step today.


Blessings of abundance, 

Deb Bowman 

Deborah R. Bowman, CPA

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. 

 - Wayne Dwyer

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