October 28, 2022
One of my favorite stories from Wayne Gretzky is about hanging up the skates each April to play other sports. For months each year, he took a break from hockey to do baseball, lacrosse and track & field. He credits finding “enough” with making him one of the hockey greats.
As we wrap-up this blog series on enough, let’s think about enough for kids. We live in abundant times, where the choices seem endless and social media lets us see what everyone else is abundantly doing. That’s different from the environment when many of us were growing up.
Just last week, I decided to watch Top Gun-Maverick again with my daughters. My oldest daughter asked me if I went to see the original Top Gun in the theatres. I had to think for a second – we did. I explained to her that when Top Gun was originally released we didn’t have the Internet and so our world was much more about the influences and events that happened within our community. There were fewer things to do in the town I grew up in and we had a modest lifestyle. A movie “came to” the local theatre and we left home to go see it. Now, so much more is available to us and to our children.
But let’s think about what kids really need and how much is enough. How much food/candy/sweets? How many toys and clothes? How many sports and activities? How many vacations? How many chores and responsibilities? How much homework? How much device time? How many playdates and special outings? How much screen time? How many friends? How much sleep? How much alone time? How much outdoor time? How much time with family?
This is a place for personal reflection and independent decision-making, free of judgement and other people’s opinions. Rather, it’s just good to be intentional about the decisions we make for our kids.
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