“THINKING about the step and TAKING the step are two very different things”. 


These wise words came to me from MindValley co-founder,  Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, who I had the pleasure of interviewing recently on my podcast, Choose Unstoppable.  This statement is incredibly applicable to the world of entrepreneurship, but also to life in general. 


THINKING about the step is easy. 


I don’t know about you, but I can THINK about steps all day (and I often do…).


Think about it. Check! 

Worry about it? Sure! 

Play it over and over again? No problem. 


Thinking is safe. It allows us to remain sheltered, hidden...but nothing gets done. And that deep longing to do more is only going to grow. 


It’s been said a thousand times before: if you never act on your goals, all they’ll ever be is goals.


Kristina and her co-founder Vishen Lakhiani spent plenty of time “thinking” about creating MindValley  but it  didn’t really prepare them for the realities of  building  a multi-million dollar transformational education platform with over 10 million students.


One comparison Kristina drew in our interview had to do with jumping out of an airplane. THINKING about jumping out of the plane verses actually DOING it are two vastly different experiences.  


Let’s get real. It’s scary to jump out of a plan. 

“What if my parachute breaks? What if I get hurt? What if everything goes horribly wrong?” 


Take a deep breath. I’m going to tell you a little secret. Everyone who has ever done anything cool has had concerns that they might not succeed. 


Isn’t that crazy?


Sometimes our thoughts and our nerves can be our worst enemy. They can be the single thing that stops us from being everything that we can be. The person you are when you THINK is different from the person who ACTS. You will never know what can happen unless you jump out of that plane. 


Try to take small steps. Spend less time worrying and more time noticing what’s actually happening.  Take the step. Make the thing happen. Take a deep breath...and make the jump. 


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