This is the Story of How One Woman Overcame Burnout, Perfectionism, and Fear of Failure to Become Your Empowerment Goddess

Dr. Diane Garrison, Ph.D.
Psychologist & Women’s Empowerment Coach
A voice in my head was screaming:
“Is this all there is to life?”
From the outside looking in, I was a raving success. I had checked all the RIGHT boxes.
Get a Ph.D. from a good school.✔
Get married and have kids.✔
Open my own Private Practice.✔
Meditate, eat organic, exercise regularly.✔
Work my ass off each day and then drop my exhausted butt into bed.✔✔✔ (Wash, Rinse, Repeat).
This is the Story of How One Woman Overcame Burnout, Perfectionism, and Fear of Failure to Become Your Empowerment Goddess
I loved my work and I loved my family but I felt this deep dissatisfaction inside. Something important was missing. I just couldn’t put my finger on exactly what!
I was so busy achieving. So busy taking care of business, that I could not clearly see the problem. I just felt burnout and dissatisfied and feeling, that after all my hard work, “Is this all there is to life. Where is the fun? Where is the joy?”
I kept trudging along, keeping up appearances for years, feeling lost, lonely, and finally lethargic.
But that voice kept screaming in my head. It wouldn’t leave me alone.
One night, I was suddenly wide awake, the voice screaming louder than ever and I finally just had ENOUGH.
Something had to CHANGE. I didn’t want to keep living like this anymore.
I made a pact with myself to do whatever it took to get my SPARK back!
The next day, almost like magic, I stumbled across an invite to a Feminine Power webinar. As I read the email, I knew I had to attend.
That one event turned into a 7 week course, then a 9 month Mastery course, and then I went all in with the Coaching and Facilitation training.
Once I had a taste of my true power, I just couldn’t get enough!
I was experiencing myself in a whole new way.
I realized that like so many high achieving women, I had fallen under the spell of perfectionism: the need to achieve, to push, to control.
I was over using my analytical, problem solving intellect and completely ignoring the creative, intuitive gifts within. I was flying with just one engine.
No wonder I was burnt out and tired.
The Feminine Power training taught me how to reconnect with my own personal power and a new inner guidance system.
I discovered a deep creativity inside me. I began to take the time to turn inward and ask powerful questions. I learned the difference between when Ego is talking and when Inner Wisdom is guiding. And as I started to trust the information I am receiving, my life transformed.
I used to be so neglectful in my relationship with myself. Every need I had, I pushed to the side to tend to all the demands on my time and energy - my family, my kids, my work, and the list just went on and on. You know what it’s like to be a modern day woman in this crazy busy world?!
Tapping into my personal power, I now had a kinder, more mindful, more loving relationship with myself. I took a deep dive into radical Self-compassion. And as a result, I was WAY more resilient.
It’s not that I have less demands, but my perspective has radically changed. I now have an ally, a guidance system - my personal power.
When you tap into your personal power, you’re tapping into the Universal power source. You’re no longer simply pushing your way through life by yourself. You are not the little engine that can.
You are SO much more than that! You are a spark of the great magic that is Divine Energy and when you can source your power from there - it will never run out.
One of my biggest changes came in my ability to open up to and receive Support. For most of my life, I was a “Lone Wolf”. I believed that I couldn’t trust others to show up at my level so I had to just do it by myself. Unfortunately, that left me trapped in my own head, with all its fears, self- criticisms, and limited views. And with a huge workload. It was exhausting and lonely.
Through my Feminine Power training, I learned to open up to and to trust the support of others. I needed my Feminine Power Sisters. They reflected back to me my strengths and brilliance, offered creative ideas, identified resources and when needed, called me on my bullshit—the old self-defeating patterns that still like to show up. It really takes a village to raise a Goddess and it’s more fun!!!
Okay so here’s where the fear of failure comes in…
I was now connected to my inner navigation system. I had a more loving relationship with myself and a powerful community of like minded sisters. I was feeling my personal power and had a deep knowing that my job was to pass this magic onto other women.
I started taking action steps.
I ran my first Women’s Empowerment Course.
I opened up a Facebook page.
I began teaching the concepts to my clients.
I even hired a business coach to help me get visible (I am not naturally tech savvy).
I began to allow myself to dream of an Empowerment Coaching business where I would reach women all over the world, offering live and virtual coaching and workshops and even retreats.
But the truth is my fear of failure was holding me back.
I was living two separate lives: my Psychologist Life & Women’s Empowerment Life.
And my Business Coach was encouraging me to go more public with the Empowerment side of me.
She pressured me to “Step Into My FULL Power.”
Oh…. I resisted!
“Doing what I love would be really selfish.”
“I have too many obligations to follow my dream.”
And (secretly)...
“I’m scared that if I really stepped into my full power that I would lose the people closest to me...that I would blow up my life...and ruin my psychology practice that was paying the bills...and everyone would run away from me...and then I would fall flat on my face, with no one to pick me up and my career would be done…”
Maybe I went a little dark with that last statement.
But honestly, that’s where my mind went in the dark corners.
What I didn’t realize then is that standing in my power and trusting my dream would set me free.
This desire I feel in my heart is a gift and a sign that this is what I am meant to do.
Sure I can play it safe and just nurture my Private Practice, inserting my Empowerment teachings into business as usual.
Or I can trust this passion I feel, flip off my fear, and leap into my biggest game.
Enter the Empowerment Goddess. I have found the perfect way to blend my feminist beliefs, my spiritual and holistic practices, and my many years of clinical wisdom. With over 30 years of clinical experience as a Psychologist, and double coaching certifications in Feminine Power & Dream Building, I can now guide women to Find Their Fabulous and truly Ignite Their Inner Goddess.
Are you ready to discover a path to owning your gifts, embracing self-compassion, connecting to your Inner Wisdom, and opening up to the support and resources needed to manifest your biggest dreams?
Are you ready to flip off your fear and play your biggest game?
Are you ready to "Find Your Fabulous & Ignite Your Inner Goddess"?
Click here to schedule your complimentary "Find Your Fabulous" coaching call where we will explore where you feel stuck in your life, identify what you would love to create, and discover strategies to begin your Empowerment Journey!
Success Stories
The “Find Your Fabulous” program has given me more so much more self-confidence. I have discovered compassion towards myself and a sense of self worth. After 30 years of being a caregiver for others, I am now caring for myself. I encourage any woman who is struggling with their role in this demanding world to take this class.
Dr. Diane, your classes have done so much for me and have made me aware of myself, my feelings, my worth, my knowledge, my accomplishments.
Tricia V.
A 56-year-old married business owner and empty nester, was feeling burnout and depressed after years of taking excellent care of everyone else. The program has taught her the beauty and power of self-care.
I have gained so much value from the Women’s Empowerment Program, Find Your Fabulous. Through the work we did, I discovered my life purpose which resulted in changing my career to one that is much more fulfilling. I finally learned to get in touch with my feminine powers and use them to guide me in making decisions that are for my higher good.
In her coaching, Dr. Diane had an uncanny ability to put in words what I couldn’t seem to get clarity on. And she delivers the truth in a compassionate way that gave me invaluable insight and healing.
Sylvia B.
A 57 y.o. divorced, empty-nester, felt stuck in every area of her life. After completing the course she moved across the country, launched her coaching career, and found true love once again!
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