Can narcissism develop later in life
25 February 2023
Narcissism can develop at any point in a person's life, including in adulthood. While some people may display narcissistic traits from a young age, others may not develop these traits until later in life.
Certain life events, such as a divorce or the loss of a job, can trigger the onset of narcissistic behavior in some individuals.
The exact causes of narcissism are not fully understood, but research suggests that a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors can contribute to the development of the disorder. Some experts believe that traumatic experiences, such as childhood abuse or neglect, can lead to the development of narcissistic traits in some individuals.
Also, certain life events, such as a divorce or the loss of a job, can trigger the onset of narcissistic behavior in some individuals. It's worth noting that while experiencing a stressful life event may trigger the onset of narcissistic behavior, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person will develop a full-blown personality disorder.
It's important to remember that narcissism exists on a spectrum, with some people exhibiting only a few narcissistic traits while others may have a full-blown personality disorder. A mental health professional can help determine if a person's behavior is indicative of a personality disorder, and can provide appropriate treatment and support.
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Amber Newman
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