Learn about one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care.



Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical metabolic profiling test which measures the mineral content of the body.


Wondering why the need to measure the mineral content of the body?


Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality and wellbeing. They provide structural support in bones and teeth, and they maintain the body’s pH and water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production and enzyme reactions. They are the basic ‘spark plugs’ of life.


Ideally, we should get all the minerals we need from a balanced diet. Unfortunately, today this is rarely possible. Modern farming techniques, fertilisers and depleted soils reduce the mineral content of foods. Environmental pollutants, chemical food additives and stressful lifestyles also have a detrimental effect on our nutritional status.


Minerals, such as Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium, are so-called the true ‘spark-plugs’ of life.


Why? Because they are essential for one's growth and wellbeing. They provide structural support in one's bones and teeth, and they participate in almost every metabolic process in the body.


  • Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones.
  • Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. Deficiency has been associated with heart conditions, anxiety, and nervousness.
  • Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, mild depression and lethargy.
  • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.


Many health conditions are aggravated by mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses such as the following:


Both physical and emotional stress can lead to mineral imbalances. B-complex vitamins, zinc and magnesium are lost in greater quantities when you are stressed; you also absorb less nutrients from your food.

Improper Eating Habits

Fad diets and diets high in refined carbohydrates, flour, sugar, industrial seed oils and alcohol can lead to mineral deficiencies and excesses.


Many deplete the body’s store of nutrient minerals and can increase levels of toxic minerals. Medications such as diuretics, the oral contraceptive pill, antacids and aspirin can all cause vitamins and 

mineral deficiencies.

Genetic and individual factors

A predisposition towards certain mineral imbalances, deficiencies and excesses can be inherited from parents. Certain individuals can also inherit a higher requirement than normal for particular nutrients to maintain good health.


Toxic minerals such as lead, mercury and cadmium can interfere with mineral absorption and increase mineral excretion. They build up in our bodies from sources such as: air pollution, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, unfiltered water and food.

Nutritional supplements

Supplements can also lead to mineral excesses and deficiencies. For example, excess calcium intake can cause phosphorus and magnesium deficiency. Continued magnesium deficiency increases sodium levels and eventually causes vitamin A deficiency.


Hair is a 'Video Recorder'. By examining the hair, a lot can be learned about a person’s mineral levels & nutritional requirements. This data can highlight potential health problems and help you to treat them to meet your individual health needs.


Taking a hair sample is quick and easy – you only need to cut a small amount of hair, and it’s done! It can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. No head hair? Don't worry! We can also use your beard or pubic hair, as well as clean fingernail clippings to do the test.


Lastly, Mineral concentrations in the hair can provide a reliable indicator of mineral stores in the whole body. If your health, diet or environment has created a mineral imbalance or toxic mineral excess, it will be recorded in the hair shaft.

Grab one of our Winter Wellness Packs!

The standard pack includes the following:

(Packs can be customized)

Medicinal Immune Boosting Herbs

To help Enhance and regulate immune system function

Antibacterial and Soothing Herbal Throat Spray

To help alleviate sore throats and coughs

Clinical Trailed Therapeutic Nutrients

(Vitamin D, C, and Zinc) To boost your immune system

Immune Herbal Tea Blend


To stimulate your immune cells

What are the benefits of HTMA?

  • Know Your Health. Get a detailed and valuable health information often not revealed in standard blood and urine tests. Then, use the findings as a basis to re-establish a balance in your body chemistry via an individualized dietary and supplementation program.


  • Know Your Unique Metabolic Profile.

    A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.

    • Test for Toxic Heavy Metals. Uncover the presence of toxins associated with behavioral & neuro-developmental conditions such as ADD/HD, Autism, anxiety, depression, Dyslexia, speech delay, etc.

    • Vitamin = Vital Minerals. Replenishing crucial minerals is vital for your health and well-being.

    • Generally making you healthier. Healing your Adrenals and Thyroid, fixing your metabolism, balancing your hormones, regulating your blood sugar, and so much more.


    Sample. For accuracy, our lab requires half a gram (0.5 gm) or about a small teaspoon of hair for testing. Hair is cut 3-5 centimeters from the root (near the scalp). The hair needs to be clean, well-rinsed, untreated and uncoloured.


    Process. After you have purchased the Hair test, you will receive an email from Irene with a Client Form. The Form needs to be filled out and sent to Irene, incl. a strand of hair as outlined on the Client Form. 

    When Irene receives the form and hair sample, she will send it to a lab in NSW by regular post. The test results will be emailed back to Irene in about 2-3 weeks. You will be contacted via email once the hair test result is back. If you only purchased the Hair test, you will be emailed the hair test only. If you purchase the package, you will be asked to book an appointment at your convenience to discuss the hair test and targeted approach to your health concerns.



    Report. A report will be prepared that includes a Doctor’s Report, Client’s Report, and Dietary & Nutritional Recommendations.









    Click HERE for the full details.

    Frequently asked question

    How do I get the Hair Test?

    How much hair is needed?

    Does it matter if my hair is dyed?

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