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Improve your Olympic Lifts with Simple Corrections


Olympic Weightlifting Technique Lessons for Strength and Speed


Lift More Weight | Increase your Speed | Fix Your Olympic Lifts


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What Is Included

  • 26 Olympic Weightlifting Technique Lessons

    Each lesson is around 30 minutes long and features Coach Drew Dillon guiding you through the assessment and correction of multiple athletes performing multiple exercises with the goal of improving the Olympic Lifts.

  • Learn the corrections to make

    We will highlight what we would fix and why! We'll be highlighting the "Cause" and how it leads to the "symptom."


    You will also learn the corrective drills and movements we are adding into the athletes programming. You'll also get to see these athletes over time to see how the drills are working and how the issue is being corrected!!

  • Learn on your own schedule

    Watch a little before you head into training each day or binge watch them to your hearts desire. The perfect setup for our busy schedules!

What Customers Say

Suzie Leigh

“This is the only resource I could find that broke down the Olympic Lifts in slow-mo with feedback around what was happening. That is exactly what I was looking for, and was very helpful.”

Chad Hunt

“I've been watching the Olyeye videos and I can feel they are working. My old max was 170lbs. on a lucky day. Now I'm pretty much power snatching 175lbs."

Shawn Lewis

"What helped me the most is you would slow down the movements and highlight the areas for improvement. It allowed me to look at one aspect of the lift at a time and see if improvements could be made in my lifts"