EPISODE 17 > I give a Human Design reading for JACQUI SIVE | Splenic Projector 4/6

Today my guest on Lotus Life The Podcast is the ONE AND ONLY Jacqui Sive - who is an expert coach, mentor and guide - Jacqui is here to help people go through their own spiritual and life transformations.


She is the bridge between the science and the woo of practical spirituality, and because she is a badass she was generous enough to share her soul's map with you all on the podcast in order to help empower others. It was an absolute honour to read this woman's Human Design chart!


You can find her on the 'Gram @jacquisive



How many times have you spent time calling something into your energetic field, only to give up when it doesn’t appear ‘quickly enough’ on your ego timeline?
How many times do you work hard on aligning yourself & embodying your vision, only to let it all go at the first sign of ‘resistance’?
👉🏼The thing is.... you’re looking at it all wrong.
First off; YOUR (human) idea of the perfect time, and the Universe’s idea of the perfect time are probably two very different things. Plus, the world of social media has given you a false idea of how ‘quick’ things ‘should’ happen, because of ALL of the instant gratification clickbait in the space.
I mean...
If you didn’t sell out your first program,
Or meet your soulmate before you were 30,
Or hit 6 figures within 6 months of biz...
You must be manifesting wrong, right?!?
The KEY fam, is to know that when you have a strong desire - you will ALWAYS receive the opportunity to prove (to yourself) how BAD-ASS you are, by believing in yourself, your dreams & your vision even when you CANNOT see it - and especially when it looks like it’s nowhere to be seen.
Doubting your desires can be seen as being PART of the process of receiving them.
👉🏼 If you didn’t know what it felt like to doubt, it wouldn’t feel AS GOOD when you finally received.
👉🏼And.... MOST IMPORTANTLY.... Experiencing things that offer DOUBT, are actually OPPORTUNITIES to take your SELF-BELIEF muscle to GYM.
Instead of being attached to the resistance, the doubt, or the woe-is-me mentality.....
Love your doubt, for it has given you the opportunity to flex your belief in yourself stronger than EVER before.
You’ve got this baby gal.
I see you.
It’s coming.
It’s DONE."



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Eager to learn more about your Human Design?
Deep dive into your soul's purpose with a 'Soul Notes' Human Design Chart Reading



What is Soul Notes? 


This is your Human Design Chart Reading ... delivered in a totally new and upgraded format!


This is where the magic can really happen lovely - understanding YOUR true purpose and design that is uniquely YOU. I am here to be your guide as you take your first steps on this journey...



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