Distractions, Excuses, and Taking Action: Are the Distractions Your Excuses?

Not taking action due to too many distractions?

Are you using them as excuses for not taking action?

Are you easily distracted? And is it affecting your efforts to reach your weight loss results and keeping the weight off? Today I discuss distraction versus efforts.


Life is full of lots of distractions, right? Those distractions can actually end up being, and I'm being 100 here, excuses. You can use them as an excuse to not take action or be consistent.  Think about it. If you haven't taken action, why haven’t you put the effort in this week? You can use distractions for why you haven't taken action on the commitment to eating three more healthy meals this week, a commitment to eating more fruits and vegetables, committing to getting more movement into your day, committing to eating less sugar, etc.


Yeah, there can be lots of distractions, right? You can have family or friends come and visit. You can have events, parties, birthdays. You've got kids in school, whether you're homeschooling or doing virtual schooling, or you need to take your kids to school and other events.


There can be a lot of distractions. It's called life. It really is. It's called life. There is going to be a lot of things out there that could distract you. Things that can keep you off track from your commitment to stay on course to lose weight and to keep it off.

How to Overcome the I’m Too Distracted Excuse Syndrome

So, let's do some reframing with the thinking. On days when you are busy, take at least one action that will help you achieve your goals instead of nothing.


Today, if you haven't done anything yet, what is one thing that you can do today to get you toward those results? Whether it be working out today, whether it be doing some self-care, whether it be eating a healthy meal, meal planning, what is one thing that you can do today?


It's okay to have a low effort or low action days. But there shouldn't be a day where there's absolutely no effort unless you're physically ill and you need to rest. Then resting is your effort because your body's healing, right? Even if you think you are too busy during the day, do at least one action.


Tips to Get Some Time Back


Doing the above might mean getting your calendar out and putting down everything that your family is doing for that week. Whether it be at 4:00 pm, the kids are going to soccer practice. Add the times you take the kids to school, making meals, work, laundry, making meals, and then fitting in those times of working out or meal prepping. Put every single activity on the calendar, even the drive time.


Then take another look. What activites can you let go and no longer do? What activites can you delegate? What activites are non-negotiable, you must do them, no matter what?  See what activites you can delete.


Also, track how much time you're scrolling on social media and watching TV. You just may be shocked at how much time you are potentially wasting and how much time you can save!

On days when you are busy, take at least one action that will help you achieve your goals instead of doing nothing.

Pamela Pedrick, RN, CHC

Owner, Transformed Renewed You Coaching

I want you to wrap your mind around the fact that you potentially could be sabotaging your weight loss by using the distractions of life as an excuse.

No Action Versus One Action

It can be very easy to get distracted. It happens. Hey, I was a queen of distraction. I would get the shiny object syndrome and, like a dog, I’d go, “Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel. I'm so tired. I'm not sleeping. I'm stressed. I have no motivation. No one else is trying to lose weight around me. And if they are, they're doing a lot better job of it than I am….”


What I am teaching you was so huge for me personally. I learned it from Ray Higdon. He is a business coach. When he made the comment that low effort, low task days, low volume days are so much better than doing nothing at all. That was like a huge relief for me. Like, oh my gosh, it's okay to have a low action day! It’s okay to do just one thing, do one action, on days where I really need to get to bed and get some rest.

Replace No Actions Days with One Action Days

So it's okay to have a low effort day, but try not to have a no effort day. And I'm going to challenge you post below. What are you going to do today? To keep you on track or to keep you on that path, to your goals, whether it be losing weight, improving your health, what is one thing that you can do today?

Need help cutting back on the amount of sugar you’re eating?

Cravings out of control? 

Can’t stay away from the sweets? 

Want a faster time-saving system to end your cravings?

I’ve got you covered. The 5-Day Sweets Slasher System. Learn how to slash your cravings for sweets and eat less sugar in five days or less. 


With the 5-Day Sweets Slasher System there’s no need to white knuckle or willpower your way from the sweets. It’s a quick workshop and coaching bundle to help you stop just simply staying away from the sugar (because that’s not a permanent solution) and  quickly stop the cravings when you need it most – right now.


You’ll learn how to more easily cut those sugar cravings and eat less sugar in 5 days!

Tired of the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting? Struggle with emotional eating? Are you a woman who works in healthcare and you want to get to your optimal weight AND keep it off? 


Join my email list and get strategies to break the chains of dieting and emotional eating.





Tired of the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting?

Struggle with emotional eating?

Are you a woman who works in healthcare and you want to get to your optimal weight AND keep it off? 


Join my email list and get strategies to break the chains of dieting and emotional eating.



© 2021 by Pamela Pedrick, RN, CHC. All Rights Reserved.