EPISODE 62 > My Year As An Entrepreneur - from a 6/2 Mental Projector

My Year As An Entrepreneur - from a 6/2 Mental Projector​



Sharing from my Undefined Heart


As we draw to a close on 2020, I wanted to break it down and share with you dear earthling my real-life experience as a Mental Projector, as an entrepreneur, to share what it’s been like for me in business over the past 12 months.


Why am I taking you on this story through my year as an entrepreneur? I want to share with you, because I believe it's important in our new paradigm era we are moving into that these conversations are open and held with love. I truly believe we need to speak to our own truth, because you never know who might value immensely hearing a story that they resonate with! (If even one person hears this episode and it helps them, well, then my soul can sleep tonight incredibly happy!) While also I am so excited to be able to look back on this episode in a year's time and to be able to sit with you again and share a reflection looking back at documenting the here and now in another 12 months!


But I’ll be honest…. this is SUPER uncomfortable, because my Undefined Heart has had to do a fuck load of deconditioning around money, self-worth and getting comfortable talking about money… while my Defined Ajna has taken a lot of years of rewriting money narratives or stories that I had in place… here’s my chart for reference!






So just as a brief overview - I think it's helpful to talk about where I’ve come from, to give you the context of my NOW… I want to acknowledge my privilege because I think we cannot have these conversations about money or business without acknowledging where our privilege comes in, so I am a white woman, I’m cisgender, I’m heterosexual… so automatically right there comes a whole lot of privilege that I have had … I also have both parents who are still married, and have always had enough money to have more than our basic needs covered kind of thing - our life has been lived rather uniquely, in that - just to explain if you haven’t caught my story before on past episodes - my father (who is a Manifestor btw!) worked for agencies like the United Nations when I was little, so we’ve lived literally all over the world… everywhere from Iraq, to Uganda, to Fiji, to Thailand, and Singapore… I’m an only child (again, privilege comes there too) so we’ve always been comfortable with money - which partly came because of our lifestyle being kind of the early 1980s version of the digi nomad I guess, like having a super low cost of living and living out of a suitcase and travelling … I had a colouring book and pencils….  That classic late 80’s early 90s life without the internet, laptop or cellphones!


However, the money story I was conditioned by was that money comes from working incredibly hard, sacrificing, and essentially being away from your family - because my dad’s job throughout my entire growing up was to be away working on site on projects in places like Mongolia and Afghanistan.


So that model of providing for your family, being incredibly good at what you do, having gifts in a very unique niche, being successful financially - that all came from ridiculously long hours, sacrifice of time. That model of ‘success’ was all that I was exposed to (it was the running joke in our family that we don't celebrate birthdays together because quite literally we were never in the same country as each other)


OK - so now we’ve opened the memory vault, what's the point to what I'm sharing here? Well, I needed to paint that picture so you can understand my HERE AND NOW. In the past 12 months I have had my first 6 figure year which has looked like around NZD150,000 in financial wealth “arriving” in my world… HOWEVER I want to be clear that this doesn’t mean I have 150k sitting in my bank account! NO WAY…


But I want to break this number down, get into the context and share my year in business with you because I personally am so tired of seeing people shouting about their “6 figure business” or “7 figure year” on the internet, but without ANY CONTEXT


Did they spend 7 figures in order to make 7 figures?

Did that person have a spouse supporting them financially through the months when they went into major debt?

Did you even know that many business coaches are actually not making money in their business, but have got a partner or spouse who is working a 9-5 job and paying all the bills behind the scenes?

Did that person actually lose shitloads money for months/years and then turn a corner this year?

Did they earn their “money” from investments, passive revenue like rent, and actually make NO profit from their coaching or whatever service they offer?



I don't know about you but i always have SO MANY QUESTIONS


So, this is my Mental Projector, version… sharing with you the 2020 version of Rose, who is about to turn 36 and runs her own business from her dining table, with a laptop, wifi, a cell phone and a diary.



How did I become an ‘entrepreneur’ to start with anyway?


My entrepreneurial journey started back in 2015 when I quit my 9-5 job and stepped into our family business which at the time entailed starting a brand-new venture that I was tasked with managing, growing and starting from scratch. Basically, I was handed someone else's vision and had to become an overnight entrepreneur to make it come to life. I literally was tasked with everything from deciding the colour of paint on the walls, through to hiring staff, to marketing (sink or swim, right?)


That’s a whole another post and story to share at another time, but that was my era of living the mistakes - my classic 6-line profile living life as a 3 line during that first phase of my life. So, I lived and breathed the burnout, the overwhelm, frantically trying to do everything myself and just ending up this shell of a human. I was working 80+ hour weeks and the whole situation was not good… BUT in looking back on that time in my life, I can see the learnings, the soul growth lessons and the direct path that led me to where I am today.


Those exact years were what opened the door for me to rediscover spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, manifestation, my version of living in alignment. I had to go through that to become who I am now and to understand my WHY for the work i do today, but also to understand that I am not here to follow someone else’s model of business, or to try and “keep up” or work harder than the Generators and Mani Gens around me, nor am I here to try and ‘copy’ the Manifestors of the world!


So, fast forward a few years and my entrepreneurial journey took a few continuous false starts in terms of trying to operate from a place of LOGIC rather than trust, surrender and alignment. Despite having this life *in private* that was all about crystals, chakras and manifestation I was still heavily conditioned to be running a business that was kind of “not woo woo” … so initially I built a creative design agency, creating websites, running social media accounts, branding for clients and even got into the early stages of designing a clothing line. Which I did adore! It was all feeding and fueling my creativity and i loved that side of things - but I knew deep down it still wasn’t quite right. I knew I had to keep working on my deconditioning so that I could get to the stage where I had that energetic, clean slate and could hear with clarity my own truth.


I also to get to the stage where I had deconditioned to the point that I was prepared to STEP INTO my own truth too - which I think is really important to distinguish, because we can go and get ourselves a spiritual/soul purpose reading for example that tell us all this awesome stuff about us … for example that we’re natural leaders, or healers, or coaches or whatever… but if we haven’t done the deconditioning work, we still feel unworthy of actually EMBODYING that.




My past 12 months as an entrepreneur


So, let's talk about my past year in business as a Mental Projector. My goals and my version of abundance looks like:


*to wake up every day, without an alarm,

*to work ideally less than 20 hours a week,

*to walk every day with my dogs here where we live by the ocean,

*to be barefoot all day,

*to never have to wash my hair or wear makeup,

*to be able to nourish myself with the foods that are important to me like buying organic

*to be growing my own organic veggies in my garden


If all those boxes are all ticked, that’s MY VERSION of abundance RIGHT THERE! Obviously, it might look totally different for you (and that’s ok!) I’m here to celebrate you - whether your version of abundance looks like getting your nails done each fortnight, or buying that dream car, owning that house, hiring a cleaner… WHATEVER IT IS… you doo youuuuuu. We all have our own version… and this is me sharing mine.


December 2019


12 months ago, we’re just heading into the festive season, December 2019. At this stage my business was still like an amoeba trying to find its shape. It was floating around all squishy and jelly like and at this stage I was spending all of my time contracting to our family business. Some weeks, I would be on site 3 or 4 days a week, whereas others would be working solely from home in a “strategy, marketing, social media” role - what I can now look back on and realise was me being the VISIONARY but at the time while I was in it, I couldn't quite get the clarity on myself as a Mental Projector to realise that's what I was sharing. (One of our superpowers as Projectors is to have clarity on everyone but ourselves!)


I was working with my coach Jacqui Sive 1:1  and focusing my energy into starting my podcast as a way to grow awareness of my brand and my business, but as many of you who have been with me since those first episodes of the podcast - I hadn’t stepped into that FULL essence of spirituality or Human Design! Or should I say, I was still trying to be LOGICAL. If I’m completely honest, still holding myself back with these fears about “what will people think, what will they say, how will they react”… all of that conditioning to people please, play small, not make others uncomfortable. Because up until that point, I was someone who people knew *outwardly* as a very different kind of person … like, closet witchy, alien, spiritual being… not talking about any of that to anyone but my partner! 


Some other CONTEXT that I believe is important to add to this conversation - is that I’m the sole income earner in our family. Darren is an artist - which means that we’ve never in our 11 years together placed any kind of expectation on his gifts to be a source of ‘steady income’ for us - because I’m such a believer that as a creative, the moment you place expectation or pressure upon your artistic gifts that can often be the quickest way to smother your creativity! (That's probably a whole other conversation - about how our connected souls have come here into this lifetime to support each other) But I just want to be clear, that the LOGICAL part of my mind that was trying to build a business that was logical and planned and all that, a lot of that conditioning came from my self-imposed pressure I had put on myself around being the sole income earner for our family - to ensure that I wasn’t taking any big risks. There was a lot of fear and conditioning there that I had to work through to get into a place of trust and alignment.


At that time, I was still struggling with the fact that I had this conditioning around being an *entrepreneur* that I should ‘only’ be making money from my soul purpose - which is seriously fucked and let me explain why…


Being a Mental Projector, with my soul purpose being all about creating new systems, new paradigm business, guiding others on their own journey to being empowered to be themselves - that essence comes with me into everything I touch and to every situation. So, with my work that I still do now within our family business, which is our Retreat Centre that’s exactly what my work is that I do within that business. But it took me pretty much this WHOLE DAMN YEAR to realise that is actually WHAT I bring to that business. That my Projector gift for seeing efficiency, systems and the clarity for what direction to move in… that’s what I share... the gift that I bring to the business (while my Mum is a ⅗ Emotional Generator and my Dad is a 2/4 Ego Manifestor… you can sneak peek their charts below!)


The clarity finally came


What I want to make clear that has been a big journey for me this year is in understanding how just because I am a Human Design reader, guide, mentor … whatever label slips on me in this current season of life - we don’t always have to be 100% dedicatedly making money from our soul purpose.


Which might sound silly to say out loud and to admit that it took me such a long time for that to LAND for me. But I had to give myself permission, especially as a Mental Projector to say to myself “well ACTUALLY, I’m here to receive abundance in the most efficient and magical kind of ways” once I finally had that drop in for me, that was when this whole year financially and abundantly just started to blow my mind.


To go from a situation 18 months ago or so where I struggled to pay bills and had my card declining at the supermarket, with a mindset that I *should* be earning all my money from ONE THING, to be trying to fit into a neat little box (like being a ‘life coach’ for example) To now be in a position of trusting that abundance shows up in a multitude of forms and faces and it doesn’t have to be 100% from “giving human design readings”!



Show me the money honey


This is where my Undefined Heart begins to really squirm. But ok, let's go in! Let’s talk about money and the details of that over my past 12 months and let's get into what that looks like for me as I share the practical side!


Around 40% of my abundance this year has come from the consultancy work I do for our family business, which is on a retainer type arrangement - with the flexibility that some weeks I am quite heavily involved and on site lots, while other weeks it might just be a couple of hours copywriting, doing PR, those kind of things that I can do from home.


But in my quest for transparency here, I want to be clear that this is something I DO give energy to on a daily basis! Whether it is daily phone meetings with my mum for an hour, or responding to emails, or managing social media…. this is something that occupies some component of my energy daily.


I certainly don’t want to be portraying this like it’s some passive-revenue-coming-in-while-I-sleep type situation! That’s partly why I am so HOT on planning with my own hormonal cycle and the moon cycle to make sure that I am CURATING my weeks around my own energetic flow and capacity. It’s important to me to know that I am working WITH, rather than forcing myself to show up in a way that is entirely out of energetic alignment for me.


January + February 2020


January and February 2020 rolled around (oh, when we all had these big plans and ideas for what 2020 might look like!) So, in my case, this was exactly at the time that I finally made the decision to step into my FULL woo woo existence and pressed GO on my Human Design purpose. Which meant that in January and February, I was still only financially bringing in money each week from my consultancy work - however I was beginning to lay the foundations to transition to sharing my gift for Human Design. To start actually *talking* about it publicly, to start shining my Projector light into the world and to also recognise that in order to energetically bring that vision I had into existence, I needed to invest in SUPPORT. Even though the Human Design side of my business hadn’t yet brought in a single dollar (as in zero, zip, nada), I knew I needed to have that support otherwise I would be just repeating the same mistakes as when I first started as an entrepreneur - aka burn out ville, population one!


What did I do? I took a huge leap (and shat my pants) as I hired my VA … having ZERO idea how I would make it work, but just trusted that it would.


Nerys is such an integral part of my life now, nearly a whole year on, I wouldn’t even know what to do without her. We talk daily and she does everything from my podcast, to my website (which she has just recently completely overhauled, rebuilt and created all my branding!) It was the best decision I made and it was entirely following my Projector alignment that Nerys came into my life. One of her other clients shared in their Insta stories one day an invitation that said something along the lines of “if you are looking for a VA this is someone you should get in touch with” … and that was such a perfect energetic invitation that I followed, which has worked out magically in the most aligned way ever since that first invitation.


March 2020


Just as the world was heading into lock down ... my fledgling new Human Design soul purpose offering was just being launched! *gulp*


Which meant I had to focus my intention and energy wholly into not *overthinking* or allowing my logical side to interfere (you know, trying to talk me out of launching something while the world seems to be being flipped upside down in front of our eyes collectively) and that’s exactly what I did. I doubled down on my spiritual practices, my manifestations, taking care of my energy and explored clearing of past soul contracts, bonds, things that may have been holding me back. I basically invested in taking care of myself spiritually, mindset wise, energetically and took the approach that if I wanted things to change - I had to change!


I had to do things completely differently to how I had EVER showed up in my life before now while at the same time, taking the aligned steps (actions!) to share about this new ME. That meant changing my social media to focus on bringing that intention into reality, sharing value around Human Design, stepping into that space despite those voices in the back of my mind that were going “BUT WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY”


April to November 2020


In that time between March and November, so 8 months, it has been such an expansive time of growth - with the invitations that I have received:


  • Invitations to empower others,
  • Invitations to share about Human Design,
  • Invitations to guide others on their own transformational journeys


In terms of the financial side of things - because we might as well cover the specifics - I started out charging about a third of what I knew my gifts were worth. I offered this as a promotion in my first month because at that stage of my business it was important to be able to connect with others, to show up and share about Human Design and really to embrace my Projector strategy of knowing that as long as I was showing up, sharing my gifts and being in that energetic space of trusting that the recognition and aligned invitations were already on their way…. then the momentum of growing towards my aligned goals would come.


In those 8 months that’s really what has been happening on a daily basis for me. Taking that approach of trust and alignment. In that time...


*I’ve been invited weekly to give readings for incredible souls,

*I’ve been invited to write for other businesses blogs

*I’ve been invited to guest speak for coaching groups

*I’ve been invited to share or swap gifts in an energetic exchange of readings, podcasts & services

*I’ve been invited to give readings as a coaching tool

*I’ve been invited to write for two independent publications


This has come purely from a place of trust, alignment and flow. No pitching, no strategic hustling. Just allowing what is meant to come my way to come my way. The universe has a timeline that I cannot possibly imagine in my little Human incarnation!





For me personally, part of the way I track my abundance comes in the form of energy AS WELL as money in my bank account. While absolutely we live in a world where everyone is worthy of being paid for their gifts, living an abundant AF life -  I also absolutely recognise these kinds of things as energetic abundance… even just as simply as this morning I opened an order of a book I had purchased for myself and there was a free crystal included in the package! Abundance is magnetically coming my way every day!


So let’s talk about how that abundance has shown up in *other ways* than I ever imagined when I started out this year with the intention of having my first ever 6 figure year as an entrepreneur.

In my journal at the beginning of this year, I got specific (because that’s my manifestation style) while also trusting that the exact HOW would be revealed by the universe in a way that I set about manifesting with the approach of “hey universe, send me THIS or SOMETHING even better”


The universe has shown up with the something even better time and time again!



Our dream home


So one of the major things was that earlier this year, in about July, Darren and I were manifesting building our dream house. We had created the exact plan of how it would be laid out to suit our beachside lifestyle, the floor plan, the type of double glazed windows north facing so that the house would be warmed by the sun every day and using passive house concepts which basically aim to be extremely low cost when it comes to power, heating, lights you know…


(We own our own tiny home and just to give you the open book on that front… 3 years ago we sold what was our first home and downsized dramatically (from a 4 bedroom house with a mortgage, to a 1 bedroom tiny home) but what that meant was that we are now mortgage free on our tiny house here by the beach. Part of our big goal to be mortgage free and abundant in our lifestyle-by-design of living simply but with SO much freedom)


SO…. we’d been manifesting building this house, and had NO idea how it would happen - and just released it to the universe and said, “ok, this is what we want to live in … now universe you get to work” Well, by the time October rolled around (so maybe 3 months later) we were given the invitation to long-term house sit in, I kid you not, a house maybe 5 doors away around the corner that is almost IDENTICAL to what we had designed… like… my mind was officially blown. I am still kind of dumbfounded to this day sitting here writing this, that the universe showed up and delivered something that was ENTIRELY unexpected… but has delivered something EVEN better. Because for at least the next 5 years or so, this is available to us to be our home and it meant we could literally move in overnight… no need to have to go through the process of building, getting consents, finding contractors - none of that required… What that also means as well is that now we’re in a position to potentially rent our tiny house out in the new year, which is another way that abundance is showing up in entirely unexpected ways!



The letter in the mail


Another significant part to my 6 figure year has been in another form of abundance showing up overnight that has been entirely unexpected - which comprises about 60% of my abundance in 2020 (but also has to be acknowledged as being energetic abundance, not a whole lot of zeros deposited in my bank account!) About a month ago we had a letter show up in the mail, that we had no idea was coming - and it told us that our tiny house has been given an updated valuation. Quite literally overnight it was suddenly worth $90,000 more than the day before! (Cue mind blowing emoji) Which again, was another way the universe stepped in and delivered in a way that was entirely unexpected … and I still can’t really wrap my head around. How we can suddenly as a human rolling around earth wearing this little meat suit going about living our soul purpose, suddenly receive a letter and with a snap of our fingers our financial worth increases by such a phenomenal amount!




Breaking down the fake facade


So, what does all this mean… well I wanted to share this recap of my year as an entrepreneur with you… because part of what I’m here to embody in this lifetime is to break down the old patriarchal structures around money, wealth and living an abundant life. Which has ALSO meant that I have to take the scary leaps to live my own experience and experiment and then share with you - because I feel SO STRONGLY that we need to strip away these facades of false wealth that have been built online. That we need to understand that it can be SO misleading and downright fake for someone to portray themselves as a 6 or 7 figure entrepreneur, however in reality might be losing money every single day - and might be entirely miserable as soon as the perky Instagram story stops being filmed. There is so much more to abundance and soul wealth than metrics and fancy websites that are carefully ‘created’ to portray a fake image.


I have had a 6 figure year this year, but I certainly would never begin to profess to tell anyone that I have the magic formula to copy … that idea makes my insides crawl. The false manufactured numbers game isn’t for me - and if it isn’t for you either, I suspect that's why you’re here still reading. In my opinion, things like the “number of views online”, or the “number of zeros” against your name mean nothing if it doesn’t come with alignment, ease, flow and being able to show up every day in your TRUTH.



Success has 7 billion different faces


Your true soul abundance comes in many shapes and forms. Success has 7 billion different faces. Having an awareness of your true soul motivation when it comes to things in life like wealth, success and making a difference in this world will have your own uniqueness stamped all over it. Your Human Design, aka, quite literally your DNA, is going to determine what is most meaningful for you and your soul.


Abundance to you might look like earning 6 or 7 figures and THAT’S TOTALLY AMAZING. Hell yes! Make that money honey! But equally, I think 2020 has really highlighted for so many people  that true abundance might look like having your own lifestyle block and growing your own veggies surrounded by nature. Abundance might be the time you have to spend at home with your children. Abundance might be the free coffee tomorrow that you receive on your loyalty card.


So, if I can share one piece of my 6/2 view on life, let’s break apart the false, vapid, consumerist version of success and abundance that has been the old world way we’ve had shoved down our throats for so long. Let's return to honouring and knowing our own truth. Returning to our own awareness of what abundance means for each of us.



Attitude of Gratitude

Let's start having that gratitude and reframe of abundance so we can all begin living in the NOW, the deep gratitude for what we DO HAVE. So often we are so much more abundant than we even realise, or give gratitude for. Partly I think, that is because we’ve had so much conditioning around what living an abundant life *should* look like (looking at you Instagram) and if there’s one little thing I can impart from this post, is that by honouring what my own abundant life looks like… it can give you permission to get to the core of your own truth and what YOUR own most abundant life looks like too.



For me? That means living in the middle of nowhere, overlooking the ocean, working from home, with my dogs by my side all day every day, having complete control over my days, living in that space of knowing that my bills are paid, while also always looking at ways to simplify what bills I DO have to pay (because you know, law of taking action is important too) and being able to continue to grow my soul purpose in an aligned way so that I can keep on creating greater ripples of change throughout the world.



I hope you’ve found a little nugget of wisdom dearest earthling - something that resonates for you and gives value in your own beautiful lived experience. As always, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t - but most importantly make sure to recognise that you are incredible just as you are! While you might not be where you want to be just yet (and really, who ever is, right?!) by bringing your intention towards what it is that you desire, what your most abundant life looks like for you, that’s already co-creating your dreams!


I’d love to know what your abundance story looks like! What has your journey been like when it comes to money? How has deconditioning looked in your life? The more we can share these real life moments, the more we support each other in this incarnation!



Dear Projector, you were MADE for entrepreneurship…


You came here with a special kind of magic, gifts and your trademark Projector wisdom to share - all wrapped in your unique energetic aura!

SO it’s time for you to SHINE as the entrepreneur, creative and visionary you came here to be!

I’m inviting you to step this way as you go about bringing your dreams to life, showing up and shining your light with confidence and successfully embodying your Projector strategy with ease.


This action plan came to me one afternoon sitting at my dining table and I am so excited to share it with you - as if there’s one thing I love more than anything, is to recognise you dear friend and celebrate the unique path you’re here to live out as you share your soul purpose with the world!

Click the link below to access your Projector Entrepreneurship Action Plan - which includes a 80 minute video masterclass plus my 4 key action steps to guide you to show up and share your brilliance in alignment with your aura, Projector strategy and all without burning out or feeling overwhelmed trying to work like the Generators, Mani Gens or Manifestors surrounding you.



Your invitation is here dear friend


Rose x


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