Attracting Real Love

12 Week Group Program

Attracting Real Love

12 Week Group Program

The Ultimate 12 Week Program

A  12 Week Program To

Empower Women To Find Their Confidence In Love Again And Meet The Right One!


    Ready To Begin Your Journey...

    Feeling frustrated and confused when it comes to dating and relationships?

    Seeing everyone around you, happy and all loved up in their relationships. It can feel so lonely – going to bed alone, planning holidays with no one to go with or even trying to plan a get together with all your friends but they are tied up in relationships, looking after their babies and children.

    You have no idea of why your past relationships broke down, which makes the thought of future relationships feel absolutely terrifying! Remembering how it feels to have your heart broken – not feeling sure if your heart can cope with that pain again, but then again the fear of having no relationship in the future also feels terrifying so you are stuck in turmoil in any direction you go!

    Please….can we change this now?


    You are fed up of spending your nights and evening alone, everyone around you seems loved up – yet you are spending evenings in watching tv alone with a ready meal for one, as lets face it what’s the point of spending time cooking an awesome meal for one. Social events, you are praying that no one asks about your love life, at work you are hoping that the creepy guy doesn’t try and flirt with you and you are fed up with those confusing messages from an old flame which usually involves filthy messages, sometimes a hook up and then a period of silence until the pattern starts again…… this really what your life has come to right now?

    I mean, you are successful, you are loving, you are ready to settle down and you are ready for something serious.




    Seriously, if you are ready for a committed relationship with someone you are looking forward to a future with. Someone who is genuine and can make you laugh uncontrollably. That feeling of knowing that they are falling for you from the way they make eyes with you or just going that extra mile to let you know that they are thinking of you. Please keep yourself available for real love! Plus….quite frankly, the sex with someone you have that connection and love with….is out of this WORLD! (ugh, ever had sex without connection! YUCK!)

    Ok, so this is what needs to happen right now!

    🔥 So firstly, uncover the past rubbish that’s holding you back. These could look like abandonment issues, where you constantly feel afraid that they might leave or find someone else. It could be trust after being hurt emotionally or physically!

    🔥 Let’s get clear on what your relationship patterns are and are they healthy? Do you lean on your partner too much or do you control the relationship, so you feel that you have that security – ugh toxic patterns right here!!

    🔥 What is your go to? Do you often find yourself going for emotionally unavailable men? Or men that keep you on your toes, or men that seem confident in the beginning – but actually they are sooooo insecure and emotionally draining!!


    Yeah …….it’s intense…… we cover this just within the first 4 weeks, imagine what the other 8 are like!!! But this is why I am so effective and why 75% Of My Clients Meet A New Partner Within 3 Months Of Working Together!


    The reason we go into this depth is that we are the energy we attract, if we are feeling emotionally shut off and afraid – we then attract partners who are also in this energy. Fact! So my 12 week deep dive uncovers this. Along with:


    🌸 How to date online & offline

    🌸 Understanding what creates that spark

    🌸 Masculine & Feminine energies

    🌸 What is needed for a loving and healthy relationship

    🌸 What to do to protect yourself if you are prone to losing yourself within a relationship

    🌸 How to recognise emotionally unavailable partners

    🌸 How to spot toxic patterns


    Are you ready for these 12 weeks? The Attracting Real Love Program Includes:


    🦋 12 Weekly online training (worth $1200)

    🦋 6 Hypnosis Recordings (worth $600)

    🦋 3 Online Group Energy Healing Sessions (worth $300)

    🦋 6 x 60min call (worth $900)


    The whole package is worth over $3000

    Love is one of the most precious things we can have in life – are you ready to let real love in?

    You deserve love – here is what Bex has to say after working with me

    "Lily your amazing, ladies anyone reading this please let Lily help work out any past hurt as letting go of the hurt of our past releases our pain, hurt and resentment. We all deserve love and happiness if we give ourselves the chance to. Lily helped me and I'm eternally grateful to her, I'm proud to say I have a wonderful amazing man in my life whom I love so much. I do believe if Lily hadn't help me overcome my issues I would have jeopardised my relationship somehow. I'm in such a better place than I've ever been in my life and finally I can give my best and receive the best of love from my partner. Ladies take this chance and opportunity to work with Lily and I hope you all find the love you deserve 😘"

    This is not for you if you are not ready for real commitment.

    Limited spaces – book now


    Let's get started!


    Work intensively with an International Relationship & Dating Coach who has worked with women all over the world, supporting them after the darkest of times to go on to find healthy and loving relationships.


    Are you ready to experience that shift of feeling empowered and confident- knowing that you can attract that man of your dreams?


    Imagine saying goodbye to those relationship blocks and mastering authentic ways to attract that perfect partner and turning dating, into a committed relationship.

    What Are People Saying?

    “I signed up to my coaching program in January and must say that I found Lily so approachable and easy to get along with. Her training really had me thinking and questioning my beliefs and defence mechanisms which  I was using to stay single. After being coached with Lily, we worked through my underlying issues with men from my childhood, got in touch with my inner child and went through some hypnotherapy which released me from my self imposed defences.

    I feel that I am now open to a relationship, have confidence and trust in my ability to feel whether someone is right for me or not and feel confident to walk away from any situation (without questioning myself) that does not feel right. Lily is a legend.”

    Anon, New Zealand

    “When I saw Lily’s service advertised on Facebook I was in a very sad place and was a bit lost, desperately trying to find answers about how to move forward after a relationship ending on New Years Eve.  I have been so surprised about how quickly my world has turned around!!!  My confidence has improved so much as well as my self-worth and self-esteem and I don’t think I’ve ever really felt this happy and confident and positive before.

    I feel excited about the future now and in a really good place, even excited about dating again!  Lily used such an interesting and varied mixture of tasks and techniques to help, including the hypnotherapy and calls and daily emails with discussion and tasks and videos, in really digestible chunks and was so supportive all the way along.

    There wasn’t a question or block that Lily didn’t have the answer to or the guidance there for me to work it out!  I felt better so early on and this just built and built and it was really fun too!   Thank you Lily for a great programme, I’ve learnt so much!”

    Anon, United Kingdom

    “I can’t express how thankful I am for your kind words, your support through the hardest, roughest part of my growth and for just being there, picking apart my emotions and helping me sort through them one by one. It is truly unbelievable to see how far I’ve come and to feel the difference within just a few short weeks and I did it!

    Life has definitely changed significantly for me and in the best possible way, to love life again was something I wasn’t sure could happen, to feel that much pain deep down, like it seemed absolutely impossible to come out alive, to feeling the way I do now is remarkable! I couldn’t have done it without you Lily, I have such a passion for life, to be happy and just live my life for me.”

    Anon, Canada

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