Win by Wednesday: A Guide for Overachievers (that's you)

I've had the opportunity to work with many types of professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs. Most are perfectionists and overachievers. This means they (by "they" I mean me and you) actually DON'T achieve or perfect much at all. They actually don't do anything unless it can be done just right, right on time, and according to the highest standards. That's ok. After all, excellence is a core value that drives greatness. Unfortunately, it is not helpful when it causes inactivity or failure avoidance.


The following 3 overachiever hacks should prove helpful in your (meaning our) attempts to be successful at everything all the time:


Overachiever Hack #1: Win by Wednesday


As overachievers, we shoot for the horizon. The problem is the horizon is not reachable, ever. The best bet is to get a small win, and I mean so small it hurts our pride, by midweek. Sure, we could have done more, but shoot for the small win. Why? Because a PLANNED win is key. You would have been productive on accident. This win was intentional, planned and executed. This keeps us on the track of small wins, which defeats overachiever-isms from sabotaging us by shooting for the moon when 3 steps were needed first.


Overachiever Hack #2: Plan 5 Blocks to do 3 Things


As perfectionists, we tend to say something to the effect of, "I will work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week." Then, when we don't work out Monday, we throw the baby out with the bathwater and give up until the next week. This is a major overachiever-ism. Instead, plan to work out 3 times this week and put it on your calendar 5 times. Then when you miss Monday you haven't failed. Missed Tuesday? No biggie (but the pressure is mounting). You will work out Wednesday now because you're motivated. See how you can beat your perfectionist mind without failing? Try it, this one really works.


Overachiever Hack #3: Employ Tiny Goals & Habits


The strong will of the overachiever is impressive. We can power through just about anything. Our willpower is so strong that unless it is fully engaged we tend to not be motivated whatsoever. We are one-legged stools, all in or not in at all. This kills our ability to be consistent. We tend to work best in fits and spurts (that's hack #4 and for a different article). The key is to do something so small that it takes literally no will power at all to do it. It's as easy as breathing. Instead of planning to run 2 miles, plan to walk to your mailbox. You will get started, the overachiever positive vibe will begin flowing, and inevitably you'll start running down the street. The problem is that the ego will say to plan for more, but unless we are fully engaged and motivated we won't even begin to do that larger thing. The key is to plan for something so small it would be ridiculous not to start it, then allow the overachiever in you to shine as you blow that tiny goal or habit out of the water.

I hope you have found these hacks as helpful as I have and as many of my clients have. Overachievers are often found reading LinkedIn articles on how to achieve more, so if you're wondering if you're one or not, well, there you have it. Here's to success!