The 100 most innovative applications for DECENTRALIZATION and BLOCKCHAIN...




What if your data could be stored in an absolute safe and unhackable manner?


Meanwhile everyone has heard of "Bitcoin" and "Cryptocurrencies" - but there is much more behind the term blockchain. Data protection, tokenization, smart contracts and ownership are just a few examples of their many areas of application.


If you want to know what potential the blockchain has, this book is an absolute MUST HAVE. It really contains everything about the possibilities and dangers of decentralized applications: relentlessly honest.

Blockchain is coming!

And it is far more than just Bitcoin. It is my mission to make the world more than just #cryptofit.

In 2025, 1 billion people should understand the term “Blockchain” because of me.

My book "Cryptocurrencies simply explained has the absolute core focus to prepare people for cryptocurrencies. Coins, wallets, cryptography, transactions, ICO's, etc. are explained as simply as possible so that everyone can find access to the crypto world. Especially for newbies it is important to have good basic knowledge so that they can move safely in this new world.


My new book, on the other hand, is based on the idea that there are many more applications where decentralization and blockchain are extremely useful and will play an important role, and on the desire to explain this easily.

If you say that you are only interested in crypto currencies... then you should definitely read my previous book first. But if you - like me - always look at it:


"What could have changed in the world in 2 or 5 or 10 years due to decentralization?"


then I guarantee you that you will devour my new book!

Are you ready?

Now it's up to you to decide whether you want to go with the times or ignore the innovation now.

But I promise you one thing: the Blockchain will come - one way or the other.


Will it replace your job?


Will it simplify and speed up our daily lives?


What dangers do you face?


Using the blockchain is anything but safe. On the contrary, there are countless scenarios that pose a great danger. We don't want to imagine them at all...

Nevertheless, you should be exactly prepared for it.

To prevent this, you have to know what you're dealing with.



So in my book, I not only address all those opportunities, but also the dangers and explain how you should handle them.

It is important to me that everyone has a very good basic knowledge. Only in this way can positive and safe decisions be made for our society, our humanity and our world.

Blockchain is much more than just Bitcoin & Crypto!

In the book you learn:

  • How current industries are already massively influenced by decentralization and blockchain

  • What innovative ideas are there at the moment that are still in development? Which of them will soon be ready for the market? Which ones will we see in 5 or 10 years, maybe or very probably?

  • What are the biggest dangers of the blockchain, if and how they can be stopped and what you can already do against them today?

  • How to ONLY realize that projects that may look great on the outside are in fact rip-offs and SCAMs and how to protect yourself from them?

  • Which criteria have to be fulfilled in order for an innovation to be promising and ready for the market?

And much more…

I look forward to meeting you in person soon, e.g. at one of our CryptoNights, so that we can exchange ideas and I can also hear your opinion about what the Blockchain future will bring us.


All the best to you,




P.S. If you're one of those (like me) jumping straight to the end, here's the deal again:


For you, I've put everything you need to know about Blockchain in one book. You'll learn what the opportunities are, how it will affect your workplace, where it will take control, and most importantly, what the dangers and risks are.

You can get my book about the 100 most innovative and from my point of view most exciting ideas for the future about decentralization and blockchain from now on.

Such a book is guaranteed NOT to be available on the market today, where absolutely concrete visions of the future are discussed now!

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