Ready To Leave The Weight Of The Past Behind And Step Confidently Into Your Higher Self And Purpose ?!
Join the FREE 5-Day Release to Thrive Challenge to break free from the past! Say goodbye to self-doubt, limiting beliefs and overwhelm so you can show up at your fullest and create the life you dream of and deserve!
What's Included?
Take a look at what's inside the Release to Thrive Challenge:
Daily Video Training
Breaking down my signature 3-step Release to Thrive™ system into 5 days of content, including major mindset shifts and daily holistic habits to help you shift into a totally new vibration and level of confidence!
Daily Journal Practices
Reflect and look within with these daily journal practices to help you uncover hidden blocks and get SUPER clear on exactly who you truly are and where you truly want to be!
Daily Guided Meditations
Listen to 5 super POWERFUL guided meditations to release, recharge, and move into a state of overflow. These meditations are sure to bring all the good vibes you need for life-changing transformation in a short amount of time!
Private Support Group
Join 750+ like-minded women who are all equally focused on personal growth and healing, bringing extra support and connection. PLUS, get access to me and my bonus Live Trainings and Q&A Sessions!
What Other Challenge Members Are Saying:
Kara Michelle
It's time to stop fighting for your limitations and start fighting for your dreams! Release the past, boost your confidence and clarity, and step into your Higher Self in the next 5-days!
About Kara: Kara is a Holistic Life Coach, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Reiki Master, and a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. She helps women break free from their past and their limiting stories, so they can go from pain to purpose and start living out their dreams in MONTHS instead of years!
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Ten years ago, although I looked happy and alive on the outside - on the inside I was far from it. I had major insecurities, crippling anxiety, and was desperately trying to find deeper meaning in my life.
You see, when I was 18, I suddenly lost my brother Derek, who was my absolute hero. While trying to stay above water and deal with the loss, I was raped at university. And not long after, I survived a horrific car crash where my car flipped and rolled 4x on the highway.
These experiences caused more fear and anxiety, PTSD, and even self-loathing. But more than that - they fueled a story that I was a "victim" and that I deserved bad things. From this dark place - I couldn't see my way back to life again, let alone to happiness, peace or purpose!
But I knew I had a choice: I could either let this be my story FOREVER, or find a way through - believing there HAS to be more. So I left everything and bought a one-way ticket to Sri Lanka and Bali in search of answers!
Fast-forward seven years of traveling the world, investing in holistic tools, and learning from the most incredible mentors - I overcame my past and reprogrammed the negative story and limiting beliefs that had crept in over the years. I did what I NEVER thought was possible: I broke FREE.
Today I live the most fulfilling life. Creating the impact I've always dreamed of, empowered and in control of my mind, equipped with a toolkit to handle the curveballs of life, and I achieved the ultimate goal I set out for - to turn my pain into purpose and THRIVE! ✨
My life's mission is to share what I've learned so other women can break free and transform their lives like I did. Through subconscious reprogramming, deep energetic release work, and a proven step-by-step system, I guide women from all around the world to heal past pain, stop playing small, and rise up to fulfill their destiny!
Get an inside look at the tools that changed my life and the lives of hundreds of clients by working with me in this exclusive 5-Day Challenge! It's time to Release to Thrive, my love! 💛
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