Photo by Alice Dietrich at Unsplash

Developing Your Style As An Artist

JUNE 22/The Wanderlust Collective/

Art,Art Style, Inspiration

As people we’re always growing in our education, life etc, your artistic voice is doing the same thing. Your life experiences contribute to life changes. With every piece of art you paint, your style changes and grows too.



Photo by Eddy Klaus at Unsplash

This is very important, there can be a breakthrough in your artistic life where you feel like you’ve found your style, have confidence, and cohesiveness in your work.

Photo by Shayna Douglas at Unsplash

There are many components to your artistic style, like mindset, elements, and aspects of making art that you are probably not aware of. Your style also includes elements that pop up and repeat in your work. There are color choices, texture, subjects, storytelling, techniques and emotion.

Continue exploring other artworks as you begin to evolve. Don’t just go to gallery’s, museums, but search different kinds of art. There is Pop Art, Fine Art, Cartoon Art, Contemporary, Art Nouveau,Surrealism the list goes on and on. 

Photo by Bahman Adlou at Unsplash

Photo by Jeff Kepler at Unsplash

Style is learned, adopted, developed and manipulated over time. Sometimes we just happen upon it. Even if you feel like you have finally found your style it continues evolving.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai at Unsplash

Inspiration for our personal style comes from the world around us and what we get exposed to. The simple formula for finding your style is to take in the world around you, and reshape it into something that is yours. Remember that no artist is completely original.

"Good artists borrow, great artists steal." 

Pablo Picasso

All this means is that good artists and great artists work differently. A good artist will see another artist's style and then try to copy that style. A great artist will take certain elements from other artists and add it into their own mix of influences, see the difference?


Photo by Tim Mossholder at Unsplash

Many people think they aren’t creative, and that's because they’ve set the bar too high for themselves. They are quick to name others as creative but feel that unless they come up with something completely original they themselves aren’t creative. Let’s be real here, even if you come up with something you think was entirely your idea, an artist from the past could have come up with it thousands of years before you.

Allow yourself the creative freedom to pull from influences around you. Take these creative freedoms and weave them into your painting ideas.

Photo by Amanda Jones at Unsplash

You will be shocked at what you can create, and how your style evolves.

Photo by Drew Beamer at Unsplash



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