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Transcript of Interview with Alan Steinfeld: Interviews with Swami Sri Kaleshwar
Meeting Sri Kaleshwar and Transcendental Meditation
Jenna: We are here with Alan Steinfeld. Alan Steinfeld is a longtime friend and devotee of Swami Sri Kaleshwar and last year, Alan and I met and had a pretty instant connection. Alan's been in the field of Ufology and ET connections for a long time. He's written a best selling book “Making Contact”. And as I was leaving the Ashram in April, I posted a photo reflecting on my time there. And Alan immediately reached out and said, “oh my gosh, I knew Swami.”
Alan: I was there, Swami married me.
Jenna: And so Alan and I very quickly realized we had this other connection that came into our awareness. So Alan is one of our first people on the podcast and I am just so honored to have you Alan and I want to start with, what was it like when you first met Swami? When was that? How did that happen? And what do you remember about his essence and the energy that was present at the time?
Alan: I remember probably almost everything. This was in 2000. I have to say just to correct things. I don't know if I would consider myself a devotee like of Swami. I feel like I was more of a friend. I did do some of his mantras but, I liked him. He was just a fantastic person.
So what happened was if you want the long and short of it, is that I was up at the Ramtha School. Do you know the Ramtha School?
Jenna: Yeah, you've talked about that before.
Alan: Yeah, Ramtha. There was a channel and me and my girlfriend at the time, Paula Gloria had this friend named George Sobel. So he’s famous or infamous, infamous for his wide reaching study, I would say journey into Eastern Hindu mysticism.
He was a TM [transcendental meditation] person for a long time along with Paula and a bunch of people that came to Swami. Jonathan Rosen was a TM person and some of those early followers were out of the TM movement. Anyway, I'm with Paula at the school and she gets a call from George that Swami Kaleshwar is going to be up in the area of - it was Washington - up somewhere in that area. And so I wasn't sure I wanted to go but Paula wanted to go. So she escaped from the Ramtha retreat that we're in… climbed over the fence. I don't know why I didn't go, but somehow it's just was something she was really passionate about.
As soon as she heard about Kaleshwar and she met Kaleshwar at this retreat that was happening somewhere in Washington State that George was sort of helping to host. She was really taken. She was open to all that. She was with Maha Maharishi, Maha Yogi for 20 years and was really just looking for another teacher. She was quite a student of Hinduism and maybe that was in 1999. That happened. Yeah, I think it was ‘99.
So she just loved Kaleshwar even though we're at another master's place. So Paula was really taken, she ends up going to India. for, She was the there November or December of ‘99 when Swami did this blood of the Cross ritual or practice where people would make these makeshift crosses. I wasn't there. She told me about this. So Paula went to the Ashram.
She was doing all the mantras and she told me all these amazing things that were happening and I felt like, “Oh, I definitely have to be there.” Eventually I went to the Ashram where Paula was and I was wondering how would it be when I really connect with Swami Kaleshwar. So I come into the Ashram after a long train, you know, flying to Bangalore.
Jenna: Yeah, it's a trip.
Alan: It is a train to Penukonda. And then I arrive and he's sitting outside. Swami used to sit outside the steps of the temple. Is that still there? Kind of swinging Hammock?
Jenna: Yeah, he still has a swing.
Soul Recognition with Swami Sri Kaleshwar
Alan: It's about 100 ft from the entrance of the temple. That's where he would sit and do his nightly talks and people would gather around. And so I think I arrived in the evening, he was sitting there. I had met Indian teachers and Gurus and they all had an attitude in the sense that… The struggle, I think Westerns have and Eastern teachers have is that - this is just my opinion I might get a lot of disagreements - is that Eastern teachers think that Westerners are not spiritual at all. They just think they have all the answers and Westerners think, well, who are these people that are just like everyone else? So there's this whole prejudice that already happens for some people. Some people are just blown away like Ramdass, that was a real master who was like, “oh my God, this guy is so full of light and love” and, and just awakening. But some teachers, there's a lot of pretend gurus out there. If you ever go to Kumba Mela?
That's like a guru convention where all these teachers line it up and I guess it's sort of a prestige for Eastern teachers to have Western students.
Jenna: We actually had a woman from the lineage, go to the I'm not sure if it was last year or the year before. And I think one of the first times a woman has really walked with these gurus. So Swami's legacy is living on in, in really powerful ways. And it's really interesting you bring up these other gurus, you because I had always kind of recognized that. There's something special going on in the East. Yeah. There seemed to be these masters who can do incredible things, with their mind. But I had also been a little turned off by Guru culture for a long time. In my spiritual journey, I hadn't really connected with a teacher from the East until my path crossed with Swami and it just clicked for me that he's the real deal.
Alan: I come back to the Ashram for the first time. He's sitting on this little… I guess it's like a swing or a couch right near the steps or right down from the steps from the temple itself, which was a beautiful temple. And, I was expecting judgment or expecting all the things I had gotten from all these other Gurus. And we had a moment of recognition and we just smiled at each other. It was just like like meeting an old friend. I have to say it was really a recognition - and it brings back some beautiful, joyful memories about that moment. It stays with me where we just met eyes and then I don't know if he smiled first. Maybe he did, but maybe I… no, I think he probably did and I smiled. I was like, we knew each other. It was like a recognition, a reacquaintance, there was no trip or nothing like… there was none of the other things I had felt with other Eastern teachers. It's like I was meeting an old friend. That was the moment of recognition.
Jenna: I just got huge chills, Alan. Yeah.
Alan: Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, I didn't know what to expect. I don't think I had even seen a picture of him before and expect him to be. I think he was only 26 when I met him there and must have been uh Shivaratri of 2000. I don't know. What year was he born? What year?
Jenna: Oh gosh, I'm not sure. In the late seventies maybe. ’76? Can't remember but he was, you know, he was a young Swami. I think a lot of people talk about that… those first moments of connecting with him and having this kind of reaction like, “wow, you're kind of young to be doing this and to be performing these supernatural abilities.” And so this took everyone off guard a little bit.
Making Masters Not Students, Water Mantra and Science of Vibration
Alan: Yes. A different type of divine teacher. He said I want to make masters. I'm not your master. I want to make masters. This is what was so special about him among a lot of Eastern teachers who just want followers. So he'd lead people through practices.
I did the water mantra when I was creating this event for Emoto in New York - every day for 40 days. I did the water mantra in my bathtub.
Jenna: And that's pretty special to be doing that in connection with the Emoto work and the science behind water.
Alan: It was the first time Emoto was coming to the US… it was right on the heels of what the bleep where he was featured as like the key being person in that movie to show how thoughts are things. Vibration is our realities. And so I was bringing him to New York and I did the water mantra.
Jenna: I've been charging my water. So I have glass jars that I put my water into and then I charge them on words like gratitude or love or joy and, and I like intentionally infuse the water with that energy and, and bring it to that vibration.
It's like if we understand the technology, it's similar to the mantras. It's like the mantras shift the water, in our body, and shift the energy in our field. So yeah it's a powerful thing to understand.
Alan: Swami put a lot of attention on the mantras, especially the roots. The what is it called? The bijaksharas.
Jenna: The bijas. Yeah, the bijas being the root word that makes up a lot of the mantras and the root word being like the primal frequency, the root sound of God that creates harmony in the creation.
Alan: So he paid a lot of attention if you look at the fire puja that he did into Topanga Canyon for about 70 people. So I was staying at his place and this one of the first big ceremonies that had happened with Swami here. Maybe it was even the biggest ceremony he had. We did it outside in the Canyon and we videotaped it. I had my camera and two other cameras and Paula was there sitting right next to Swami and… you've seen it, you said, right?
Jenna: Yeah. Yeah. We'll link to that too in the show notes.
Alan: I mentioned that because in that he gives the correct pronoun pronunciation of each of the five elements. And he says it's the pronunciation that carries the frequency and the vibration. So you have to say the Hindu syllables in the right way in order to get the right effect. That was why I mentioned that. So he's going through the five elements and that ceremony, which was it was a powerful ceremony.
You know someone like Swami who could see through the levels of reality. And a lot of the teachers in Eastern traditions are because they've done the practices that open a neuronetworks of awareness to that level of understanding. So we can all agree on that, he was a beautiful master. He really wanted to help people. He was compassionate, he was sincere and his mission was to teach.
And I think whoever you talk to on this journey, Jenna, you'll find they might have different opinions of who he was or how he taught his life. But the core of the essence and I didn't spend that much time with him. It was very nice to me, but there were people who spent years, maybe 10, 20 years with Swaney.
Jenna: think also as a testament to your connection with him, and the lives you've lived… He let you interview him for a long time. Like you had some really dedicated, one on one time with him there.
And what did you interview him about?
Alan: Well, first he said he'd never get married in that interview and then he ends up getting married. Have you seen the interviews?
Jenna: Yeah. Yeah. You sent them to, you sent them to me after the first trip to the Ashram. Yeah.
Alan: About his teachings… maybe he tells a story about how he got initiated by Shirdi Baba. Just what his mission was for the plan. And that's when he said, no, he doesn't want to get married… he's devoted to his students. So he wasn't going to get married.
Experiencing Joy and Following Our Passions
Jenna: Swami asked you what you wanted in life. As though he was about to grant that wish for you and you said “Joy” and then vibhuti [ash] flew out of his hands. How has that manifested in your life?
Alan: That's such a beautiful question. Thank you, Jenna. That's really sweet of you. I think not to compare myself. But, I have a pretty good time. I mean, I am doing things I love to do.
I'm traveling, I'm meeting beautiful people, I’ve resolved a lot of my issues. I still have stuff to work through and we all do. But I met a lot of great teachers who helped me learn presence. So I think it's a process of manifestation. You know, it's not like it joy just arises, but there's moments of joy for me. I'm content for sure. There's things I still want to do and I want to accomplish and want to know about and learn and people and places and things. I'm an aquarian and so my adventures and experiences are about knowing and learning and sharing more of that gnostic wisdom. So I'm teaching remote viewing and really trying to be at the forefront of what's happening in the UFO Disclosure movement. That is like history in the making and that gives me the most joy or fulfillment… that something is shifting about human design… let's say human civilization that has to do with the other in a way that has not existed before we are in historic times. And I'm in there with that, I'm in there, you know, maybe not as much as someone like Steve Bass or Richard Dolan and Linda are really the masters of that. But those are my teachers and those are people that I'm in association or close connection with. So the excitement and the joy is that we are in the midst of a change.
Star family wisdom is all about that as well and that's what brings joy to me… is that I'm seeing that reality is transmuting right in front of us.
Jenna: And you've been such a big part of that for so many people. It's through your process of following your passions and allowing that to just carry your life forward. You're helping so many other people find joy. So it's fun to think about how that moment with Swami has just played out in all of these really beautiful ways.
Alan: Well, thank you. That's really a great way of putting it. Yes, I think I've always been a follower of my passion. I can't think of living any other way except following… even long before Bashar. When I heard Bashar say… that is what I love to do. Follow my passion. Of course, you know, other people have careers and families and fortunes and there I am just following my passion. But, I met this one guy who was a millionaire and he was upset with me and he said, “you have more freedom than I have,” and, “I'm tied to my golden handcuffs and you're just traveling around in Jordan.” And he was a nice guy but there was a little bit of resentment he felt, , he worked hard, I'm sure.
Jenna: But that's a good reminder, you know, be careful what you wish for because it, it might come true.
Alan: But also go for your passion, go for your passion because I do believe what Bashar says. It will not ever steer you in the wrong direction. And when we mean passion, it doesn't mean just getting drunk every night. What really drives you. And my passion at this point is understanding the process of awakening a new humanity within relationship this other presence. and we have yet to know and in any sense of understanding, we don't know what this is. I'm not going to say we may never know. But I think we have to change our way of thinking… even using some of the tools and some of the ways of being that a lot of the master Eastern Master knew about… where other ways of being.
ET Past Lives and Transforming into the Enlightened Human
Jenna: Swami even talked about, you know, the idea of other beings and other intelligences in the universe that we can connect with. It wasn't like at the forefront of his teachings or anything. But there's a mention of it for sure. And I'll, I'll just go out on a limb here and say that, what I feel is true about my connection with Swami stems from one significant earth life, but mostly from ET lives. So we'll just leave that here for the audience. No.
Alan: So there's so much more to say. I mean, the sad part is (or maybe not) that he felt like even back in that interview that I did in 2000… I think it was 2000 with Swami… he felt like he had completed a lot of his teachings. I was just saying it's too bad, he's no longer on the planet, but maybe he did feel complete, you know. Um
Jenna: Well, it's beautiful to see how many of his students are carrying on the legacy and how many people, like me are at a later date, finding the lineage, finding the practices and are able now to engage in them in a way that is more of a formal initiation because of all of the work that his students have done since his passing. So it's no coincidence to me that that's happening. It's all playing out the way it was supposed to and he left behind an incredible legacy. When we think about it, these are the mantra systems that Jesus used. Like these are some of the most incredible spiritual tools at our disposal for this time of change on earth. And I'll just say another thing out loud that I shared in a workshop last month. This also is about divine power and with power comes responsibilities, energy mean in your life, like how are you going to utilize that?
How are you going to, you know, embody that in a way that is of service, at the highest level possible. And so it's just an incredible thing to contemplate and integrate. And I think it humbles us very quickly to engage with this sort of information.
Alan: Well, I think it's great that you found a path that resonates with you. But what's your big picture here? Yes, you want to learn as much about this system but what are you going to do you want to do with it?
Jenna: That's, I guess one good, good question, Alan. You can have me on your show and interview me soon if you want. You know, the ultimate goal for me in this whole journey has been to reach a level of wholeness where I do know… I know the truth of reality. I know the truth of myself and my soul at like the deepest levels and have, at a cellular level gone through that transformation so that I can help others. That was the whole point of starting star family wisdom… it was partially about my journey initially, but also to share the wisdom and practices that I was engaging that were coming back to me as I was going through these extraordinary past life recalls and to support others in their transformation. So, I think ultimately, you can say the goal is enlightenment or, or this or that. But you know, we engage in this stuff to heal the world, and it starts with us. It starts with us and excavating all of the parts of ourselves that have been attached to negativity that have been programmed in ways that are not in alignment with the divine structure of the universe. And so there is a massive effort afoot around deprogramming ourselves and reprogramming ourselves. And I think we're at a critical juncture in humanity where we're poised to make a quantum leap. And I know that part of my destiny is with Star Family Wisdom, running this mystery school. But also to just help be a connector… around this topic too and support people in finding the practices and information and encourage them to go as far as possible to make that quantum leap. You know, we've got to make a quantum leap as humans right now for our collective survival. And so this is started for me as just a healing journey. But then it turned into remembering what my soul has done in other lifetimes and remembering what I'm here to do and then also to just like be fearless in the transformation process and to some extent be an example of that and, share openly about what it's like and the hard, the good, bad and the ugly, you know, all of it. Because it's a major, major transformation that's required for a lot of us.
So yeah, the ultimate goal is to just be of service in the ways that I'm called to and continue down my path of transformation.
Alan: Beautiful. Well, you're a service here for the service of the divine. And I really see a transformation actually, since you've met the whole teaching. I said that before, but you definitely see more at peace, more present, more loving, more open.
Jenna: It’s not for the faint of heart, for sure, but it's worth it.
Alan: But when you say that, why, what comes up for you? What makes it tough.
Jenna: Well, I think any time we are serious about healing and transforming, we have to meet our shadow. We've got to meet those parts of ourselves that have been living in distortion… like we're doing soul retrieval through these processes in a sense and to be able to harness and call in our full soul power that requires us getting rid of all the other stuff we've been carrying… all the trauma, all the wounds, all the negative programming, all the baggage, all of the limiting beliefs, and excavating that, meeting it, clearing it, releasing. It is not pleasant sometimes… like you go through major emotional releases and stuff. So, yeah, it's just good to be prepared for that, for anyone who's on the path because that stuff's going to come up, and you have to deal with it and that's tough stuff sometimes, but it's part of the process.
Alan: No, thanks for sharing that part. You're right. You're right.
Jenna: Like the, the amount of tears I have cried over the last few years as I've been engaging this transformation process, like the amount of grief and stuff I've had to sit with as it was coming up to clear… like, whoa you did not see all of that coming. But I'm so grateful for it all.
Let's do another chat soon. I'm so grateful for you, Alan.
Alan: Thank you, I'm curious about the next people in the series you're going to be talking to.
Jenna: And yes, stay tuned. We're going to have a fun series of guests coming up and some solo episodes where I'll continue to share about my journey and things that feel important. But yeah, this is the beginning of a hopefully long journey and just a place to hold space for these sorts of conversations and, and remember Swami Sri Kaleshwar and talk about transformation and what's possible so that we can support each other in this massive transformation that's happening.
Thank you for being on the show. I am so grateful that you shared so much of your heart and memories and, wisdom from your time knowing Swami. And if you had one piece of advice for the audience during these times of change on the planet, what would that be?
Hooking Shakti Power and Bringing the Mysteries Back to Humanity
Alan: Well, just think about some of the things Swami would say. He said it's OK to grab power.
If you go to a power spot, pull that power into you… grab it, hook it… it's here to hook. He was always talking about hooking the Shakti, hooking the energy and it's like ok to go for hooking the energy… taking what is being offered to you. And you know, encourage people to do that, not be afraid of that energy and really bring it into you. And we have so much available to us and we have to just feel we're worthy of our divine connection. That was something … Swami knew that. He already knew that. And he was already beyond that in a way where it's like, OK, got that one. Now, I'm just going to help others in a sense. And in that way, he, had completed a karmic pattern for himself, probably. So we're here, I think in this evolutionary time to use a lot of the tools the masters have given us. Even the Star Family Wisdom Masters… all of these are mysteries to bring humanity back into wholeness, bring ourselves back into wholeness, live in harmony with the earth and welcome the unknown, welcome the bizarre, the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the impossible into our reality. And then we wake up to the greater picture of who we really are. And we're at the threshold of a magical, limitless Luminal transformation of ourselves, the human race and possibilities that will bring humanity into what I said, joy we're working on.
It's a collective, it's a collective group effort. So I'm happy about that.
Jenna: what a good note to end on and well said. That the mission is joy. Bringing joy back into our lives and healing the planet, finding harmony and love and wisdom.
Alan: And compassion, you know, like the bow of the boat… no one wakes up until everyone wakes up. And that's probably true because we're all entangled with each other in levels of consciousness. So, there's so much new that is coming to the planet Jenna, with the awakening of a disclosure reality. That's like, wow. That's the unknown coming into form. What I'm excited about
Jenna: What a time to be alive on earth, you know? Oh, my goodness.
Alan: The new reality is happening. It's here. The new reality is here.
Jenna: And yeah this lineage, these practices are in many ways the new reality. So thank you everyone for tuning in today and following along on my journey and Alan's journey. Alan, thank you for your wisdom. It was just a delight to talk to you.
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