We first came across this opportunity in July of 2022, and for the first 16 months it was effectively in pre-launch, and so many concepts were still not finalised, and ideas were still evolving. Many people that got involved at that stage found it difficult to fully understand the workings of the project, and certainly found it difficult to explain to others.
However, we very quickly identified the incredible potential of what was in front of us, and set about studying it very carefully, pulling it apart, reading everything we could, watching every video, attending every Zoom call and ASKING QUESTIONS!
And once we understood it all properly (months!), we came to the conclusion that the way it was being presented at that time would not appeal to the vast majority of the population. It was targeting a very select group of people, whereas we felt, if done correctly, ANYBODY would be able to grasp the concepts, see the obvious benefits, and go on to achieve their dreams.
With the aim of trying to help as many people as possible establish decentralised income and assets for themselves, we have produced the following video, which we feel presents only the information that you need in order to make a decision and to then get involved. There is a lot more "official" information out there, but what we have found is that it is presented in a fashion that most people find very daunting and confusing. Surely the most important aspects are "what's in it for you?" and "how do you get it?" If you go down that other route, there will always be another question, something else to learn - and you will NEVER get started. Like we said, we felt a simpler explanation was required - enough to fully grasp the power of what's on offer, without having to study it for months. We've done the work so that you don't have to!
Watch the following video, all in one undisturbed sitting if possible, and then any of the supplemental videos below if required. Then complete the form to gain access to the Getting Started page, and to be assigned a mentor/sponsor. You will almost certainly at some point require assistance, so don't shy away from this - we are here to help!
If we were to confidently say that this is a personal money-making machine, you might laugh. The thing is, once the penny drops, and you realise that it quite literally IS a money-making machine, you'll be laughing even harder. You'll understand that, once you've watched the video!
Decentralised Asset Growth From Liquidity Pools
Uniswap Liquidity Tokens, whether staked or not, accrue their share of the transaction fees.
Decentralised Income Through Staking
Staked liquidity tokens receive an extra bonus, paid daily, direct to you.
The Most Lucrative Referral Program Ever
Recurring, annual, referral bonuses up to 20% on amounts staked - no limit!
DCA Into An Increasingly Scarce Asset
Use your passive income to acquire the reserve asset of the ecosystem - effectively for FREE because at the end of staking, all funds are returned.
Stake Assets To Secure 500% LTV Borrowing
And staking those assets entitles you to borrow from the system, at 500% LTV, interest FREE!
ALL Funds Always Yours - No Third Parties
No intermediaries - no deductions - any funds are always yours, and under your complete control.
Provably Not A Scam - Safe, Secure, Sustainable
Blockchain technology, self-custody wallets and peer-reviewed smart contracts ensure the security of the system. And the mechanisms employed make your income indefinitely sustainable.
The easiset and safest way of acquiring lifelong, sustainable, passive and
DECENTRALISED income and assets.
Very necessary protection for you and your family.
ⓒ Kastech Group International 2023. All rights reserved.