Official Membership & Master Class

of Minimalist Homeschooling

A values-based approach to maximize learning and minimize stress



SIMPLE really is the new SMART

Are you tired of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or doubtful?  


Do you want to feel clear, and confident, and enjoy some free time?


Do you want to do less, yet feel like you're gaining MORE?



Join us inside the Simple is the New Smart Membership to get everything you need

to find peace, confidence, clarity, and excellence in your homeschool!


Make this the year you gain MORE by doing LESS

This Membership Includes All the Most Important Things


It's time to finally

Go Simple,

Clear the Clutter, and

Enjoy the Journey.

Minimalist Homeschooling Tutorials Vault

Get unlimited access to exclusive resources designed to keep your homeschool, and home simple, and sane.  Inside, get the support that you need.  We cover topics in a clear, content-rich way, so that you can continue to give your family, and yourself the best environment.  You'll find things like:

  • Exclusive Video Tutorials: If you like it when someone lays it all out - what works and what doesn't - then you will love this vault.  Video tutorials on topics like Consistency & Routines, Quick & Dirty Planning, and more,  are constantly being added to this honest, helpful treasure trove.
  • Worksheets & Cheat-Sheets: High-impact printables to walk you through transforming your mindset AND taking action!
  • Keep It Simple Prompts: Each week, you will receive a "Keep It Simple" tip and journal prompt.  These quick emails encourage you to consider one aspect of Minimalist Homeschooling more closely, audit yourself, and aim for simple.  You will be amazed by how far small steps and a little encouragement to stay on-track can take you.
  • Weekly Decluttering Challenges: Each week, you will be challenged to declutter just one small area of your home.  This way, you can keep your environment simple without a major overhaul - or, get closer to the decluttered home you long for, one step at a time!  Small steps really do have a big impact!
  • Printables: You will find Minimalist Homeschooling Mindset Hacks, Attendance Record Sheets, Special Planner Pages, 100-Day Goal Setting, and Inspirational Graphics, all available for your to download and use in your own homeschool. 


Exclusive Facebook Group

Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

BONUS!!!  Minimalist Homeschooling Master Class ($97 VALUE)

The Complete Membership

for a low monthly price - cancel anytime!

Hi!  I'm Zara Fagen, PhD,

author of Minimalist Homeschooling, and creator of Simple is the New Smart...


I'm a homeschooling, business-owning wife, and mother of 4.  I'd love to show you the method that I use, and that thousands of people are using to simplify their homeschool - from top to bottom - from now on.  


You can prepare your child to reach their potential without sacrificing your sanity. 


This membership is like getting a homeschool coach who will walk you through designing a homeschool that is both simple and excellent - without the price tag. 


You'll get the step-by-step action plan, and tons of support, to change how you approach your homeschool forever. 


It's time to fill your homeschool with what is truly loved & needed... without the extra. 


Are you ready to add value to your homeschool, and time to your days?


You really CAN gain more by doing less.  


I can't wait to meet you inside!


Create and maintain a

personalized, values-based homeschool this month

for less than your weekly coffee habit.

My homeschooling has improved in terms of my confidence about the things we do... It has helped me to no longer worry about the curriculum I have chosen.   This year I opted not to go to curriculum night, I like what I have and didn't feel the need for more or to change... Overall Minimalist Homeschooling has gone along with me working to be more minimalist in my home and I am finding that some days will really go on autopilot at this point, in a very good way. My house clutter is lessening and my work load is lessening... I occasionally find myself able to relax in the middle of the day!


Simple is the New Smart member

I've been homeschooling my six children (ages 16, 12, 10, 7, 5, 1) their whole lives, and spent several years researching the best ways to do that before my first was school-aged...  Yet all these years, and some more than others, I've felt like I'm missing something somehow... Well, this was, very simply put, JUST what I've needed all those years! Working very intentionally... as the course prescribes, has been a total game-changer for us. My children are happier in their homeschool than they've ever been, and I feel so much more relaxed and confident... Thank you, Zara for truly helping take us to another level, and improving our daily life for the better!


Simple is the New Smart member sense of calm has returned! ...the knowledge that we are focusing on the most important things, I feel so much in control of my days - I don't feel like I am on a hamster wheel and running all day but never getting anywhere... I have experienced such a life-altering mindset in the amount of curriculum I think I need, the space I think I must have & the time I feel I need to spend planning and implementing our school. Schooling has taken on more of an organic approach that has been freeing to all three of us!


Simple is the New Smart member

Give my children MORE, while doing LESS?

Teach me!

Here's What You will Gain in

Simple is the New Smart

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?  

Let's talk about specific changes you can expect after you learn the Minimalist Homeschooling process.

  • Save Money

    I go to homeschool conventions and easily buy nothing.  Nothing.  With increased homeschool clarity, you can easily save 2, 3, or 4 times the cost of this membership yearly on "extra" resources!  How many things are sitting on your shelves largely ignored?  They used to be money.

  • Gain Time

    Our job is to educate our children, not fill up every minute of the day.  You and your children will receive the gift of time from a Simple is the New Smart membership.

  • A Plan that Works

    If you ever feel like scheduling lessons into your day is like playing Tetris, Level 10, then you have a lot to gain from Simple is the New Smart.  Let's get you a plan that fits.

    In the membership, we tackle:

    • How to create a values-based homeschool
    • Prioritizing
    • Planning & Scheduling
    • Choosing Lessons & Resources
    • Streamlining Spaces
    • & More...
  • Confidence and Peace of Mind

    The core of Minimalist Homeschooling is valuing what we do.  You can expect a deep sense of satisfaction once you create a meaningful and valuable homeschool.  And, you get to decide what is valuable.  You can give your children the best. 

  • Self-Care & Sanity

    Nobody wants you running around crazy and stressed.  Nobody.  That's not who you were designed to be.  Simple is the New Smart is designed to prevent all the crazy, and most of the stress.  Are you ready for calm and joyful?  You will have the support system you need to problem-solve and make intentional homeschooling happen!

  • Improved Quality of Life

    How would your homeschool feel if you could simplify, streamline, focus and purge?  How would you life change?  How would your relationships change?  How would you feel if you were supported in this journey?  Pretty great, huh?  

Imagine being clear on exactly what you're investing in - before you spend another minute, or another dime.


Now is ALWAYS the best time to start.

Lifetime Access

You'll have access to the membership materials as long as you are a member! 

Cancel Any Time

Cancel anytime.  Stay as long as you'd like - we're here to help!


Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved By Zara Fagen, PhD;; Simple is the New Smart & Minimalist Homeschooling