NLP Practitioner & Master Practitioner Training

Leading The Innovation Of NLP By Integrating Behavioural Profiling Psychology To Train Elite Coaches Who Wish To Make A Huge Positive Impact For Their Clients. 


We Do This By Delivering The Most Effective Techniques In The Industry That Can Be Applied With Ease To Not Only Coaching But To Everyday Life Too.

You Know There Are More Possibilities

After a combined 20 years of delving into the world of NLP, hypnosis and influence, Lily & Jonam soon realised that despite the great information being shared on courses and in books, there is a deficit of practical support to turn knowledge into skills.


Yes they work in a controlled training environment, but have you been shown how they can be applied to EVERY part of your life?  Have you been helped to tailor the techniques to your own unique circumstances, or has it felt like a "one size fits all" approach?


Lily & Jonam have done the leg work for you - when you work with them, not only will you learn the skill set, you will gain the confidence to use it in your everyday life - not being limited to formal coaching sessions or seminar room breakout sessions!


Imagine that feeling of instinctively being able to gracefully apply NLP at that "unconsciously competent" level of operating, where the right words and the best strategies flow from you and send a positive ripple effect outwards into every life you touch.


What's your current level of curiosity? Join our live FREE workshop now to find out more.  


What You Haven't Been Told



Skills Beat Knowledge | Be The Best

NLP At Your Own Pace

You Are Unique | Learn Accordingly

Why Learn Advanced NLP Skills With Us?

When Results Count, Training Matters

How much more confident would you feel if you knew that the skills you've invested in have been developed and refined so much that they are relied upon by counterintelligence operatives in life-and-death scenarios?

This is the only place in the UK where you will learn NLP with an edge - an edge that is based on $30m government backed research and 20+ years of in-field development.

Why settle for knowing NLP when you can own it?

You're not looking for just another certification to hang on the wall, you're here for a purpose:

Create meaningful, lasting change for your clients and for yourself.

Creating breakthroughs in a seminar room is one level, it's another thing entirely to confidently and consistently achieve real-world, real-time results throughout your life.

When you've embodied the skillset, you'll never be tied to scripts again.

Guaranteed support for maximum impact

Whether you're just starting out, or are a seasoned NLP veteran, we're committed to you having the support and resources you need to integrate and innovate around your own unique situations and outcomes. 

Whether it's 1:1 mentoring to ensure mastery, practice partners so you don't have to use friends and family as lab rats, or feedback or advice on a specific project or client.

We've got your back so you're free to focus on what's in front of you.

What Our Clients Say

Having completed an online NLP video course previously, I was absolutely blown away by the level of information and quality of delivery that Lily and Jonam presented on their Advanced NLP Course. It has been incredible seeing the positive impact I can now make on the lives of those I care about, and upon my own, with the masterful skills learnt from their course. Their experience and knowledge is inspiring, and the enthusiastic way they deliver the information really infuses you with the confidence needed to make transformative change in your life.

Florence Driver

NLP Coach

This course isn't a case of reaching some academic level of excellence. It is a case of real and practical lessons that have excellent impact on your life and those you love. 
Why? Because once you know this you will find every opportunity to apply it.
It will be as much a part of your day as breathing!

Melinda Barb

Parent - Artist - Author

Lily and Jonam are so amazing at what they do. They have changed my life for the better! NLP has not only enhanced my work life but my whole life! I can’t recommend them enough!

It's mind altering to see the different ways that NLP can be used to enhance everyday life!

Laura Lake

Actress - Dancer - Photographer

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