Peek into My Skype Art Class

Drawing The Eye Structure​

APR 6/The Wanderlust Collective/

Art Class, Drawing, Graphite, Skype, Values

Fun Fact!

By 3 months our eyes are the same size they will ever be as the corneas have reached their full width. Howard C Howland, Cornell neurobiologist, studied the sizes of eyes throughout stages of development and observed “Human eyes grow rapidly in the womb and for the first three months after birth.” He goes on to say that this explains why babies are so adorable cute with disproportionately big eyes gazing out from those little round faces.



Today I hope to give you insight into understanding and developing the eye and the surrounding folds when it comes to drawing. In this video I use a 2B Graphite pencil and I break down the eye and explain the steps as I am teaching my student via Skype.

Intro to Drawing Trailer

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

Eyes change from person to person, and there are many parts to it. It helps to look at an anatomy photo to go back and forth and analyze what you might be missing in your drawing, when forming the eye.

History of Drawing

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

"Using a sphere for reference along with the Gray Scale Value Finder can help you find the darks and lights in your photo reference. This helps you better gage the values as you go along developing your drawing. One of the fundamentals to drawing is to learn your dark and light values. This affects how light affects shapes."

Edgar Degas

Here is the progress of the student I was working with. This was her first class, and she did an incredible job!

"Where Do We Go From Here?"

I challenge you to push yourself, and go beyond just drawing. Understanding anatomy of your subject will change the way you see things. I would love to see your work. Please leave a comment, let me know what you would like to see in the future.  


Happy Drawing!



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