Freelancer #Tip 9 – with knowledge, action and intention we can achieve anything.


Modelling knowledge from post-production experts has shortcut my career.


Without tailoring the best education for me applying experts best practices, I wouldn't be where I am today.


Me and you know it’s importance, however, how do we filter through the noise and find the best content?


It’s becoming well-known to us that traditional methods of education such as school, college and university in certain sectors aren’t as effective as specialised knowledge, taught by EXPERTS


Topics taught by someone that has the industry experience and 10,000+ hours in their field. 


My story 


I went through the traditional route from school to university for my B/A Honors in Digital Lens and Media however I was blown away at how little hands-on experience my tutors had, that we’re teaching me the subjects!

Hold on, this isn’t what I ordered. 


So I found an alternative. Online tutorials! 


I used to be obsessed with learning new techniques in After Effects, learning how to cut Final Cut Pro 7 (this was a while ago) and experimented for hours on end till I didn’t realise where the time went. 


Why is this important?


Because this was the epiphany, I was responsible for my learning. I can choose my own course curriculum, to learn from experts that I respected and had the experience and credentials to do so.


This means you are in charge of what you learn, when you want, from whomever you want. 


If you don't have access to experts and mentors, check out my suggestions below. 




Isn’t learning just in school?!


Actually, this is when learning gets really fun.


You are free to learn what you want and when you want. Nowadays there's a number of ways to keep learning.  


Growing your skillset and knowledge is what separates you from the rest. Yet, it’s common for us to get stuck in a rut and filter out the noise of what to learn and where.


Self-development can come in all forms, inspiration and knowledge is all around us. The trick is: be aware, take in everything around you and filter out what is redundant. 


Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to get unstuck:



  • What topics am I enthused to learn?
  • What are my weakest areas of expertise in my field?
  • If there was one thing I could learn that would create significant change, what would it be? 
  • What is one action step I can do today that would help me move towards my goal?

You may also ask yourself: where can I learn more? You’re in luck, there are some incredible free tutorials out there. Here are some great websites that offer free trials, courses and free content as well as paid ones. 

My recommendations


Creative Live - Free live creative courses. 

Tuts plus - Many free creative courses.

Lynda - Free month access to thousands of tutorials. 


For deep knowledge, turn to good old friends including books, courses, events, tutorials, colleges and universities. You’d be surprised, Youtube isn’t just for cat videos, there are some great content creators there too. 

Get out there and get addicted to learning!

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