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Attn: Virtual Flippers...

"Finally! How to find and hire an all-star acquisitions specialist to evaluate and negotiate your deals"​

(So you DON'T have to ever talk to another seller ever again)

  • Close more deals

  • Avoid talking with sellers

  • Keep your budget lean

  • Scale your business

Chad Bartlett

From: Chad Bartlett
RE: Remote Investing


Dear real estate investor, If you want to find a negotiator to close deals for you so you have more free time to do other things or even if you just want to have more closings, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!


Here's why...


Because having an acquisitions specialist closing deals for you frees up your time and adds more profits to your business!

Chad had a huge impact

on my business as far as helping me focus on what's the most important use of my time to make the most money and enable me to free up my time to do whatever I want to do"

David B


I followed what Chad tought

and will close a deal for $32k next week.  It's one of the easiest deals I have ever done!"

Deo Hort


Here's how and why I can make you this promise...

My name is Chad Bartlett and I'm an expert on remote investing, traveling the world full-time with my family while deals are being closed without me.


I haven't talked to a seller or negotiated a deal in years.


Why? Because it is not what I like doing, and not the best use of my time.


This book is going to give you everything you need to navigate the finding and hiring of a rockstar acquisitions specialist successfully!


Every minute you wait is another minute wasted inside of your business, costing you time and money!

9 out of 10 businesses fail within 5 years!

9 out of 10 businesses fail within 5 years! Why? Because business owners do not know how to build teams and duplicate their efforts, instead they think they have to do everything themselves.

In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...

  • You'll discover exactly how to find the best candidates quickly

  • You'll understand exactly why hiring an acquisitions specialist is the single best hire in your entire business

  • You'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST investors and go right to closing more deals

  • You'll know exactly where to find an acquisitions specialist- on a small budget - and how to filter for the best candidate

  • You’ll discover what to look for during the interview process

  • You'll have a TON more time to focus on other aspects of your business or free time

  • When you hire an acquisitions specialist, you’ll get deals negotiated at lower prices for bigger profits!

  • When you hire an acquisitions specialist, think about how good you'll feel about yourself when you successfully get contracts without you doing anything!

  • When you hire an acquisitions specialist, think about all the free time you'll have to focus on other things

  • See yourself bragging to your friends at parties or on Facebook about how you closed deals without ever talking to a seller!

So Here's The Bottom Line With Find a Deal Closer Today


You get the downloadable ebook that will walk you step-by-step through the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instructions on how to find an all-star deal closer to help you get more deals fast. You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed!

Here's How To Order Right Now

So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!


To your success,

Chad Bartlett


P.S. - Every minute you wait is another deal you miss. Take action now and get more deals and get your time back!

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