What is Astrology for Women?

When I coach you one on one, I help you embrace your individuality and help find your true calling through Astrology.

Who are Astrology for Women Coaching Sessions for?

I love working with women between the ages of 30 and 55years old who are standing at a crossroads in their life.


I work with women who feel stuck in a life that no longer sparks joy. They long to be set free to experience life to the fullest, but don't know how to escape their reality. 


I help women find their truest passion and lust for life by utilising the art of Astrology and then guiding them onto their life's true path.

What We Stand For?

I support women in owning their individuality, embracing their talents and playing to their strengths in order to find what is possible for them. The study of astrology allows for a deeper understanding of one’s true life path and it allows you to take action and see the joy in it. I support women in finding their life's true passion by supporting and empowering their individuality.


I believe that in order to find the perfect job and life, a job that you love, you must have your unique gifts fostered and supported. I motivate you in taking action and achieving what you set out to do through constant encouragement and guidance. By embracing individuality, it makes it much easier to achieve your life goals, your true calling.

What Does Astrology for Women Achieve?

  • Supports individuality

  • Motivates action taking

  • Encourages joy and fulfilment

In these one on one coaching sessions I combine job ad life coaching with astrology. Because evolutionary astrology is such a great tool for a better understanding of your individual life path.. 


I support you to take action and seeing the gold in your individual life path.

Want to find out what makes you unique based on your Star Sign? 

Add your details here for instant access to my 100% FREE 12 Part Video Series on the Star Signs to find out now!

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