Divine Lineage Student Interviews
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Transcript of Interview with Mia Banenkin: Block Washing, Spiritual Evolution and Power Channels
The Intensity of Divine Power Channels and Receiving Shakti Pat
Mia (intro): And with that one Shakti pat, like that energy was just lifted and I had this beautiful experience of divine energy.
Jenna: Hey everyone, welcome back to the podcast. It's so good to be here with you today. Today we are talking to Mia Banenkin. Mia is our first divine Lineage student guest on the podcast from Germany. So I'm very, very excited to be making that connection across the globe and and hearing from one of our Germany Sci family today. Shout out to all of our Germany PSI family. We have a huge contingent of Sai family in Germany and it actually was something that came up at the ashram last year at Guru Purnima. Someone was was talking about the the German contingent and just how how incredibly powerful the divine lineage energy is in Germany now and and I have German ancestry so so so I feel a deep connection to to Germany and to our Germany Sai family and and and for those who don't know for those who are maybe new to the lineage welcome Swami Sri Kaleshwar actually talked about his work in Germany as part of our healing process from the war that happened and and part of the work that that he did on the planet to to help bring that healing to the places that need it.
So so I think it's so beautiful. We have so many so many beautiful German Sai family working in these processes and and today Mia and I talk about the process of block washing and and we wanted to specifically talk about this for the purpose of just highlighting what it's like and and and for those who are new to the divine lineage we wanted to to highlight and share an important PSA and reminder this actually came to Mia in a meditation and we talked about it after the podcast and so we wanted to make sure to share this with you. If you're brand new to the lineage if you're if you are just getting started in identifying some of the mantra systems that you want to work with. It's really important to to make sure you're connected with someone who's experienced in the channels, a teacher maybe someone who studied directly with Swami Sri Kaleshwar because we we talked about how intense these processes get.
And Mia shares some of her own personal experience as as a young human a wise old soul but in a a young human body kind of like me and and and and what that's like when we start to face all of the trauma and blocks and limiting beliefs that that we take on when we come into the human experience. And and so because of how intense that process can be, it's really helpful. It's really important to work with someone and there are certain dikshas in place for a lot of the mantra systems, a diksha is just like a guideline, a rule, a protocol and that's for your safety. We are in this lineage focused on power, we're focused on devotion and power. There are many different yoga lineages on the planet and and many of them are devotional lineages focused on being in devotion to the divine. This lineage is also focused on that but but also helping us understand how to embody our power as God.
How to to be a divine channel for God. How to be a divine agent for for God for the Divine. And and as we are on that journey it can become a very intense process of of learning how energies function and and work in this physical reality. And and how we need to build protection, energetic protection around ourselves as we are acquiring power. How we need to to understand these dikshas that might be in place for various mantras so that we're not accidentally inviting energies we can't handle yet. So it's really important that we're just aware of that as we start these processes and and that we we find a guide to help us along in that process. And on the Star Family Wisdom website we have a page a couple of pages that are dedicated to listing a lot of different divine lineage resources and teachers.
For you so that you can find all the all the people who are out there working in these processes, all of the teachers who maybe are are certified to to teach various aspects of the processes and then guides and other other resources that might be helpful for you. So check that out. there's a link below. Also in this episode we talked about a beautiful piece of art that is on Mia 's altar and Mia got in touch with the woman who designed this piece she's also part of the sci family and we have a link below to her information so you can check out more if that piece resonates with you it's it's so beautiful to to see the divine creativity coming through the Sai family in this way…. so without further ado we'll get into the episode and talk to mia i'll see you on the other side Welcome. mia it's so good to have you here i'm just so so thrilled to connect with you and and chat and and learn about your journey welcome
Mia: Thank you for having me here. I'm so happy to be here.
Jenna: You're our first guest from Europe from Germany. So yeah it's exciting to bridge across the continents and and start to make that connection. So i'm really excited about that, Yeah. And we met at the ashram last year, we met in in July at Guru Parnima and I got to learn a little bit about your journey. You are a young student and and by young I mean that in two ways. Mia both has, has has been on this journey for for a number of years now that is in her twenties and did not meet Swami Srikaleshwar in person like me. So I'm like you.. part of the generation that did not get to meet Swami. So I want to start by just asking you about your origin story and and how how did you find the lineage at such a young age. Obviously you're a wise soul, but how did how did that start and how how did that that journey lead you to the lineage?
Mia: Well, first of all, thank you for having me. So I think I was thinking about that today. And I think sometimes we need to be in like a very in the dark to recognize the light. And I feel like I had very much that kind of story, just like many I think of us did. For me, it was kind of continuing with what you and Chris were talking about last time. Also, substance abuse, just being in a very kind of personal dark place and something that's very interesting is that right before I met my teacher who that kind of initiated me into the lineage, I I was like one week super dark, just like feeling like a black energy on top of me. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't like get up and do anything, Like I would just lay in bed for one week. And that's kind of then how I, through a friend, knew that her mom was a healer. So I asked her if she could do a healing on me because I was really, I was kind of lost. I was like, I can't do anything. I feel this energy on top of me and I really don't know what to do.
So she is a Swami student and she gave me a Shakti pat. And with that one Shakti pat, like that energy was just lifted and I had this beautiful experience of divine energy. And yeah, but I think sometimes you need to be very much in the dark to even recognize the light. So I think that was kind of, I think that was Swami pushing me a little bit more over the edge for me to be able to to see him and the mother.
Jenna: Oh wow. And for those who might be new to this, this lineage or this conversation, what is Shaktipat? Describe that experience.
Mia: So basically, it's someone who has channels, who puts his thumb. Or that's how it was. Well, I think you can do it many different ways, but that's how it was… this instant for me on energy centers. So it was a third eye. It was a heart chakra and the womb. And then doing their channellings and then you're kind of channelling the divine energy.
Jenna: That’s beautiful that you got that that transmission in that moment. And I think I think that's a great just thing to to reflect on and and maybe remind people. You know it's like we we need help sometimes … we need help to shift energy and and and get some of that that negative energy moved out of our system and receiving that sort of transmission from someone can be so helpful.
You talked about how when we talked last time you talked about how you you then started studying with the teacher who started initiating you into the lineage. What what was that process like for you? Like, where did you start?
Block Washing and Clearing Negativity
Mia: Well, the first thing that I did is I bought every book on the market that was from Swami or from a student who was with Swami. And I just, like sometimes read one book in a day. Like I would just read all of it and like cry the whole time and just feel so connected to that soul, but also be like, what is happening? But also, Oh my God, I love this. Yeah, I just wanted to know everything of like, where is this energy coming from? OK I felt it. But where is it coming from? So I think that was majorly where I could make the connection with something was there obviously before, but how I could access that again. And then I have a beautiful teacher. And we did weekly satsangs, which was so helpful for me because I started doing the processes right… the five elements and everything, and life got pretty turbulent. And just having the Satsang knowledge with that I felt like was so crucial to my process to understand what was going on because suddenly my blocks just came up and about, so yeah.
Jenna: OK so you just described that trigger that happens like when we start engaging these more advanced spiritual processes and these power channels that connect us to divine energies. You talked about how like, boom, all your blocks came up. What do you mean by that? Like what was, what was that like? Like just uncovering, uncovering those those parts of yourself that that that we're ready to transform.
Mia: I think. I mean look like as a normal living human, we know we get triggered sometimes like stuff happens. But I feel like once you start engaging with the channels, it's like oil, a little bit of oil on the fire or a lot of oil on the fire. So I felt like I was just having. For me it was like anger, feeling betrayed, feeling unloved like that all came up. And I think normally I would have blamed the other person because the illusions will play a perfect story for you… where in your mind you can be like, oh, but it's this person, like she should be there for me or whatever your own individual story is, right? But then through us having weekly Satsangs and kind of learning, hey, what happens when you start engaging with these processes and actually the outside is showing you something that is happening on the inside? That really helped me to be like, oh wait, maybe it's not that person. Maybe she's a beautiful, beautiful soul trying to help me here, trying to recognize something.
Jenna: Such a beautiful shift of perspective when that happens.
Mia: Yeah, I think too.
Jenna: I love your analogy of pouring oil on the fire because yeah like I experienced that too and I think we kind of underestimate how much stuff that we're carrying… and it's not all ours personally… a lot of it's collective trauma and and just negative programming from society and there's just so many layers of that, that have been suppressed that we have to find and and work through. And I I think this is a beautiful kind of like words of caution you know for folks who are are starting the the processes or the channels to just be aware of how it really does kind of bring to the surface everything to be dealt with and that can happen all at once or you can pace it gently over a period of time.
It sounds like you you kind of went all in like you just went for it and and kind of took the more bold approach to to to getting your blocks washed. Is that is that kind of how you would think of it?
Mia: One hundred percent like, me and my teacher we would sometimes like laugh… like you have to take it with humor because sometimes it would have Satsangs and I would just cry every Satsang because i was so triggered or whatever. Like nothing really happened but just crying but we're like yep if I have to put my camera off for a while you know what's happening it's OK… but yeah
Jenna: That's so beautiful you had that community to to be able to like be real with and like just let it let it out. That's so cool yeah.
Mia: And it was all women at that time and they were all mothers and I was like the young one with my other friend and so it was also a very like nurturing space. So that was really nice personally.
Jenna: That's good another good I think recommendation for everyone like we need to have that nurturing space with with others or the teacher or you know some form of community which i think most people are finding in the divine lineage but yeah going through those those block washing processes… It can get intense… the emotions that come up and the things that that you need to to feel, you know, to move through it. How long did that go on for you? Like what was the kind of time period of the process?
Mia: I mean, it's never ending, right? I think it's a lifelong process. The intense, intense one. I want to say like two years… maybe one or two years but yeah it goes in waves. I don't want to say that it's not intense anymore I feel like it's just different levels and I think the the thing is like the paradigm shift what you were also saying now kind of alluding to… is you start interacting with the world differently like you start to see a Swami or a Baba or whoever you feel connected to in that other person and at some point almost smiling being like “oh yeah you're right this really hits me right now” but I think that paradigm shift is really important to also take it a little bit more lightly and take it sporty… that's what Swami would say.
Jenna: I love that … I love that idea too of seeing the divine in others… like seeing Swami seeing Baba seeing Mother in others and and that's like one of those moments of starting to see through the illusion… like you're just seeing through the illusion of reality in that moment which is so cool. Have you had other experiences like that?
Mia: Well, I have one pretty good example actually with the block watching what I would like. I was thinking about sharing that one.
Jenna: Yeah go for it.
Power Objects, Power Dynamics, and Surrender
Mia: I got like these little lingams, it was very small lingams. You could have it like as a necklace or something. And I had, I think five of them. So I brought one to my teacher and we were like in this whole group and we did puja (fire ceremony) and I told my friend there, well I have a lot of them. If you want I can give you one, one of these days. But I have my personal one with me that day. And so we did the puja. I kind of left it inside, went outside of the pooja. I came back a few days later and then we had a Satsang all together. And then my teacher was kind of like, “Oh my God, you can't believe it.” The next day after the puja, I went to kind of collect duni ash for the paste and everything that you do with the ash afterwards. “And I found your lingam in the duni and the ash was still warm.” So it was the day after the puja the ash was still warm, but the lingam was in the doonie and nothing happened we were like, “Oh my God, what a miracle.”
And I was like, “Oh my God, so this is like a fully blessed object now.” Wow. Staying in the duni when we did the puja and then we were starting the Satsang and then I started to realize, “Oh my God, I think they think this is theirs now because I announced that they can have one.” So suddenly I feel this energy just like, hit me. I could really feel it from outside. Hit me. And I was enraged, like, you know how sometimes you have these comics where people have Fume coming up? Yep, that was me.
Jenna: Oh boy.
Mia: Yes, I was sitting there, but it was a perfect illusion because I couldn't leave because we just started the Satsang, the class basically. Also, I couldn't say anything because they were starting to talk about different stuff and I was just sitting there in my emotions.
And then a few minutes in I was thinking like, “Oh my God, this is an illusion. Like this is a full illusion.” So I started to connect to Swami and be like Swami, can you please take this anger in me? And I started to do his Maha Samadhi mantra and suddenly I felt this anger just like going away.
And then I was just like, “Oh my God.” And then after the Satsang, I was sitting down with my friend and we kind of had this, this moment. She had to leave like a few minutes later. But we had this moment together where I knew this could be a moment where I could address this. But then in my heart, I was like, no, because I know that this was an illusion. And you know what? If they're supposed to have that power object and they're supposed to have that, and then it's not mine. Like I really want to trust Swami that that's the right thing. And in that moment where I decided i'm not even going to address it right now, I got another wave of just like love and like whatever blessing came with that. And then like months later I had told her but then like with a very different energy of just like wow that was an amazing teaching for me.
Jenna: Wow wow. I there's there's so much in that one story…. like this idea of surrender like you you surrendered to what was happening… you didn't like make it personal, you know. Like at first it was, at first all these emotions were coming up, but then you relaxed into realizing that taking that really personally wasn't going to help anything. Like it wasn't going to resolve anything. I love how you just turned that over to the Divine. You just turned it over to Swami and trusted that if it was meant to be yours, it'd be yours. If it's not, it's not. And I think that is incredible. Like that is an incredible moment of like, lucidity, of wisdom. When you're in an illusion like that because the sometimes those illusions are like really strong. You know, like sometimes they're strong to figure out, you know like where you need to to go with it or how to resolve it.
And I’m just so impressed with you and and your ability to to do that in that moment. I think that's really beautiful.
Mia: That was a strong teaching. And obviously there are moments where I don't you know.. always do this. I would love to, but i'm still human sometimes, you know? But I think, yeah, there's so many layers in that story too, because also like power objects, the pull of power objects. And also, you know, I think there's also a lot of soul stuff happening in that moment. Just like, many, many layers happening there.
Jenna: Yeah, Yeah. So interesting to think about that like that. That story alone is an incredible teaching for everyone watching this. I think that's so amazing. I want to also just talk a little bit about your connection with Swami and and what it's been like for you being on this journey and having a master who's not in a body on earth and knowing you've got this connection being guided by the Guru Parampara and what that's been like for you? because that's a different experience than some Swami students have had since they got to interact with him physically. So what's that been like for you?
Having a Master Who Isn’t on Earth
Mia: That has been very interesting. It has evolved over time, but I think around the first two years or maybe three like it has been very difficult for me. Like I would regularly cry over it and just have that illusion around me of like, oh, I just want to see him and sit at his feet or whatever, you know, whatever that feeling is. And I think like I've heard from many students talking about the illusion about being the master in physical form, right? Like it's not just all roses and everything, there is a lot of illusion happening there and obviously him not being able to interact with everyone one on one or anything… that’s also not needed necessarily but it was still very hard concept for me like I really was clinging to that kind of heartbreak that I felt of just missing him. And I think one part it's OK because he was also talking about how he was sometimes sad about Baba not being in the body like his master. So I think it's also maybe part of it in a way.
But last year when I was in Penaconda, a very beautiful student, she met him once, we were having dinner together and I think I kind of said something along the lines of, “oh, it's so amazing how you got to see him.” And I think she could really sense that in me, that heartbreak, and she would just sit there and look at me and she would say things that people have said to me before, but I could just feel him so strongly in that moment. And she was just saying, like “Mia with some people, he didn't need to go through the physical body. Like he can just go directly to consciousness, directly to your soul. And you hear him all the time.” And I was like, “yes, that's true. I hear him.” I hear him answering to what I'm saying or things like that. And she was like, exactly. And that's the connection… the physical body is an illusion. And I think in that moment there was such a huge transmission where it was the first time I fully understood it. And I was, like, just crying sitting there. And I was like, yeah, you're right. Yeah. But been a journey.
Jenna: I love that.
Mia: How was that for you?
Jenna: Thank you for sharing that. I've had a similar experience. I’m really glad you shared that, 'cause I think, for people who are finding the lineage now, they're probably going to have a similar experience because a lot of us, we've got really deep soul bonds with Swami and Baba and they go back a long time and it can be weird at first, having this experience of feeling this deep connection with a being, or a soul who's not in the body. And I had that that same kind of grief process… almost of like having these these waves of of sadness and and these waves of “I miss you” and almost these feelings of like “oh it's not fair that we didn't get to see you in person”.
But also as those emotions moved through, then it just became easier to I guess acknowledge we don't need the body. Like we really don't. And I’ve also had a lot of other experiences of connecting with guides and beings and intelligences that aren't here on earth or in a body… and and I think it's just this big learning process of like allowing that and remembering to develop that relationship even though someone 's not here in a body. Because that relationship is so alive.
Mia: So, so alive. Yeah. So potent.
Jenna: Yeah it was startling at first when I started feeling those those emotions and I remember having this moment of like “Oh my gosh is this real? Like what is happening here? Am I sane?”
Mia: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Jenna: So yeah. I bet that's normal for a lot of people who didn't get to meet him.
Mia: I think so. But I think, I do want to stress again, I think there's so much illusion around the body, so I think we get to spare so much illusion around that, right? Like thinking how a Saint behaves and then he will behave in a different way… to break that belief system in us. But also he was a human, like what i've read and I've read a lot. Like I said, that was like a lot of the things that people dealt with being around or not getting the attention that they wanted. Oh my God. I think the the list is endless of what happened around him. So I think it's also a huge blessing to have that connection with him without the body. It's so powerful. But both is powerful.
Jenna: Yeah it's been cool hearing from students who had the experience with him in the body and hearing about how he would talk about when he left his body it would change and the energy would be even more powerful and the connection would be even more powerful and and people have been able to speak to that.
People have been able to say, yeah, that that's true. that's been my experience, which is really cool. And it also seems like we're you know, we're at just at this point of human evolution, where we, and I think especially the younger generations are experiencing heightened perceptual abilities, heightened psychic abilities which help us in that connection. So it's like, I think as we evolve we don't need that in person physical connection as much, as maybe we used to as humans, which is interesting.
Mia: And I think also like so many of the first students just paved the way also for us to just come in and be like boom, going in and just shooting it. Right. So also a huge thanks to those souls who had to have that Dharma of really grinding for us to just come in and just get it.
Jenna: Yes. Yes. Yeah. Huge appreciations. Gosh, I think that's a beautiful moment to just pause on and just say thank you to everyone out there who's done done really big work, for this lineage, for everyone on the planet who's evolving the work that has happened in this lineage… it’s absolutely incredible. At like just on another level and and a lot of people went through a lot of hardships and a lot of challenges and a lot of illusions to to to get the the knowledge out and to get us to where we are now And that like there's almost no words you know that can like express enough gratitude for that. Because that's big work.
Mia: Yeah, that's true. I'm having goosebumps right now. It's just so deep.
Jenna: Yeah. I actually in a podcast episode a while back I talked about the “three waves of volunteers” because there's a researcher who's done all of this research on past lives and soul level information that was coming through people. And anyway, apparently there have been like three major waves of souls, advanced souls, coming into earth to help with this sort of work. And not just in this lineage… like across all spiritual lineages. And so I've thought about that a lot. You know the first waves and I'm part of like the second wave of of souls… you might be the the third wave, you might be in the second or third wave I don't know. But yeah, it's really special. it's special to think about this like huge effort that's been going on to to bring this this knowledge back.
How do you think about that? Like with your life and where you're going with your studies and your work. You know how are you thinking about this wisdom and this this history of knowledge and practices. Like how are you thinking about integrating that into your your future work… what are your thoughts on that?
Bridging Western Psychology and Soul Science
Mia: Well yes I'm right now a master 's student in psychology… after my master's which I'm gonna hopefully finish this year I'm gonna train to become a therapist. So I think that's super interesting, like a very interesting combination because we have the psychology of science, I want to say where you're you're working a lot with the mind in the end of the day. And then you have obviously the soul science that Swami gave, where you're going very deep.
And I think that that is a very beautiful combination. Because also coming back to the blocks a little bit, you can do a lot of soul work and wash a lot of things in the soul. But if your mind keeps pulling back the same illusions, the same blocks, and just doesn't understand in a way, then I think you're not going to be as successful as if you can really combine both the soul work and also with training your mind and just shifting that mindset a little bit.
So I do hope to beautifully put it together. How exactly it's going to work, I don't know yet, just following the energy right now. But I think it's going to be very beautiful.
Jenna: I love that you're already like thinking about that merging of the Western psychology with the soul science… the spirituality aspect of our ourselves. That feels so needed… that feels like so important for the world to start to make that shift. So I'm excited for you… I think that it makes a lot of sense that you've been, as a soul, put in a position where you can make an impact with that. I think that's so cool.
Mia: I'm excited, yeah. And I have been thinking that Swami would say that kind of science and our soul science needs to come together at some point emerge. And in my studies I actually had to be part of twenty hours of just like being a subject for different experiments.
And I had one experiment where I was, they put electrodes on my head. And we were just doing this kind of experiment. And then they were telling me we need to do a baseline measurement to see what your brain waves are like normally. And then when we do the intervention, we can see the difference, right. So I had to sit in a room for five minutes and basically do nothing. So my go to obviously was “OK i'll do my personal mantra.” And not really thinking about it, just like doing my personal mantra going into meditation. And afterwards she comes into the room and just like looks at me with this big eyes and she was like “Oh my God, what were you doing?” And I told her “I was meditating why?” And she said your alpha levels were amazing and your brain waves were amazing. And that made me realize just how, yeah, we can measure this. We can see this with the tools that we have in science. And I think as a society where the mind is right now… we people want to see science, people want to see things backed up with science.
And I think that we can very well do that with the channels because they work. So if we're smart about it we can figure out how we can scientifically back it up and that just kind of opened my mind to what is possible and what we need to do. Yeah. It's in the end of the day… it's how do people make, how do you make people believe in it.
Jenna: Right. I that's going to be really cool to see where you where you go with this and and if you're able to continue that bridging work in the future… like that study or at least just seeing your brain waves and and what's happening there when you're actually in the meditative state. Oh my gosh. Like that that is enough to prove it to people. You know like that is enough to say this is something we should be doing and it helps the whole system. You know come into harmony.
You'll have to you'll have to report back in the future and let us know. Let us know what's happening and where your work is is taking you down that path.
Mia: Yes. I will be very excited to do that. Yeah.
Charging Yantras and Sai Family Art
Jenna: I wanted to also ask you… since we have a beautiful view of your altar behind you. I want to ask you about your altar and and some of the photos that you you have present there. I was so taken by them when when we we got together and I see Ganesh there on on your left.
Mia: Yes that is true beautiful one. Yes it's beautiful. I got in some market and when I was still studying and well, you don't really see it, but there's a Sri chakra on copper that I drew in Penukonda, so that one's definitely charged.
Jenna: And why did you draw it on copper? What's the what's the importance of that?
Mia: Maybe you know a little bit better. From my understanding, what I know is it just amplifies the energy. But I did do the the mula mantra process before that. Maybe that's also interesting to say.
Jenna: Yeah, yeah. And so you took it into the fire puja with you to get it charged.
Mia: Yes. But also I think once you're in Penukonda drawing a yantra, I think and it's like the huge Sri Chakra right in Penukonda. So I think, that was definitely powerful. But you can also draw it at home, obviously, maybe on the full moon where you have extra energy. So it's not necessary to do it in India. And I have just my altar. You can't really see Jesus, but he's there. Swami and Baba, obviously the three three souls right there. And a very big drawing of Mother Divine which I got from a student who was in Bavaria.
And she has a big center in Bavaria and she had some from someone, a different student who drew them. Sadly, I don't remember her name but a beautiful soul who drew the Mother Divine. And I have her picture there. And then on the left is a Gayatri Yantra actually that I drew myself and I just had a lot of free time. So I also put some charged ash in the paint and everything and I was just trying to make that one radiate.
Jenna: Yeah, it does because when we got on camera, I immediately was drawn to that photo and the photo of Mother. So that's interesting to know that you put the charged ash in the paint. I love that. I think that is such a beautiful idea and approach to to really charge a Yantra.
Mia: So I will definitely, I will ask the lady where I got it from and then we can put it in the notes.
Jenna: Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. it's just gorgeous. I love your altar. It's so beautiful. And yeah, it's so radiant. I think it it's just so beautiful to share these little personal parts of ourselves… you know seeing someone 's altar …. hearing about you drawing the yantras… like it's so nice to just hear about others personal experiences and what your what your life is about. What else do you do with your time, Mia? We've talked a lot about process stuff and the block washing and all that stuff.
Being Fully Human and Divine
And you said something earlier that struck.. like I'm also human. And I think we can can get on this path and get so focused on just all the spiritual work that we're doing but we're also human and we have passions… and things we want to like explore in this world And so what's that for you? Like what are you passionate about? What gets you excited about being human?
Mia: That's a very good question because I think that has been a very big subject for me because I started when I was twenty with the channels, and I'm twenty four and I'm a student. So my life was a lot of just like going out and meeting people and just doing student things. And I think that was a very big struggle for me to be like, “Oh my God, how can I have both? How can I be spiritual?” But also sometimes, like, go and let loose. And yeah, accept that I am this human student right now and I have this role or what, whatever you might want to call it. And I had a lot of crying, or feeling guilty. And it was a whole process in itself. And I think it's really about following your own heart, having your own connection with a divine soul or you know, for me it really was always Swami, just being in that connection with him and just always kind of checking in on where did I just cross the boundary… maybe how do I feel what is OK and just really navigating that in a very personal level. Because in the beginning I was very much comparing myself to one of my friends was also the Lineage who is like two years older than me.
And she has a very different life. She lives with her mom doing only Swami related stuff. So for her, of course it was very different than me living in a student house and going out. So I think there was a lot of pressure that I put on myself when I thought I have to be like her because for me she was just like this amazing soul and spiritual student and I really was able to learn now. Took me a long time, but I think now I'm more at the point where I just check in with myself and just with my connection to the Divine and be like, “hey, where is my boundary? What is OK right now? What is not OK” And I think that has helped me so much to be more in tune with myself.
Jenna: That's awesome. But I think it's difficult. Yeah, I think we have to live in the world and still be Divine in a way. So yeah, it's like we're both. We're human and divine. And it's like even just figuring out like what we're excited about and what we're passionate about and what feels fun to us in a human body… like that takes time, you know? I didn't know that until in my thirties really. I had some ideas and I I dabbled in a lot of different things. But, I don't think I truly just allowed myself to figure out like what feels fun and what. What if I had the ability to choose anything to do with myself and my time right now like what would I do? But I love how you you bring in that that reflection on boundaries. Is it healthy fun? Is it good fun or is it leaning in a direction that's going to pull us into to negativity or illusions or whatever? Yeah, that's an important thing to reflect on I guess as we're navigating the human part of the experience.
Mia: And that's a constant daily conversation almost. And I think that's why it ties in to the altar, ties in to the blocks. Because the best thing, I think, is just to sit at the end of the day and to have that conversation with Swami and just tell him everything that happened and everything that you're feeling and to really have that open dialogue the whole time with him. And I sometimes lack in that, definitely. So saying that now was like, “OK where am I? Where can I be more present again in that relationship?” But I think just being super open about the blocks and about everything that's happening, our life, because we are human and we have blocks and that's why we're here. So there's no shame in that. it's just seeing them communicating that.
Jenna: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then just like kind of constantly moving ourselves in the direction that is, a higher version of ourselves that is, more divine, that's a more a truer expression of who we are. And and that's that's process that's like a, like you said a daily, daily thing. Can I share one example of something I did last year? It was like me being totally human and I had gone all in on the processes and was just really focused on that. And i've been focused, for years on spiritual work. And then, the lineage scooped me up I started doing, doing all that work. And about halfway through the year last year, I was like, “you know, I just need to go have some fun. Like I’m being way too serious right now.” And and I was also working on like connecting with Divine Feminine power and Mother 's power and I was tuning into that. And I was like, “OK what would be a way I can go have some fun but also do that.” And I was like, “I'm going to go to a Beyoncé concert and I'm going to go party at a Beyoncé concert and have good clean fun and use that as this way to to honor the Divine Feminine and honor the rise of the Divine Feminine, but also just go have fun and shake, have some fun and dance.”
And so anyway, that's that's what I did last year. That was my big moment of… I need to be be more human right now.
Mia: I love that. How did you feel afterwards?
Jenna: So good. So good, yes.
Mia: Because I think sometimes when we're so serious on the processes, which is obviously important, but I mean, Swami was a jokester. And that's not for no reason. Like we need to have the fun and the humor to also just like, loosen up a little bit. I think there's a real mechanistic reason why divine souls are often very funny.
Jenna: Yes, yes, yes. I think too, as you like, go farther and farther and farther in your awakening, you start to see through the illusions so much that things become funnier. Like you start to see the joke almost in like, what's going on? s I don't know.
Mia: I know what you mean. that's that's a good place to be in. Yeah. That's a blessing to be in that place. Yeah. Yeah.
Jenna: What aspects of the process are you working on right now? I'm curious, we haven't talked a ton about all the process work you've done. I think that's cool to to maybe share if you're open to it so folks know kind of where you're at and maybe you're inspired you know by by the process work you've done.
Mia: That's interesting because I think that's one of my, I don't know how to say, but I feel very when I'm in a process, I feel so important for me to protect that process and to just be very clear on not sharing about that process because of how much illusion you can really call into your ongoing process… to really digest something first… to finish it and then you can share about it. But yeah, I think I would recommend everyone to one hundred percent do the five elements, do the womb, go to Penukonda, do a power spot. That's so amazing. It changed my life and just go deeper. I mean, there's so much, right? Like Paramashiva yoga and Oh my God, Surya Chandra, we can go on and on. There's so many beautiful processes and they all have their own fragrance. But yeah, I've been a very keen on being private a little bit sometimes. Not to be mysterious or anything, but just really protect and to understand how does Maya hit in my processes because I had to learn the hard way. I had to be like, blah blah blah and then suddenly be like, why is this not going anymore until I got the knowledge of like, yeah, you don't share sometimes until it's time to share.
The Importance of Power Spots
Jenna: Yeah, yeah, that's good. That's really good you're in tune with that. That's awesome. That's awesome. Maybe we could talk about the power spot for just a moment before we wrap up. We need to to wrap up soon. But we haven't really talked about that on the podcast yet. Based on what you know what's the importance of getting a power spot in Penukonda? Like why would someone want that?
Mia: First of all, I think that my understanding is there's two places where you can do a power spot, one in our lineage that's Laytonville, California in America for people who maybe are American if they can’t go to India. And number one is Penukonda in india where there is Swami 's ashram. And the importance of a power spot I mean that's a very deep… I think we could do a whole podcast on power spots but from my understanding and from my experience is it's huge protection circles and huge constant decharging. So my experience was before I got the power spot i would have to almost stay in the decharging of one of the elements actively just because I would feel so oh my god like I would just feel I needed so much and then I think once I got the power spot I would really notice how that was just almost going on the side and of course still actively decharging because it's very important. And Swami would say the best students are the ones who decharge the most, so that's a huge aspect actually of being in the channels of balancing but you can also store your energy in there because also too much positive energy can create an imbalance and there's some processes that you can only do once you have a power spot just because you would just be fish food for the illusions if you wouldn't have a power spot. You just need that protection basically, but just like also, Swami said. I think it's very much you just do it and see what it does in your life and that's why I loved him so. I love him so much just because he's not just someone who tells you and you have to just believe him, but it's really the knowledge that you can experience in your own life. But yeah, what about you with your powers? What how do you feel it?
Jenna: You know, that's a great question. Huge change. I think can validate what you're talking about around feeling the protection circles grow. And for those who are maybe not familiar with the Divine Lineage, terminology. That just means, energetic protection. We're just building energetic protection in our field and and to your point about decharging, I've been getting very sensitive to energies over the last year and so it's been it's been an interesting process noticing how the power spots are are pulling energy but also how, I don't know how much maybe quicker… if I am in like a focused intentional decharging process… just how much quicker it seems that the energy you know shifts and and settles where it needs to settle. So yeah, it's been it's been great having it. At some point maybe we'll talk a little bit about some other power spot work I've done in Sedona because I I think you can technically create a power spot anywhere but the divine lineage power spot process that Swami taught which is the one of the most potent ways … one of the most powerful ways you can very cleanly create a power spot.
Yeah he talked about Penukonda and and Laytonville being those two like so …I've kind of experimented… like you said Swami said to experiment on yourself… like do it on yourself and see what happens and and I’ve kind of considered myself like a consciousness explorer or like consciousness experimenter over the last few years especially. So I've done some some some other work with power spots that I'll share it some point just to share… but it's a little too soon to your point you know when we're still digesting some of the work we've done it's good to to not not go too far with with how much we talked about but. But yeah, I think that's a great recommendation slash reflection for people to just remember that can be a huge benefit If you're like a dedicated, serious student, you want to go farther, You want to go all the way. Getting that done is important for sure.
Like, I know now why I was absolutely guided to go to India when I was, you know, it was to do that because that was really important in the process.
Mia: Yeah. I can recommend anyone who feels, who's listening to this and kind of feels a pull in your being. Go check it out and see if you can go to one of the programs where they actually do with the power spots.
Jenna: Yeah. Yeah. And I think they do it at Guru Prima every year for sure, and in Navaratri, I think. I think we probably need to wrap up. Mia, thank you so much for for chatting and sharing some of your journey and your story with with the audience, with me. i'm really really grateful to to be in this space with you and and learn more about you and also find like this similarity in our journeys with being of the generation that came after after Swami left Earth. So I'm really grateful to know you and thank you say
Mia: I'm very grateful to know you and I hope that maybe some people found some things that helped them that would be nice.
Jenna: I'm sure they did you know… it's been funny like thinking about all these conversations and just how how guided they are. It's like I know so someone 's getting what they need and yeah Baba and Sami are working through us in some of these conversations to just yeah bring the right info forward at the right time probably. So we just have to trust, just trust that it's landing the way it's supposed to land. So so anyway thank you so much for being here and I just wish you so many blessings on your journey and I'm excited for for the work that you're doing and and the studying that that you're doing and how that's going to come together in the future to to create beautiful change on this planet.
You're you're a powerful soul, Mia.
Mia: Oh, thank you so much. It was so good to be here with you. Thank you everyone, for watching. And we'll see you next time in the next episode. Bye for now.
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