527 Families 

4000+ Talks 

25 Years Experience

Future Talks Will Become Easier

And you, as the parent, will forever be equipped with biblical teachings to help your teens in the future.

Taught By Dr. Corey Gilbert

Conversation Starter Templates

With the perfect"conversation templates" you'll be equipped to the go far beyond the talk with your teens. 

Having "The Talk" Just Isn't Enough

Open Communication 

Having the openness to discuss this from an educational standpoint will lower your child's guard and make the conversations easier to manage. ​

Deep Levels Of Security 

38% of children feel "unloved" because they can't open up and talk about life events and "dark" desires, according to parents.org - but that won't be the case for you. 

Better Decision Making

The confusion of not knowing how to handle the new feeling and emotions will lead to poor decision-making ability. This is why Dr. G created this course.

Not So Easily Influenced

The more insecure a child is, the easier they are to be influenced by someone who does not have their best interest in mind.  With this course, the confidence in their own ability to make sound decisions will skyrocket.

Less Anger & Resentment 

1 in every 6 kids has anger issues tied to the way their parents either (a) spoke to them about critical issues growing up   Or (b) chose to ignore the issue altogether - these calls will prepare you to remain the hero in their eyes.

Healthy Relationships

Being equipped to manage their own emotions, they'll never be wandering blindly in a world that is looking to deceive them at every corner. ​

  • Dr. G follows Biblical principles that are sowed into a "made-for-today" curriculum you're getting this week. 

  • You're going to get ongoing support to help you through the ongoing "micro-discussion" needed to truly make an impact. 

Navigate The Perfect Discussion With Your Teen!

The Going Beyond The Talk Program is created to help parents relate to what's going on in their child's life from a biblical view and steer the conversation into the "not-so-awkward" zone. 

  • During this class you're going to learn exactly what to say, why to say it, and how to back it up with easy-to-understand scripture references. ​

  • Dr. G walks you through a series of micro discussions that are easy to digest for your child. 

  • It comes with a guided follow-up plan and the steps of action needed.

Here's How It Works

Step 1: Enroll 

Step 2: Prepare

You get started right away! The first class is the one you've been waiting for. After the initial discussion, you'll learn how to advance the conversation.

Step 3: Collaborate

This class will teach you how to have the "Micro-discussions" that will bring you and your teen closer together and place you as the authority. 

Step 4: Complete The Class

Upon completion, you'll want to celebrate with your teens. You're going to feel amazed now that your child is equipped with the best responses to inevitable situations. 

Step 5: Private Call With Dr. Corey Gilbert

In the end, Dr. G wants to make sure you got everything you needed. At the end of your class, you'll have the option to meet with Dr. G to ask any questions.

By Now... You're Asking

How Much Does This Cost???

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