Create Your Best Automated Sequence in Kartra

Want to learn how to nurture your email list on autopilot? 


In the tutorial above I’m showing you the exact process that I use to set up email sequences in Kartra. 


Before I get started, it’s useful that you understand the difference between using an email broadcast vs. an email sequence. 


A broadcast is a one-time email that is best for sending out your newsletter and promotional emails. 


A sequence works great for a series of emails that activate after a trigger. This could be a welcome series after someone signs up for your freebie or a series of sales emails (in a specific order or on a particular date) that you send during a launch. 


Now, let’s talk about how to start off your sequence and get your contacts to ‘enter’ it...


How do subscribers enter an email sequence? 

It all starts with selecting a starting rule as the trigger for your email sequence.


Most times, this will be an opt-in form (eg. if you’re creating a welcome sequence for people after they downloaded your freebie). 


You can even select multiple starting rules, so everyone can enter the same sequence from different forms, options, and tags. Other options include after they purchase a product or visit a certain web page. 


The possibilities are endless! 


Setting up your series of emails 

Use the list below as a checklist as you watch the tutorial and begin to set up your own sequence!


Set a Delay 

Do you want the email to trigger right away once they join the sequence? Or should it wait a certain number of days or hours? Or maybe it’d be best if the sequence happened on a specific date?


Email gateway

Choose the email that you want to be listed as the sender. 



You can select which subscribers will receive which email at any given time or when they reach a particular step. Once the trigger is satisfied, then Kartra can send the email. 



If you want to filter out certain people, then you can also create a condition that ensures certain people skip emails or receive a different one. 


Split testing

This allows you to have different versions of an email. Some people will receive version A, while others will receive version B. That way, you can measure which version performs best and continue to use it to increase your open and click rates. 


Email Content

The content of the email works exactly like the email editor that is used everywhere else in Kartra.



You can incorporate automations that are specifically attached to emails in your sequence. For example, if someone clicks on a specific link then you may want to tag them. Or if they open an email, you can give them points to measure their engagement. 



When an email is inactive, it is in draft mode. 



Once your email is ready, you’ll want to hover over the three dots and click activate. Now that your email is published, you need to connect it to the other emails in your sequences by linking the grey nodes. Once it’s connected, it will turn yellow. 


Remember, there is always an option to edit, clone, or delete emails within the sequence or the entire sequence. 


What do you do when they finish the email sequence? 

When someone finishes a sequence, you can mark them as completed or unsubscribe from the sequence entirely. 


Click above to watch the full tutorial and follow along with the step-by-step walkthrough of this entire process! 



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