Find out the true identity of the person you're dating
Without being led on for months on end

Inside the mind in six minutes or less

What You Will Get

  • Get past the social mask of the person you're dealing with - see them for who they really are.

  • Determine the truth behind the desires, fears and motivations of your counterpart - EVEN WHEN THEY DON'T TELL YOU.

  • Become aware of your own hidden needs, weaknesses and vulnerabilities to prevent yourself from being misled or manipulated.

  • Identify and bring out deep concerns and doubts in a way which creates authentic connection and brings you closer to the person you're dealing with.

  • Among other subtle details, learn how small finger movements will always tell you if the person is becoming more open towards you.

  • Enable people to become the most vulnerable, open, confident, and best version of themselves during the first moments of meeting them.

  • Discover hidden secrets about a person in one interaction that gives you insight into their deepest beliefs and values - information they may not even know about themselves.

  • Detect deception the moment it occurs, and know exactly how to deal with it.

We promise you'll SEE MORE than you EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE

Personal Benefits

The insights you gain from understanding others will enable you to become far more compassionate and caring towards yourself.

You'll spot and stop attempts to manipulate you from the get go.

You'll gain a support network of humble, highly educated professionals who are committed to finding and using the truth as their guide and greatest asset. 

You'll be able to spot and stop toxic people from entering your life.

You'll have much higher levels of energy because you won't need to worry about the intentions of others - you'll know their intentions.

Your heightened ability to negotiate with others will increase your social and financial well-being.

Your ability to support others to be the best version of themselves and will both solidify and enhance your relationships in all areas of life.

How The Training Is Delivered

Skills beat knowledge - 360 degree learning experience

  • 1:1 Support for personalised learning

    1:1 coaching with experienced instructors to help you through the entire learning process

  • Lifetime Access to the training materials in your own membership area

    To ensure that you have the best chance of getting great results, we are making this available for you to access indefinitely.

  • 12 Weeks of Online Training Videos and Workbooks

    Systematic, bite-sized training modules designed to help you rapidly take this learning from "head knowledge" into instantly applicable and actionable strategies

  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Behavioural Profilers trained personally by Chase Hughes

    One size fits all fits nobody well - we provide these sessions to tailor the learning process to your own individual situation, challenges, and goals.

  • Supportive Private Community

    Enjoy a supportive community with those who are on the behavioural profiling journey with you.

  • Personalised Roadmap

    You will finish this program knowing exactly what you need to do to greatly increase your skills in people-reading and influence, without having to act like someone you're not.

Find out if you qualify

This is literally weapons grade communication - it is our ethical commitment and responsibility to make sure that it only end up in the right hands.

Please fill out the application form and schedule the best time for us to have a conversation.